City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 461: There is no way to avoid things!

Chu Ge snapped his fingers.

"You're right, there's no way to deny anyone effective brand copying from the start.

This is something that everyone can do or not do. No one will think that if I do this, there will be a problem. You are right.

This kind of behavior and practice has not been accepted by people from the beginning, and we are very clear in our hearts, if such a thing is slowly pushed to reality.

The impact of that time and the subsequent actions are unavoidable. "

"We can't ask anyone to refuse to do something like this at a time like this. It's unfair to all people, and it also brings them a business opportunity.

We can also check out our own shortcomings from their operations to make up for and correct them, so that our platform can go further and further. This is what we need to do.

Chu Ge said this, and the prince could be considered to have reacted. It is simply unrealistic to want to completely prevent such a thing from happening.

After all, it is only a capital company that is registered, not a registered patent that requires everyone not to imitate.

In this era of rampant capital, as long as there is a profitable project, countless people will want to pour in, and it will depend on everyone's ability to operate.

And the person with the most functioning ability will be the warrior who survives and can decide the direction of anything.

This is why people like this appear at this time.

"I think what you said is quite good, but if things like this continue to erupt again and again, the impact on us will be unavoidable.

If we cannot avoid risks, I am afraid that other companies will want to invest and join our ranks, and they will have to weigh it up. This is not fair to everyone.

"There is nothing absolutely fair in this world, what you think is fair is only what you think.

What do you think people think of you? By then, behaviors and methods like this will be firmly engraved in your mind.

At that time you will have a deep-rooted idea, and there is no way to correct it. "

"So when these problems break out, don't think about what the matter will turn out to be in the first place.

Wang Gongzi has no idea in his heart at this moment, after all, things like this often happen by their side.

Capital companies simply have no way to effectively avoid risks.

And once these risks break out to form a huge industrial chain, there will be countless people who want to join in.

It is obviously unreliable to want everyone to withdraw from this industry chain.

If it is said that everyone has no way to avoid risks at this time, I am afraid that it will be clear without even thinking about it.

Those who die are destined to be cannon fodder, while those who survive can make all the rules.

Today's capital believes that profit is everything, and effective capital can control all things.

The two came out of the bar.

Chu Ge returned to the company, and he wanted to look at all the information of Helan Lithography Machine Company, so as to find out a place that he could make use of.

I have to say that what this company has done is really too clever, and no one has made a breakthrough in this technology so far.

· 0 flowers....

It is no wonder that there is a commercial monopoly.

If their projects can do this, I'm afraid they can also be the ones who set the rules.

It is precisely because their company does not have much idea about these patents.

They feel that a patented technology like this can be completely placed in the hands of the company, not the person in charge.

Therefore, the patented technology is directly listed in the company's name and becomes the company's permanent patent.

And hereby declare that this patented technology does not belong to the contribution of any individual belonging to the entire company and team.


The reason why the lithography machine project dares to publicize and make such a statement is that it is expected that no one will be able to copy it, the second lithography machine.

In the use of the lithography machine, there is one item that does not allow any disassembly.

If the equipment is damaged, it will permanently stop supplying the company.

They also added security locks to their devices, albeit a seemingly simple applet.

But once it is touched and disassembled, it will be automatically sent back to the head office.

At that time, for any purpose, the company will no longer provide lithography machines to the companies that use it.

Such strict regulations further lock in all audience users.

Let everyone avoid the dangerous idea of ​​​​wanting to disassemble the lithography machine, and it also allows them to become longer.

"If the patent projects are all in the company, then it is enough to repurchase the company's stock. How can it affect the company's stock at the current stage?"

As Chu Ge spoke, he drew a big question mark spoon on the blackboard.

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