City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter five hundred and seventy-four: The problem of the Wang family and his son!

There was nothing to talk about between Boss Wang and Young Master Wang.

The father and son never dealt with each other from the very beginning.

Later, Boss Wang showed it again, looking very embarrassed.

The current state between him and Prince Wang can be described as incompatible.

It's just that the other side cares about the other side, but they didn't say anything ugly verbally.

In the end, although Boss Wang gave Wang Gongzi a sum of money to start a business.

But after that, he didn't care about him a single time. He was always inquiring about Wang Gongzi's current state on weekdays, but he never took the initiative to ask.

It is because the father and son have strong temperaments, and in the end, they can't get together at all, especially now.

Boss Wang waved his hand and said calmly to Chu Ge.

"I really can't say why this matter is true, but I think it's better not to talk about it in the future, the two of us are incompatible.

Even now it's a problem for you to let the two of us sit together and have a good conversation.

What's more, there is a problem in this case.

"How can it be good when two donkey skins collide with each other, I can still talk about it through you.

If it's someone else's words, I'm afraid I won't even have the opportunity to talk about it. "

Hearing this, Chu Ge disapproved and nodded. He turned his head and said another thing to Boss Wang.

"I said that if he wants to close the live broadcast platform now, the Penguin side will definitely take advantage of the fisherman.

But we can't fight him now, let's see what to do with this matter~"?"

"Then what else can we do, we can only gain wisdom by taking a cut, and we can't say that we should go to others to negotiate and seek peace.

This matter can't be managed at all, he will not allow a second similar company to be with him.

It's not that you don't know Lao Ma's temper. Although he is not in the same circle with us, he can also react to side-by-side attacks.

That guy will do anything by any means, and nothing he does in the beginning is glorious. ""

Boss Wang let out a long sigh and said calmly to Chu Ge.

He knew Boss Ma's temper, so there was no such thing as a compromise.

Thank goodness for the fact that these two people got together and didn't fight.

If you have to pay attention to compromise at this moment, it is simply not necessary to think about it, and it is not realistic at all.

What's more, there is nothing wrong with Boss Ma's actions.

You can't say that your own business is now threatened by traffic, and you are asking the other party to keep all these things out of the way.

I'm afraid this can't be done by anyone.

"Then if you say that, do we really ignore him?

Wang Gongzi is doing a decent job now. Although I don't like his live broadcast platform, I have observed it on weekdays and feel that his live broadcast platform still has merit.

If you cooperate with your shadow line plan and star-making plan, the two are more interconnected. Why not integrate resources and put all these companies into his hands. "

Chu Ge's words, Boss Wang cut off the towel on his face and sat down, straightened his body and looked at Chu Ge with a sneer.

"Do you think this matter is negotiable?

As for the things you said so far, let's break them apart and smash them one by one.

Do you think his current ability can cooperate with those companies to operate?

This is nothing short of a fantasy, and it is also a shadowless thing. If we rashly consolidate all these companies into his hands, he will be completely defeated in less than two years.

I'm afraid you have a plan in mind about this matter, do you think it's appropriate to hand these companies into his hands?"

What Boss Wang said is also reasonable. After all, a company like this rashly handed over the words to Wang Gongzi.

This is not a good thing for Boss Wang.

He personally built hundreds of shadow line companies, including industrial investment companies.

If it is said that he hastily handed it over to Wang Gongzi, it is very likely that he will screw up the company's projects based on the scale of his troubles.

He also has arrogant capital, his own father, who is the richest man in the country.

Chu Ge fell into silence at this moment, and he did not speak out.

Boss Wang even said to Chu Ge at this moment (Wang Qianhao).

"'Don't say that there will be problems when the company is handed over to him, just looking at this company that he has been tossing around himself, it will fail.

There is no need for us to discuss these words at this time. We clearly know that it is impossible, and the words given to him are unrealistic.

Let's just say frankly that it is not practical to hand this company over to him. This sentence is quite fitting. "5

Boss Wang's words made Chu Ge nod his head involuntarily.

At this moment, his reaction can be considered, these companies are simply not what they can toss.

If there is no experience and blind investment, this will be troublesome for a series of subsequent problems.

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