City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 53 Limitations Of The System!

Could it be that my account has a net worth of over 100 million today?

With a net worth of $73.36 million, Chu Ge is only $27 million away from $100 million, which doesn’t seem like a lot.

In just a few hours this morning, he made nearly $50 million in profit.

However, he also knew that the reason why he made so many US dollars was because of the sudden good news of the yen and the light of the main players.

However, since there are more and more investors in the USD/JPY plate, and the amount of capital is also increasing, even the main force does not dare to say that he can manipulate the USD/JPY market again with more than 50 points. .

The larger the capital, the more difficult it is to control the main force and the smaller the volatility.

Unless after the dishwashing, the main forces can once again grasp the absolute control of USD/JPY.

Now, I can only do T repeatedly.

Fortunately, although the market is not big, Chu Ge's current capital is large enough, and even if it is only a dozen points of income, there is a profit of tens of millions of dollars.


At $73.36 million, you can go long or short USD/JPY 73,360 lots. Chu Ge should be cautious about where to go.

Although the trend chart in his mind now shows that the next USD/JPY will still pull back after this wave of rises, Chu Ge is not sure whether his entry of nearly 100 million US dollars will affect the overall situation. trend.

Speaking of which, the God of Finance system is not omnipotent!

The biggest effect it brought to Chu Ge was the opportunity to take off quickly when he had little capital.

But once Chu Ge's capital is close to 100 million US dollars, which is not a small number no matter where, he can feel more clearly his influence on the whole market.

When Chu Ge was a small shrimp, his influence on the entire market was almost nothing, but when he grew into a small fish, no matter how small he was, the influence would always appear.

And now, it's only $70 million. What if it's $700 million?

Even seven billion dollars, seventy billion?

Although Chu Ge thinks a bit far, but he is smart, and with the help of the system, he believes that he can eventually become a financial predator, so these things are not too early.

You must have your own judgment, infer the reasons according to each trend, and find out why the market is going this way.

Chu Ge looked at the seventy million dollars in his account and thought a lot.

However, after considering it, Chu Ge did not have excessive worries.

After all, although the system has some imperfections, he still has the ability that many people can only dream of.

Even if the market changes because of him, he knows right away, and if a big move goes against him, he can get his money out right away.

And this is a dream ability for a financial practitioner.

Whether a person can stop losses in time is the criterion for judging whether a person is truly powerful.

After all, if the market comes, even a pig can be blown up.

But once there is a problem in the market, whether you can quickly find the problem and avoid it, or even make a profit in this situation, is the real senior trader!

It is enough to be prepared for danger in times of peace, and it will become indecisive if there is more, Chu Ge shook his head.

73360 hands! All bets short!

Chu Ge thought about it for a long time, and finally he chose to believe in the trend chart of the system and his own analysis. After the rise, there must be a callback. Without the influence of external conditions such as favorable or unfavorable, this is the inevitable result of the entire market, and it is the market itself. The means of regulating the balance on both sides.

Although Chu Ge thought about it for a long time, he finally chose the path pointed out by the system. It seems that it is unnecessary and has no effect on the result, but the meaning is completely different.

The clearance of less than 50,000 lots just now, Chu Ge has carefully divided it into dozens of times, and now the short list of more than 70,000 lots is even more unbearable to throw into the market at one time.

Just when he wanted to repeat the operation just now, and set up the position at 102.99 in dozens of times, he suddenly found that the USD/JPY was a little different.

With the joint efforts of the main players and small capital investors, after USD/JPY reached 102.99, it began to fluctuate for nearly an hour.

And until now, the chart in Chu Ge's mind has not shown that USD/JPY will continue to rise.

This time, the fluctuation of USD/JPY is a bit incomprehensible.



USD/JPY, which had been stalemate for more than an hour, broke through again from the 102.99 position, and stood on the huge pressure level of 103 again.

It seems to be going up again!

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