City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 541: Arrangements for branch investment projects!

Chu Ge signaled that Sun Bai could leave.

Sun Bai would walk outside a little lonely, but he actually came this far, which made him see it. The death of the cunning rabbit, the fate of Liang Gongzang.

"Let's discuss now, we still have several projects in hand, and what kind of attitude are they in. 35

"Biadi Company and Shenche Company, we have enough shares to hold a shareholder voting meeting.

But after we go back, we have to sign an agreement with these two companies, that is, we will throw our shareholder status back to these two companies, so that they can vote independently.

And without reaching any agreement through us, I think if we rashly reach out to them, it would be an unfair scene for them. "

"And if this matter is not stabilized, the impact will be even more conceivable at that time."

After Chu Ge finished talking about the two companies Biadi and Shenche, he continued to speak.

"For the rest, Liu Zihao is solely responsible for the small pot of tea project, no matter whether it is a loss or a profit, the company will not have any more funds coming into this project.

Moreover, Liu Zihao will recycle the funds we have invested and return it to the company. All the remaining surplus will be handed over to Liu Zihao. The small pot of tea project has nothing to do with us. "

When Chu Ge said this, he looked around and saw that everyone's expressions were the same.

"As for the lithography machine company, the measures we have taken are strong supervision from four parties, and four people represent the company to formulate the next plan.

And we are responsible for the specific executive officers, and the company is now in our hands, and I am the actual controller.

We also do not need to send anyone into the company to serve as a key department, but we will send a team to the lithography machine company to supervise the market. "

This made them most worried about a project, and all of them were a little surprised. This was something they could never imagine.

In their perception, the lithography machine project is definitely the top priority of the company, and it cannot be solved so easily.

And the lithography machine project is in a stage of people's livelihood development.

"Boss, do we have to think about it, take this project back into our own hands, and invite Simon and the others out of the company, after all, they are no longer executive presidents, and any of their decisions are not too big for us. effect.

The intelligence officer said hesitantly.

The marketing manager even recommended himself at this moment, he said seriously to Chu Ge.

"Boss, I think I'm competent for this project, why don't you put this project in my hands, I promise to make you a lot of money back, so that you won't have any losses on this project.

What do you think? This project is handed over to me, you can rest assured that there will never be any problems.

"Forget it, I know what you are thinking carefully, the lithography machine project is a trillion-level company, and it is not easy to control it now.

If all the people in their original team were fired, it would be extremely unfavorable for the development of the entire company.

I don't think this is a good suggestion, so I hope everyone can recognize the reality on this matter.

··0 Flowers....

We could take this company into our own hands, but have you ever thought about it?"

Chu Ge paused, then continued.

"If such a huge company is handed over to you, do you think you can take on this part of the responsibility?39

This is a profitable company, but the premise of stabilizing the company is that everything that happens in this company may cause heavy losses to everyone.

Therefore, at this time, it is impossible to allow anyone to intervene in the development of the company. Chu Ge values ​​the sustainable development of the company, and does not care who controls the company.

As far as this matter is concerned, there is absolutely no problem with Chu Ge doing this.

"I know that your heart and mind are to take the company into your own hands, and for you, it will be successful in the end.

But for now, if this company lets you master it, it is very likely that it will not achieve what you want, but there will be all kinds of problems. 35

Chu Ge's words can be said to have thrown the whole thing in front of everyone.

They are also clear in their hearts, if such a huge company is handed over to their own hands.

It is very likely that it is not as good as it is now, not to mention that the company can continue to develop. This is a fantasy.

"Boss, we just want to gain a little learning experience from it, you see how you behave like this."

"It's better not to give me your so-called learning experience if you don't come here. Why do I think your learning experience is a little tricky, so hurry up and take a break.

Chu Ge waved his hand in disgust.

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