City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 548: Pu'er Technology!

The worst result of this matter is that both parties have to squat in.

As the parent company, Chu Ge has to pay, so Chu Ge is willing to pay.

He is not short of money, but he doesn't want someone to attack him by means of so-called means at this time.

It is precisely because of this appearance that Chu Ge pays special attention to this matter.

He doesn't want to see anyone doing so-called manipulation on his company at this time.

This was absolutely unacceptable to him.

It is precisely because of this that it can be seen that Chu Ge can reform the so-called trial of the company.

It is precisely because of this that the so-called problems are presented.

Chu Ge couldn't help but want to get angry, and he couldn't take things like this lightly.

He wants to have a substantive control over everything.

And the main problem and reason for him to be able to control this matter and turn his head into substantive control are obvious.

Everyone can make a so-called judgment at this time.

No one will choose to take the so-called risk on this matter at this time, and it is precisely because of this, so everyone should be responsible for the judgment and perception of this matter and issue.

"Boss, this statement of yours makes me feel that there is a feeling of hurting the enemy by one thousand and losing eight hundred by yourself. You are going to cut yourself off and let them all go in!"

"Do you think I care about the difference? I just want all of them to know that they can't do it at this time, and the more they do it, the more unfair it is for us."

"I don't want to see someone assessing my company in a similar matter, or transferring assets.

They can completely negotiate with me, the amount of sales and the results of the sales.

I can take risks on my side, but they do not need so-called asset hedging, which is absolutely unacceptable to me.

Chu Ge spoke seriously, and at this time, he sold all these things and problems.

He wants to be in absolute control over this matter.

Chu Ge got out of the car and met Wang Shi, the so-called head of Pu'er Technology.

Chu Ge's appearance is a bit sloppy, and it can be seen.

In this matter, he seems to be somewhat irresponsible and sloppy, and he does not look like the so-called big boss of the company.

"Hello, I'm the person in charge of Pu'er Technology, the business our company does is a BtoB to BtoC network business company.

If you say you need it, you can reach a relationship with our company, and we will all be strategic partners at that time. "

Wang Shi calmly took out his business card and handed it to Chu Ge.

Indicates that Chu Ge can sit down and communicate with them, Chu Ge is actually sitting face to face with Wang Shi.

He said to Wang Shi aloud.

"Our company grows some coffee, isn't Yunnan's coffee more famous recently?

We also tried to grow a batch. Now we are considering the issue of coffee sales. No one sells the coffee we grow. We have no sales channels now. I don’t know if you can sell it on your side.

Chu Ge spoke hesitantly, facing Wang Shi like he was making up his mind, speaking so calmly.

Wang Shi could see that Chu Ge was in a tangled attitude, as if he was thinking about whether or not to leave this matter to him.

"You can rest assured that our company also sells coffee to the outside world. You must have heard that our company's business is extensive, so you want to reach a strategic cooperation with us.

Our stores have opened a full 10 online stores with crown level on the Internet. ""

"We sell a huge amount of coffee beans every month.

And we are also in a state of undersaturation when it comes to coffee.

If you are willing to 670, we can talk about it in detail, you only need to hand over a deposit of 100,000 yuan for us to sell.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with this coffee sales problem, we can help you carry out comprehensive cooperation and spread the sales channels to you. ""

Wang Shi said carelessly.

A pair of great abilities, and as long as you cooperate with him, you will definitely be able to make money.

It can even be seen from this, the meaning of this part of his expression on this matter.

"I don't know if you want to?"

"But since you said so, then the remaining problems are not too serious, and I can maintain all aspects of you. 39

Wang Shi is making tea himself at the moment, as if to say that all these problems can be handed over to him, and he can help complete all operations.

"But we still have 100,000 yuan in our hands, we have already invested all the money in coffee cultivation.

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