Everyone bowed their heads one by one, not saying a word at the moment, everyone knows how much gold content their own confidence is.

Therefore, Chu Ge's words at this moment are tantamount to making them all unable to lift their heads.

Who can withstand such an investigation.

Therefore, everyone has become silent this time, and they will no longer struggle with similar issues, and will not consider what the situation is.

According to the current situation, what kind of punishment will they be punished.

The big guy wants to calm down at this moment, and not to thoroughly publicize this matter.

Everyone's mind is in a mess right now.

The intelligence officer said helplessly.

"Boss, you can't be like this, just as it is currently said.

This matter is indeed our responsibility, but if we discuss the current matter, should we sit down and have a good talk!

"Since you have also found the culprit, there is no need for us to spend too much time on this matter.

I think we should change our focus and stop blaming us, what do you think?"

"In addition to inferring based on the current events, we are quite aware of the time we occupied and the impact it caused. You don't need to pull us up on this chariot at all."

After Chu Ge heard this, he first smiled contemptuously, then shook his head.

"Don't you think that I am showing tolerance to you by not punishing you?

Up to now, everyone has come to talk to me about these things with the heart that they want to break up with me, I really never thought that you would be like this~"."

"If you look at these things right now, the things you do are really not very beautiful!

Chu Ge said to everyone seriously.

He was even more angry at this moment, but when he wanted to negotiate with these people, such a thing happened.

At that time, when I was thinking of calming things down, problems occurred frequently.

This made him feel as if he had been deeply slapped in the face.

"Let's sit down and have a good chat. I said from the beginning that these things are not done properly, and so far you haven't given me a reasonable explanation.

And there's no reasonable explanation for what's going on right now!""

"Isn't this a problem for me? Or you think it's not important at all, not enough to make you think it's a serious problem..."

"My last words, if you let me see your infighting again, then everyone will pack up for me and leave.

I don't need you to be an infighting team. From now on, put away all your careful thoughts. If you let me hear a little bit of wind, you will just pack up and leave for me!

Chu Ge gave the matter a final word.

He doesn't want to say too much, everyone is an adult, and they have their own opinions when dealing with these things.

Therefore, to teach again at this time has no effect at all, but it is to make them feel that it is based on a similar time.

I even thought it was kind of funny to do so much.

After Chu Ge told everyone to leave, he pushed open the Trader Hall by himself.

After everyone saw Chu Ge, they said to Chu Ge with a smile.

"We can all hear you arguing, these things are not important at all, there is absolutely no need to quarrel with them!"

"'Furthermore, according to the current situation, it is useless for you to quarrel with them. Their group of people will still misunderstand. I will do what I want to do. These words of yours are not at all. It doesn't work!"

"By the way, boss, you should pay more attention to the trend of our market recently. Why do I feel that there are still a few more big melons in trade? Judging from the current situation, should we also take action!

The trader pointed to the latest news that he saw, and the matter of Suez and being blocked had already caused a lot of uproar.

Many cruise ships are blocked, and the fluctuations between the upper and lower levels are also very large every day.

Now if you say it, you can definitely arouse (Zhao's) heart. There are already many good things on the ship, and this shot will definitely make a profit.

"Your reports are really outdated. If we are making inferences so far, there is absolutely no need for us to push this matter to the front line. 99

"Can't you see it?

Although the river is blocked now, and although many cruise ships have stopped operating at this time and are waiting in place, they have actually caused tense supplies and have not been affected in any way.

The ship trade is definitely the top priority, but if you just rely on the ship trade, you will never make any money.

The most profitable business today is probably the crude oil business.

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