Hearing Ge Ming's words, Chu Ge took out his mobile phone and started to find the hotel on a certain group APP on his mobile phone.

Hot spring hotel?

It seems to be a good choice, Chu Ge has been staying up late these days, making his body in a state of fatigue.

Although his sleep time seems to be sufficient, some mental fatigue is difficult to recover.

Hot springs are effective for mental and physical fatigue.

Just a spa hotel!

Seafood feast, 2999 per person!

There are four people in Chu Ge's dormitory, plus Ge Ming and Zhang Qiang's girlfriends, and Lin Yu who Chu Ge invited in the afternoon, making a total of seven people.

However, in terms of accommodation, Chu Ge only booked five rooms. Except for Lin Yu, there are four people in their dormitory.

After all the reservations, Chu Ge sent the information about the hot spring hotel to Ge Ming and the others, so that they could prepare.

"The hot spring hotel, I haven't been to it yet." Ge Ming saw the hotel information sent by Chu Ge.

"I made a reservation for two nights. Don't go to the library this weekend, take a good rest and soak in the hot springs, and combine work and rest." Chu Ge looked at Ge Ming and the others.


Because Chu Ge's Mercedes-Benz only has five seats, Chu Ge can only send Ge Ming and the others to the hotel first, and then turn around to pick up the three girls.

Chu Ge first parked the car downstairs in the girls' dormitory in the outer courtyard. He planned to pick up Lin Yu first, and then go to the business school to pick up Zhang Qiang and Ge Ming's girlfriends.

The targets of these two people are all freshmen at the business school, and they are not only in the same school but also in the same dormitory, but they are not the same person.

When the freshman year started, at a joint activity between the Academy of Mathematics and the School of Business, Ge Ming first met his girlfriend, and then Ge Ming's girlfriend introduced his current girlfriend to Zhang Qiang.

Not only Zhang Qiang, but as the face value of the 126 dormitory, Chu Ge is the key target of Ge Ming's girlfriend, but at that time Chu Ge was addicted to making money and couldn't extricate himself.

As soon as Chu Ge parked his Mercedes-Benz downstairs in the girls' dormitory in the outer courtyard, Lin Yu hurried over with a mask on his face, as if he was afraid that others would recognize him.

"I don't have time to explain, get in the car!" Lin Yu walked quickly to the front of the Mercedes-Benz, opened the co-pilot's door, and said to Chu Ge panting.

"What's the matter, you're in such a hurry, and why are you still wearing a mask, aren't you hot on such a hot day?" Chu Ge looked at Lin Yu who was rash in front of him with a speechless expression.

"You said, it's not because of you, if someone saw me getting into a million-dollar car, what would I say behind my back?" Lin Yu gave Chu Ge a white look.

"Then I should let you go as a bus?" Chu Ge said angrily.

"Dare you! Where's the air conditioner? Don't you have the air conditioner on? You already bought this car, and you can't even drive the air conditioner? Drive!" Lin Yu began to find the air conditioner switch with her own hand.

"OK!" Chu Ge turned up the air conditioner and drove towards the girls' dormitory of the business school.

It wasn't until Chu Ge was watched under the dormitory of the business school that he realized that the attraction of his car was indeed a bit high, and he also began to admire Lin Yu's foresight.

It is indeed a bit difficult to be pointed at by so many people without wearing a mask.

Just as Chu Ge was suffering, a familiar voice appeared from his side, mixed with a tentative smell "Chu Ge?"

In fact, Liu Han has been down for a while, but she did not find the Chu Ge in her impression.

Her impression was still a few months ago, when she came to the Academy of Numerical Sciences to find Ge Ming, and then ate with Chu Ge.

At that time, Chu Ge gave her the feeling that he was a big boy with sunshine, but his family was ordinary.

Therefore, after she came down, she didn't take Chu Ge who was leaning on the Mercedes-Benz car as Chu Ge for the first time, and she thought it was the second generation of rich who came to Jin Da to catch a girl.

It wasn't until she got closer that she saw half of Chu Ge's face, which gradually overlapped with the face of Chu Ge in her mind.

She only gave a tentative cry, but since Chu Ge's current image is too different from her impression, she is still very uncertain.

"Liu Han, Tang Lei, why did you come down? I'm going to be seen as a monkey." Chu Ge turned to see the two familiar people, and said while opening the car door with a smile.

"It's really you! What's the situation? Mercedes-Benz S450L? Whose?" Liu Han saw Chu Ge's face completely, and then said in shock.

"It's nothing, didn't I learn to invest by myself, I just made some money, nothing to be surprised about," Chu Ge pointed to Lin Yu who rolled down the car window and said, "This is my friend, Lin Yu! From the outer courtyard, It's also with us."

"Hello, but Chu Ge, your million-dollar car has been refurbished, and you made some money?" Liu Han and Tang Lei nodded politely at Lin Yu, and then aimed the artillery at Chu Ge. .

"Talk on the road, talk on the road! Ge Ming and the three of them are still waiting, feel free to ask when we're eating, let's go now." Chu Ge saw the two hesitate for a while, but said after getting into the car.

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