"There is nothing wrong with your theory. It's just that if we add this clause when we negotiate with the above at this time, I'm afraid it won't have any impact here."

"If the GDP of the resident population here has increased by 1,000 yuan, it will definitely be ecstatic for the above.

After all, the per capita income here is only a short 1,500 yuan, if you think it will rise by 1,000 yuan. "

"For various groups of people, will they be willing to accept it? Compared with the Great Wall Group and Greentown Group, who are constantly talking about building an industrial park to occupy the old factory buildings, and then re-planning and investing, our set of profits has absolutely nothing. The problem.

"The key is that you should also know what they want to do, and it can create a snow season atmosphere here.

In summer, it can be used as a tourist area for gold mines, and in winter, it can become a snow town, so that those friends in the south can experience what it looks like after the snow. "

"I'm afraid they will all take over with ecstasy. After all, it's not all time for people to find freedom and relax. Too much money can't be spent. This is what makes them feel the most uncomfortable. 99

Chu Ge spoke calmly.

There is absolutely no problem with his proposal, considering the special geography and style here.

Although it is a border town, it has been transformed by them.

Once the combination of residence and business is achieved here, the net worth and status here will be further elevated.

You must know that there will be an ice and snow festival here in the northeast every year. If the ice and snow festival is combined with this place, the distance between the two is still several hundred kilometers.

But the distance of several hundred kilometers is only more than an hour by plane, and only three or four hours by car. This is definitely a good choice for those who want to find a tourist destination.

"If the theory you mentioned can be implemented, there is absolutely no problem."

"It just so happens that I also have several good development industrial parks in hand, and they are all designed by the designers I invited, and these designers are now in my research institute.

Asking them to come up with a set of design drawings that conform to the geographical features of the place should not be a big problem. In this way, our problem can be solved easily. 35

"Of course, all problems can be solved, and we don't need to look at all problems step by step.

Great Wall Group and Greentown Group just want to squeeze the last drop of blood here, and we want to make this place richer. If we compare the two, we can definitely have the upper hand.

Chu Ge's calm words already hinted that his plan would never have any flaws.

And Chu Ge has already planned everything here. If there is a problem, this is definitely an alternative.

Boss Wang notified the secretary of the meeting and asked the managers of all parties to quickly coordinate a plan.

He will report this plan to the above, and let the above know their determination for this place.

Compared with ecological protection, establishing an industrial park that continues to drain the blood here.

From the above perspective, of course, they will choose their ecological protection and development of tourism. They are definitely the best candidates. The resources here will be firmly grasped, and there will be no more problems.

··0 Seeking flowers.....

"What you said is really good. Let's have a drink while we walk. After all, these things have been resolved, but you don't know that in the past two days before you came.

I even want to beat people, they are all bastards, and they will only find reasons for me here if they can't do anything well.

"By the way, little girl, you are also with us, and I will treat you when the time comes. No matter what you want to eat, there is no problem. 35

Boss Wang waved his hand and said that as long as this matter can be ended smoothly, then there is no problem with what they want.

"There doesn't seem to be anything delicious here, so don't make a fool of yourself here, you clearly know that there is nothing delicious here, and you still say such things here! 39

Chu Ge rolled his eyes and said to Boss Wang.

Unless you want to eat some Northeastern dishes, there is nothing that can be called noodles. The typical Northeastern dishes are stewed in a big pot.

"That's what I said, but we have to pay attention to the arrangement of things, not as long as you are willing to say it, then it will be a big deal and it will take a lot of effort.

What can this be, besides, compared to these things, I'm still polite and normal. "

Boss Wang said a little embarrassedly.

After all, he knew what was going on here.

I'm too embarrassed to say anything else at the moment.

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