City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 454: Fool the intelligence officer!

Chu Ge saw that his goal had been achieved, and now he kept his voice calm.

"Everyone is a good brother, is there anything you can't say? You don't want to be like this, let's talk about it slowly!"

"When you beat him, don't use weapons. You must know that if you fight with weapons, you will easily hurt others. We are all civilized people, and of course civilized people need to pay more attention to each other!"

"I said that the one with the stool is too much, and there is a stick next to it, why don't you take a stick?

Chu Ge is simply the benchmark for fanning the flames.

In just a few words, everyone's anger was directly turned up, and it was the type that couldn't be extinguished.

All of a sudden, one by one began to roll up their sleeves furiously, and at this moment, they were unwilling to let that guy go.

"If I tell you, don't fight and kill like this. We are all civilized people. There is no fighting and killing among civilized people. It's very bad for you to be like this!"

"No, boss, isn't that what you said? You let us fight and kill, what does this have to do with us?"

One of the guys reacted and asked Chu Ge confusedly.

He didn't know what Chu Ge's purpose was when he said this, he just asked them to do it, and now he seems to be righteous, but it made him a little confused.

"What I say is what it is, isn't it? When have you group of elm-headed melon seeds heard what I said, I told you not to fight, you see, aren't you still fighting now~"?"

"No, boss, you clearly didn't say it like this, it's really confusing that you say it now!

"Do you want to listen to the boss? Listen to the boss's words and don't question whether the boss's words are wrong.

What you guys are fighting and killing at the moment is wrong, what should you do if you destroy those flowers and plants?

What if I don't break those flowers and plants and hurt others? Now I'm just standing there and watching the boss go out. 55

Chu Ge was also afraid that these reckless guys would really tear apart the intelligence officer.

After all, the actions of these villains by the intelligence officers are basically aimed at him, and have nothing to do with these guys.

If this group of guys rushed over with enthusiasm, it would be really easy to slap that guy directly.

"Do you know now that you are wrong? Kneel down on the ground and sing conquest when you know that you are wrong, so that I will be able to catch it. If you are obsessed with it, then there will be no affection between everyone.

My brothers in this class can't wait to roll up their sleeves and teach you a good lesson. You'd better think clearly about some things you should do and some things you shouldn't do.

"Isn't it, do you want to be like this, I beg you to be a person, okay? Why are you being turned back in just a few words.

I've never seen people as stupid as you, and you take what they say to be true, don't you?"

Chu Ge proudly looked at the intelligence officer who wanted to cry without tears, and there was a hint of mockery in his eyes.

"Honestly, don't mess around at every turn. You must know that if you mess around like you, it's easy to cause unnecessary trouble at that time."

Chu Ge told the truth calmly, and was merciless inside and out.

This time, the intelligence officer was very angry, and he clearly didn't do anything, and now he is still like this.

"Boss, don't do things for too long. You must know that you also have a small handle in my hands. If you do it like this, you will easily lose me."

"" `Who asked you to talk to your boss like this every day, no matter how big or small, I am also a boss anyway.

You bully me by my side every day, why don't you think there are classics, I advise you to be honest, we can still deal with it leniently, otherwise, hey hey!

"Boss, let's do things with conscience, okay? I have no credit or hard work, and I will work hard for you.

You are still trying to find someone to bully me, but I can make it clear to you idiots.

The boss is lying to you. If you are really deceived, then you are really big fools. At that time, one by one will become heartless.

"Oh, no one dares to talk like this to a few buddies, Lao Xiao, you are really floating, see (Wang Zhao) buddy won't give you a hammer."

The intelligence officer hurriedly dodged backwards, at this moment he could not provoke such a group of maddened fellows.

They were all brainwashed by Chu Ge, Chu Ge can make them do anything, and it seems that Chu Ge and them have already stood together, and now these guys won't just listen to themselves.

"You are all a bunch of idiots. It's clear that I didn't do anything, so you just believed it. Others are better now, and they have to become their living targets. I really don't know what you think."

Chu Ge laughed wildly, he thought this scene was still very funny, after all, he still really wanted to see the intelligence officer eating turtles.

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