Chu Ge's words made Boss Wang nod his head. Boss Wang knew what Chu Ge said and there was absolutely nothing wrong with it.

Boss Wang nodded, raised his head thoughtfully, and said seriously to Chu Ge.

"What do we need to do in the next process, you can say it!"

"You don't need to do too much, you only need to promise to supply us, that is, we will do the rest of the operations, and your goods will eventually spread to every corner of the country.

"Even the sharing economy, if it can be further derived, we can even go abroad. Your bicycle factory will not suffer any accidents because of this, because the sharing economy will definitely become the most acceptable one in the end. an economic system.

I only need to use the bike once to get to a certain place, I don't need to buy another bike in this issue because I don't have the plan either.

It is against this background that the sharing economy will prosper more and more.

This will definitely become the best choice for young people, because there is no need to buy a so-called bicycle at that time, and even other derivative sharing products in the future will be like this.

These things will add up in the end.

"Then do as you say. In fact, if you hadn't joined in, I wouldn't particularly believe him. The so-called shared bicycle plan, after all, this plan is more or less in my opinion. Let me It feels incredible~"."

"More importantly, I don't think it would be of much benefit to the overall company and the arrangement."

"That's why you chose to show such an appearance at this time!

What Chu Ge said seriously, he knew at this time.

Boss Wang's support at this moment is only because of his own joining. If it wasn't for his own joining, Boss Wang probably would not have made this decision.

He is not necessarily the best investor, but he has the sharpest vision for investment. He knows who can make money with him, and it is precisely because of this that he can live smoothly.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Boss Wang's reaction and attitude.

Boss Wang nodded, "Actually, I don't know whether this process is right or wrong, but from the current point of view, it will definitely be the biggest investment for me. As long as I invest with you, I will always be able to make money.66

"Tarzan will not recognize you very much. Although they recognize the means and methods of making money, they are still in a wait-and-see situation for your operation.

"After all, your rise is so fast that no one can do anything to make a clear judgment on you, and it is precisely because of this that those guys show a wait-and-see attitude, even Some are submissive, they don't know that you have your own observations when you make up your mind about everything."

The sip of wine that Boss Wang drank said to Chu Ge seriously.

This is his most intuitive view of Chu Ge.

Chu Ge's keen eyes during this process are indeed enough to attract him.

The attitude shown by Boss Wang also shows everyone's wait-and-see and understanding of this matter.

"In fact, the matter is this matter, and the situation is only this situation. All uncertain factors will be further erased at this time."

Chu Ge Panasonic's tone continued to speak to Boss Wang.

"Actually, I don't really understand why members of the Taishan Club exist like Xu Ping, his level of investment, and the current state of capital he has in his hands are too reluctant to enter the Taishan Club.

Zhikou `He is the first member of the Taishan Society, and he is also a few elders who formed the Taishan Society, so his first position is not something that his identity can represent.

Boss Wang paused, then continued.

"Actually, he is bolder than you, and his various operations and his judgments on the market are not much better than you, but his investment in his early years failed, so he was hit, and he also failed. became this sound.

Xu Ping was in the investment world in his early years, but he has long been a myth of invincibility.

It also caused a lot of controversy in the investment world (Li Zhaohao), not only the problems he encountered in the subsequent investment, but even the troubles he encountered in this process and the loss of money several times. Made him what he is now.

The capital behind him does not trust him very much, and all his operations are extremely bold in the eyes of the capital behind him.

The capital behind him does not allow him to make any more mistakes. It is necessary to know that every mistake may be infinitely magnified. The capital behind him has not allowed him to have such similar behaviors.

"If that's the case, then he's really pitiful!

"It's not just that poor can explain it clearly.

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