City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 432: Liu Zihao departs for Macau!

"You are a complete lunatic, you did this just to let that bitch eat us, I can't imagine whether the things you did in the process were right or wrong.

But if you do this, that crazy woman will definitely cause trouble for us!"

"That's why we have to keep calm at this time! If we don't keep calm, the mad woman will definitely get in trouble for us.

Do you think if she knew that He Long was the first heir, would he kill He Long?

Chu Ge said hesitantly in the office.

He had already thought about it when he was doing this.

What if the whole thing really went according to their expectations?

The madman He Miao will be desperate to kill someone in his 20s, and then these people will become the target of revenge for that mad woman.

Don't think that they won't be missed by that crazy woman when they hide in the devil city, you must know that the crazy woman can let her brother die directly for the sake of the family property.

You can imagine what that crazy woman will look like when this happens.

He Miao is definitely a lunatic, she can do anything to get her family property, she wants everyone to die.

"I still think it's a bit unreliable for you to do this, if you listen to persuasion, we don't need to do this again!

"You haven't figured it out yet? Now it's not a question of whether we listen to persuasion or not, but what this crazy woman will become in the end, this is the most important thing. Do you think I don't know that the wind is about to come? What will the mother-in-law look like?"

Chu Ge filmed the case heavily and stared straight at Liu Zihao.

"Only you can help me in this matter. Are you willing to do it? If you are willing to do it, I will arrange for someone to prepare something for you.

If you are unwilling to do it, I will immediately find another person to find a professional company to do it!"

Chu Ge also has no spectrum in his heart. He doesn't know what Liu Zihao will be like when he arrives in Macau.

He can only now find someone who he thinks can help him to do this for him.

Apart from that, he had no other choice.

"I'll do it, I want all your help, can't you hide a little thing without telling me, in case it kills me because of the thing you've hidden, I won't let it go. yours!

"You can rest assured that I have hired a professional hiring team for you, and they will follow your arrangement, and a total of 30 people will help you.

And Macau is allowed to bring weapons, their professional team will come to you with weapons, then all the people will obey your arrangement, you will be their commander.

Chu Ge has arranged this matter properly, and he even found a professional team to do it.

All people and things will make way for this event.

"You are a total lunatic!

After listening to Chu Ge's introduction of his plan, Liu Zihao couldn't help but sigh.

If someone dares to oppose Chu Ge, then Chu Ge will definitely be suppressed by the force of thunder, and no matter what that person will become, it will not be much better than now.

"There's no way I can think of the worst solution when this happened, and it's the best solution I can think of.

Apart from that, there is no other way in my heart to solve this matter, the whole thing seems to be shrouded in layers of rain, and we have no other way at all.

Chu Ge breathed a sigh of relief, he sat on the office chair, and Liu proudly had nothing to say at the moment, Chu Ge took out a bank card and handed it over to Liu Zihao.

"It's your activity fund, and you can use this card to do whatever you want.

"You're leaving tonight, and someone will be there to protect you. You just need to make a big deal with He Long and make He Miao mess up. I'll directly buy her company here. Then transfer the company's 610 company to He Long, and let He Miao go alone as the bare commander.

After Chu Ge finished speaking to Liu Zihao, Liu Zihao sighed, he no longer bothered about anything, and turned to leave.

He knew that since he had made up his mind on this matter, no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it would be of no avail. At this moment, he simply turned his head and left without discussing what this matter would turn out to be.

Anyway, he has already boarded the boat, and now he doesn't even have the right to get off the boat, so he can do all these things before the boat sinks.

"I hope your professional team is good enough and more reliable, otherwise my life will not be guaranteed.

"Don't worry, there will never be any problems. No matter what happens, I will be your strong backing."

Chu Ge simply nodded, he could already predict it at this moment, and if this matter really went according to his prediction, he could also imagine what would happen in the end.

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