"This is what the international market is doing right now, unless we can find another effective investment.

Of course, if this investment can bring us high returns, we can also operate in this way, but for now, under the background of such a high investment environment, it is likely to trigger a series of incitements, etc. We all need to be clear.

Intelligence officer, "Boss, foreign chip manufacturers have all begun to block our domestic technology one by one, do we want to acquire two chip companies and let them move the entire factory to China? , which is a visible and effective return for us.35

"Chip manufacturing is of course the top priority, but chip manufacturing has always been controlled by various countries. If we say that you want to reap a large amount of benefits from it, you should be careful.

"It's very important that we don't know much about what's going on in chip manufacturing.

Every update in this regard is very fast, unless we can remove all the frameworks of their company, even their technicians.

But how long do you think actions like this can last, I don't think too many people are willing to follow them. ""

Chu Ge shook his head, he still had some experience in chip manufacturing.

After all, a high-precision industry like chip making.

Even if the company is bought, it will not help to buy all the patent rights, the technology in the hands of these people is the most important.

If this group of veterans did not follow, even if he bought the company, it would be of no avail.

This group of people are all smart people in their hearts, and they know that they can only reap huge benefits in their own country.

In addition to letting them go to other countries, the response they get is almost zero.

They are more aware of this in their hearts, and that's why they show this at this time, which is somewhat contrary to their established plan at the beginning.

"Boss, do we have to reconsider, after all, if we invest like this, if we can't keep track of it, then I'm afraid the funds to receive the goods will still be pitiful~"!"

"Chip manufacturing is definitely not going to be the top priority, and if I'm not mistaken, it has its own deployment.

Moreover, the chip manufacturing on the news received from the wind has already made a huge breakthrough. I believe that it will not be long before the anti-monopoly will be broken and its own supply channels will be re-established.

We don't need to worry about it blindly, we must know that the above is the visionary, and we are just people who execute.

Executors, what's the use of being so excited at this time, let's just stay here honestly, and it's best not to cause trouble.

If there is still more trouble, I am afraid that the whole thing will not be able to proceed smoothly. "

Chu Ge sighed deeply, he knew that the appearance he showed at this time could affect all the people around him to a great extent.

He knows what he is saying here, so everyone will have a steelyard in their hearts.

However, Chu Ge was not willing to correct his words, he knew that what he said was not wrong.

This aspect of chip manufacturing is indeed a shortcoming, but it is not filled by them.

The efforts they have made are only to completely suppress foreign chip manufacturers, but they will continue to maintain high and unchanged prices.

They hold the idea that if you don't buy it, others will buy it, because the chip technology they master is the most advanced.

In addition, they can do anything, which is why domestic processing enterprises are now slowly transforming into independent research and development, and even more breakthroughs in this field.

In the production industry, the domestic status has always been very tasteless in the world. They represent processing enterprises, not precision manufacturing.

If the international, economic and manufacturing industries are included one after another, they will not have much funds in their hands.

This is the problem they encountered during this period.

Straight mouth `We can join other companies to temporarily help them acquire a large number of chips and transfer them back to China when (Wang Haohao), but we can't do anything other than that. 99

"But if we do it like this, is it a little too accumulated for our existing funds, and even if we do this, it seems to be a bit different.

I really feel that we can let him invest, and then no matter what kind of person he is, we can just make an acquisition directly.

What they said all sounded unbelievable, knowing that the patent fee for a chip would be in the trillions just to buy it.

And people have to be willing to sell it. How many companies are willing to sell something like this with great profits.

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