Indeed, as Chu Ge said, such joint consultation is of no use to them at all.

A daring guy like them, when faced with a joint consultation, can completely fool the past with a little cleverness.

Even the fine issued by the International Investment Association will not exceed hundreds of thousands of dollars.

For them, this is the profit and return caused by a misjudgment operation. It is their normal income after investing and their investment has nothing to do with it.

There was once such a case. An investor who invested in leeks wanted to reduce his stock holdings but never re-stocked. It was three days later when he found out that "637" came over, but after redeeming his shares, he found that The stock brought him more than $4 million in profits.

This is absolutely unimaginable, because his principal is only more than 400,000, and this time it has turned 10 times.

It is not unusual or unexpected that this kind of thing happens frequently.

And for institutions, there is a time for traders to withdraw when they make mistakes, but they did not withdraw.

This is also for work. No sense of responsibility.

If it is really punishing, the degree of joint execution of this level is just a yellow card warning.

It won't have much impact on them themselves.

This is why Chu Ge is still calmly asking everyone to cooperate with the investigation calmly.

"If you take out only a few hundred thousand yuan, it's just like sprinkling water, even if you ask me to pay it for you, you don't have to look at me like this.

Whoever dares to look at me with this kind of eyes again, I will fight with whoever, and then we will have a dead fish and a net break, and I still don't believe that we can't cure you!"

Chu Ge looked a little disturbed by the way these guys looked at him.

Hundreds of thousands of yuan are just shrunk, and at this moment they are showing a very reluctant look, just like they can kill them with hundreds of thousands of yuan.

"Boss, if your money is in your pocket, it's not called money, it's called investment, and our money is in your pocket and it's life!"

"It's the boss, can you please forgive us? After all, we have never seen so much money. If you give it out at once, it will still hurt a little! 95

These guys are looking attentive at the moment, nothing more than want Chu Ge to help them pay the fine.

If Chu Ge is willing to help them pay the fine.

Even if it is a little less, I am willing, but Chu Ge is not used to their troubles, and said seriously to the big guy.

"You can operate it how you like, and it has nothing to do with me.

If it's time to punish me, it's not punishing me, so what does this have to do with me?"

"Boss, what you said is a little unreasonable. We are obviously following your instructions. You can't just ignore us when things go wrong. If you ignore us, it will be a loss for us. ?"

"Ah, you are a bunch of sluts, I have never seen a guy like you.

Now you are still crying poor in front of me, and when the time comes, let the finance department settle a little money for you, and it will be regarded as a normal fine.

If you make more money, you must know how to invest and return. Everyone who is sneaky will follow me to build a warehouse, and take out your private money..0

It's better now, I don't care about each one, nothing has happened at all, and I don't know what you guys think!""

Chu Ge knows the temper of these guys.

Although everyone is skeptical of Chu Ge's investment.

But they all followed suit and threw all their pocket money in secretly one by one.

Instead, he looked like he was about to die, but Chu Ge was so angry.

Chu Ge has never seen such a shameless guy.

"Boss, we have never done such a thing. You can't talk nonsense. We are all honest people. Do you think honest people can do such a thing?"

"I really don't know if honest people can do this kind of thing, but I know one thing, shameless people like you can definitely do this kind of thing.

So doing this kind of thing is not honest or dishonest, it is whether you want that face or not!

Chu Ge's words can be said to be neat and tidy, and all of them were choked up at once.

-4.7 of them can't even speak a word, and some listlessly play two Chu Ge.

"Don't look like you're going to die or live, it's not just to pay you a fine, I'll pay the money, this is the head office, you really owe a lot to you like this.

Don't have a next time, if there is a next time, I will definitely make you look good. "

"Just know that you are hello boss, don't worry, we will absolutely, honestly follow your arrangement, no matter what you ask us to do, we are willing to do it, you can rest assured about this. 35

Hearing this, Chu Ge really didn't feel at ease.

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