The operator was a little tired talking.

Looking at such a high closing report, he also had a doubt in his heart.

Such a high-intensity closing will eventually raise the price of the stock, but the magnitude of the rise will not be too large.

When the market opens the next day, the price will recover, and what they do is tantamount to a short-term pull.

If they don't withdraw now, the stocks in their hands will fall back to their original positions, which is completely futile.

And after the closing, the two giant companies, Microsoft Group and Gaotong Group, will definitely meet together.

No one will let their company have any problems at this time. The two of them are big chip players.

The number of chips in 20 hands is enough to control all chip users in the world.

Such a large collection of their company's stock.

Although it looks like a bold act, it is inevitable that people will not be stared at behind it.

If it is said that they are stared at by people with a heart, then these things they do will be lifted out, smashed, and then moved out to see.

This kind of thing really won't be so glorious in the end.

"Trust me, this kind of thing is just something we do casually, even if a company comes to investigate and pursue it.

Let's just pretend we don't know anything.

If there is really something to do, then it will be the boss and I will bear it. What's the use of being so careful one by one? Besides, even you won't care too much about things like this. 99

"You guys will be treated as temporary workers.

If something really happened, you should put out the fire first and tell everyone that you accidentally bought all the funds in your hands into the stocks of their two companies.

And I will also sell this part of the stock directly within a week. "

Chu Ge has long thought of a countermeasure, and his seemingly bold behavior this time is actually rough and subtle. If there is a problem at that time, he can say the same.

It is his own trader who accidentally mishandled it and collected a large amount of funds for investment.

They did not intend to invest in the two chip groups.

After all, chips are hard to come by these days, and unnecessary consequences are likely to occur.

Now rashly investing in chips is not a wise choice for everyone.

This kind of rhetoric is easy to fool, and at that time, I am afraid not many people will care about a series of dramatic endings caused by the misoperations of a few operators.

And they also took back the stock within a week, so the return is beneficial, but it is also a return first, and then announce such a misoperation.

In the process, the prices of those stocks in their hands have more than doubled, and they will continue to soar.

100 billion will not be a problem to turn four or five turns.

"Boss, you are taking us as a scapegoat, doing things secretly behind your back, and you have never seen such a shameless boss like you!"

The trader was also emotional.

It was impossible for him to imagine that his boss could do such a thing.

This is really a bit too much for them to make people feel that their IQs are being crushed.

"This kind of thing is nothing more than a basic operation. If things like this can happen continuously, the impact will not be much less than it is now.

"How much do you think these stocks will be worth at that time? What can you say if you are scapegoats? It's not really firing you. These things are all done by me and have nothing to do with you. .

Although Chu Ge said so, everyone nodded frequently.

But there is still a fearful guy who thinks doing so will disqualify him.

After all, it is impossible for such a large-scale physical exercise to happen.

And once the 630 news is exposed, the reputation of the Prophet Investment Bank is absolutely bad, and no company or enterprise is willing to cooperate with them under this background.

This is absolutely unacceptable to them.

"Boss, you should also consider the name of our company when you do this. This is completely making our company stinky. I don't think it's a good thing for you to do this. We can change our thinking and do it slowly.

Chu Ge rolled his eyes and said angrily to the guy who was talking.

"You come and tell me a reasonable solution, I still don't know why my plan is unreasonable.

I think he's quite reasonable, and I'm afraid no one will believe it when I say so, that's why you don't believe it in your case. "

Chu Ge doesn't care so much, he's just looking for a reason and an excuse anyway.

How to find reasons and excuses is not so important. It will be good if this matter can be carried out by then, so why pay so much attention to it?

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