City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 499: Qualcomm's trick with Microsoft!

The intelligence officer said as a reminder when he saw Chu Ge's eyes full of red blood.

"Boss, you should sleep again, don't worry about things here, it has been implemented according to your instructions, and there will be no mistakes.

This thing is also going very smoothly, and it will not take long for us to eat all the market share. 99

"However, if this is the case, it is not a good thing for us to get, the share of dividends is gradually decreasing, should we also release a part of the stock.

"We will consider this aspect after all the acquisition of Helan Lithography Machine Company. Before that, we should not have any concerns and misjudgments in this regard.

You must know that these companies are not very honest.

If we were to forcibly release the stocks at this moment and cash out in a short period of time, it is very likely that they would buy all the stocks back by themselves.

By that time, all the benefits we have obtained will be lost. "

Chu Ge shook his head and said that this matter is not urgent at present, and all problems need to be thought quietly at this time.

It doesn't mean that everyone has a different attitude on this matter, but that everyone has different views on this matter.

The intelligence officer was thinking about the company's interests.

And Chu Ge's top priority is whether the income can be successfully completed this time.

He doesn't care about putting all the money in, as long as the lithography machine is in his own hands, it will be a good thing for the chip and subsequent research and development.

In one fell swoop, it broke the monopoly, and it made everyone see that it was possible to change from impossible to possible, so that many people knew that they could not easily offend a country with rich heritage.

"It's just that if the boss breaks the anti-monopoly like this, the effect will be minimal. Qualcomm and Microsoft have jointly issued a statement that they choose to decouple from the domestic market.

And require the domestic market to attach corresponding royalties when using their software.

And in the process, a sky-high patent fee has been generated. I read the report that Qualcomm and Microsoft are claiming nearly 100 billion yuan~”.

The intelligence officer said hesitantly.

This is not good news after all, he didn't want to tell Chu Ge at the time, but Chu Ge's excited attitude.

He had to pour cold water again, after all, if the lawsuit was settled, they would not have much chance of winning.

So in this process, it is still necessary for the intelligence officer to break the cold water to let Chu Ge wake up.

In fact, they did not turn the corner, but instead had an intensifying posture.

"Do they have to pay us compensation if they want to ask for compensation? This is nonsense at all, you just let them sue, we just don't need to go to court.

If they say that they have stopped the use of all domestic systems, this is also a good thing for us. 99

Qualcomm and Microsoft didn't make this move very loudly.

If the two companies decided to join forces to boycott the domestic market.

So a very simple thing, the Hongmeng system in the hands of President Ren can be used.

He is worried about the transfer of the Hongmeng system, and if some problems are like this, he will directly cut off his confession.

Then all the electronic equipment in the domestic market needs to be updated and replaced with a system that can be used by the Chinese.

The large-scale popularization of the Hongmeng system is not something that needs to be implemented, but has become a necessity.

Then the pressure on Mr. Ren will be correspondingly reduced.

After all, not many companies are willing to see this scene happen.

"'Do you think that Mr. Ren's Hongmeng system will not quickly occupy the market at this time?

If the Hongmeng system occupies the market, is it necessary to fight the lawsuit between Qualcomm and Microsoft?

What they're saying at the moment, it's just a mix of so-called compensation, back in the moment when they deliver the chip and system.

When our mobile phones are used, we will continuously provide them with so-called compensation.

At this moment, I have to speak out shamelessly, saying that I have never heard of such shameless things. "

Chu Ge shook his head and said that he didn't care, letting them carry out the so-called lawsuit.

But if (Wang Li's) is really a lawsuit, Chu Ge won't be afraid, and he is even more aware that there must be a shadow of the lighthouse country behind this matter.

And the lighthouse country's handling of this matter is not very rational, but the entire market, which has been making frequent troubles, has fallen into a turbulent situation.

So no matter what kind of thing happens, they have the opportunity to directly do the whole thing, but once the thing is done, they don't have any effort at all.

Chu Ge stared at the statement on the computer and couldn't help laughing.

"Our statement will also be issued, the lithography machine will stop being delivered, and all their foundries will stop using the lithography machine to process chips.

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