The two came to Helan.

"The air shell here is really different. Compared with China, the air here is much better!"

"Then don't talk about it, the development of heavy industry here is very weak, and the emerging technology fields and a slight textile industry.

Without the support of heavy industry, of course it will not cause much pollution here, so it seems that the air here is much better than the outside world! 35

Chu Ge spoke calmly, with a hint of indifference in his tone.

He was inexplicably unhappy with a so-called developed country like He Lan.

Being talked about casually all day long, there are all kinds of benefits here.

In fact, everyone knows very well that basically all the industrial systems here are not very perfect.

In addition to the field of science and technology, there are textiles and animal husbandry.

In addition to this, He Lan really doesn't see the slightest benefit in this country.

The most famous is the lithography machine company, which brought a lot of taxes to why Lan.

"You can't say the same, there are many places in the country where the environment is also very good, but I'm just saying that the air here is much better than the Demon Capital and the Imperial Capital.

Wang Gongzi was just a sigh, he didn't expect to be preached like this by Chu Ge, so that his face was somewhat unsettled.

I thought he was like those big V people on the Internet.

He hastily defended himself at this moment.

Of course, Chu Ge also knew what Wang Gongzi just said.

I didn't do much entanglement at this moment, I simply preached to the prince, and after that, I was silent.

"Well, we really don't have any common language on this matter, so let's just go to the lithography machine company to find out~"!"

"Don't worry, I have an appointment with an important employee of the lithography machine company, and his current position is the executive vice president of the lithography machine!

Chu Ge spoke calmly, and they rushed to the hotel to meet Raymond, the executive vice president.

After seeing Chu Ge, Raymond stretched out his hand nervously, shook hands with Chu Ge, and said aloud.

"I didn't expect you to actually come here, don't you know that if you say that you want to annex our lithography machine company, there are still many problems.

Especially since we are now facing a hostile takeover, I don't think your trip has any particularly good returns. "

Raymond's words were flat.

But in addition to this, it can be heard that he is still somewhat resistant to what is going on now.

When Chu Ge's prophet investment bank took the lead in sending out the invitation letter.

Helan Lithography Machine Company has already given a welcome, and sent their executive vice president Raymond to talk with them.

But in fact, this problem is left to Raymond.

Raymond is a loyal fan of He Lan. He does not want to let He Lan's lithography machine become someone else's company, so he will try his best to resist all kinds of capital invasions.

He wants to ensure that He Lan's lithography machine is of pure blood, and that He Lan's lithography machine enjoys full autonomy in the process.

"Don't worry, our request is also very simple, we just want to cooperate with your company.

I know you are being taken hostilely right now, and I also know who the hostile takeover is.

So I don't think we'll be enemies, maybe we can be friends.

Chu Ge shook his head, and he spoke calmly to Raymond.

After all, they now have a common enemy.

"I don't feel that we were able to reach a negotiator and it was not a friendly negotiation for the whole thing.

I think you can go home now, such negotiations won't work for me.

And I'm not going to let my company know what kind of negotiations we've got!"

The more Raymond said this, the more Chu Ge felt that there were still problems to be explored.

"'Could it be that you want the lithography company to become a beacon country?'

"You have to know that once you become a beacon country, all the dividends of the lithography machine will be cancelled, and your efforts will be wasted.

This should be something you don't want to see.

If you don't know how to call for help at this moment, then we really don't have anything to talk about!"

The prince spoke with a calm expression.

There was a little impatience in his tone (Wang's).

He showed a dispensable look, and even speaking, he didn't think that they would be inferior.

This coincides with Chu Ge's idea, if in fact it is inferior.

Then there is really no need for this kind of negotiation to continue, not to mention that the problem of such a negotiation is not on them at all.

They are just mediating with others at the negotiating table this time.

Even speaking, the purpose of their trip was to see if they could reach a settlement in the most convenient way.

This is the purpose of their trip, not the so-called compromise.

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