City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 5 Earn 300,000! (Ask For Collection And Evaluation Of Flowers!)

One hundred thousand yuan!

But Chu Ge, who made so much money in just four hours, has no plans to end his CAD/USD journey today.

With a smile that sees through everything on his face, he decided to follow the main force of all evil to finally harvest a wave of small scattered.

1.2965 BUY! Do more in the whole warehouse!

Chu Ge, who originally chose to short CAD/USD, chose to go long when CAD/USD was still falling crazily after reaping 170 pips.

And it's full stock!

After just closing the position, Chu Ge now has a full $21,600 in his account, which is enough for him to long 21 CAD/USD.

The transaction was successful!

Seeing the four bright red characters on the computer screen, Chu Ge showed a creepy smile for Xiaosan.

Even after he bought it, CAD/USD did not start to rise as he bought, but continued to fall.

Within five seconds, a sharp drop of 5 points!

Even after only five seconds passed, he had already lost a full $1,050 in his account, but the smile on his face remained undiminished.

Because, he did see the expected scene.

The momentum of the decline has decreased, and it can even be said that the CAD/USD decline is now slower than the old man and the old lady in the nursing home!

Sharp decrease!

Chu Ge was not at all surprised to see the crazy and sharp decline of CAD/USD, and even if there was no forecast given by the system, Chu Ge almost guessed the meaning of the main trader.

Sell ​​high and suck low!

The most basic and unpretentious operation of the financial market, but like the masters in the martial arts world, the less fancy it is, the more effective it can be.

Because this is a trial of human nature, unfortunately, most people can't pass this test!

When the exchange rate fell sharply in the first round, even if some retail investors could see that the main force was smashing the market, when they saw more and more losses in their accounts, almost everyone could not stand it.

And even if there are such a small number of people who can make the right decision, the main force still has a second wave, a third wave, and even a fourth wave of smashing!

And those support lines that have been broken through are actually the psychological defense lines of retail investors. As the support lines continue to collapse, the rationality of retail investors is also constantly losing.

And just after the seemingly most solid support point of 1.3000 was broken through, the psychological defense line of the entire retail group that was close to collapse completely vanished.

At this moment, there is only one thought left in their minds, run!

After the large-scale panic selling, the rationality of retail investors disappeared, and at this time, the main force shot again.

Suck, give me a hard suck!

I will take as much as the retailer throws!

It is a pity that the rationality of the retail investors at this time has completely disappeared, they are completely unaware of the main force's accumulation action, and they are still desperately selling!





Just after the exchange rate was stalemate for 20 minutes, the main force looked at the chips in their hands with satisfaction, and those chips that were thrown out in the first and second rounds returned to their hands, with a very low price. price.

In addition to these, there are a lot of chips thrown by retail investors that were not in their hands!


Just one word, pull!

Up to this moment, there are still a large number of retail investors who think that this short-term increase will be like the previous four times.

The small group of retail investors who reacted to low-sucking sneered at their stupidity behind the screen.

Then, bang!

The volcano erupted!


A large number of retail investors who were pitted and crying saw that the garbage they had just thrown out suddenly began to fly into the sky. The 1.2962, which had been rushing for 20 minutes, was like a paper.

half a minute?

In less than five seconds, the exchange rate of CAD/USD rushed back to 1.3000, and before a large number of retail investors did not react, it once again stood on the most stable support point of 1.3.

Many people took a sip of water and almost choked to death when they looked at the foreign exchange market!

Then, they were scared instead!

Looking at the yin column that almost turned red in an instant, most people don't know what it means at all, but they feel that it is too high and dare not chase.

They have to wait and see, and wait for the price to drop before chasing it!

Then, the price skyrocketed!

In just three minutes, not only did the price drop they expected not take place, but CAD/USD broke through the two major support points with an overwhelming momentum.

1.3050! break!

1.3100! break!

CAD/USD actually rushed back above 1.3100 again, and it has the momentum of breaking today's high.

At this time, the retail investors finally reacted, beating their chests and feet while frantically chasing at the high point to do more.

1.3120! Close your position!

Just when a large number of retail investors started to chase after them crazily, Chu Ge once again chose to close the position when the momentum was on the rise!

Pockets are safe!

This time it's a real drop in the bag!

Stop playing, call it a day!

Just two minutes after Chu Ge closed the position, the CAD/USD, which reached a maximum of 1.3129, began to fall again, until it fell to around 1.3100 and began to shake without improvement.

It's over, and the retail investors are being turned around by the main players again!

And Chu Ge, who closed the position at the high point, glanced at his account, and his heart beat violently without being stimulated.


Another gain of 155 points, adding up to the two times, today's return on investment of Chu Ge is more than 300%, and this time Chu Ge has bought a full 21 lots!

210*155=32550 gold!

The net profit of this wave has reached 32,550 gold, plus the principal of 21,600, and now Chu Ge's account has a full 54,150 gold!

Converted into Celestial Coins, 380,000!

In the morning, the net entry was 320,000!

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