City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 632: The fundamental idea of ​​penguins!

The two found a box and sat down face to face to negotiate.

Ma Ming showed his interest in the sharing business.

But their purpose is also very simple, they just want to keep the sharing business firmly in their own hands.

As for what other people want to do, they don't care at all, but for now, what they want to do most is to be able to solve these problems at this time.

The most intuitive way is to directly say what kind of view they have on the whole issue at this time.

Even speaking, I want to be able to further "July 10" at this time to explain how much gold they have mastered in this issue.

"I think you want to reach a cooperation with us, the purpose is to take a fancy to our vx platform, it is true that vx is powerful and convenient for everyone's daily life.

If you say that your shared power bank business module is matched with our vx, it will be a good thing for you.

It further simplifies the user's operation process, and even can avoid them downloading software of one or two thousand dollars each for their use.

To a large extent, it is convenient for them to improve your efficiency. These problems are understandable. 35

"But what I want to tell you today is not because of this, but because we don't want to cooperate with you in this.

We want to take all of these issues directly into our own hands.

The willingness shown by the Penguins is still very simple, and the money-burning policy must be implemented.

This is a good thing for their individual performance.

If the implementation of such a large project is a good thing for their own investment, the more important point is to complete the departmental assessment.

But the biggest problem in this is that, if they did not gain huge benefits in the process, it is not a good thing for their own performance appraisal.

So even if they are showing a very strong look now, they just want it at this time, and they are a little hesitant about it.

"But have you ever thought about it, if you were to integrate the platform yourself, the energy and money spent at that time would be much higher than it is now.

This is definitely not a very sensible investment status quo, as long as we integrate resources together.

This is a good thing for us, so why can't we do it together?

I have no idea what you investors are thinking. h

"So far not even a single correct idea has been expressed.

I don't even know whether you are in this process in order to be able to carry out this matter step by step, or whether you want to go further and further in this matter.

At present, we can only maximize this benefit by working together, but are you maximizing the benefit? 35

What Chu Ge said was to the point, and even speaking, there was no intention to have too much expectation and communication with everyone on these issues.

He simply wanted to tell everyone through this matter that according to the current situation, according to their operating procedures and specifications, there is no problem at all.. 0

It's just that everyone's attitudes and opinions on this matter are inconsistent.

"I don't think we're going to be able to talk about it at all, as it stands now.

What we want to do now is just to master all these issues at this time. 99

Chu Ge did not forget to exert pressure at this time, he just wanted to show a meaning.

If you don't follow his strategy, then everyone's losses will be unpredictable.

Even the loss that may be caused will be much more than it is now, which is because of this reason.

Therefore, at this time, everyone should think too much about the impact caused by this aspect.

But what is unacceptable is that they have shown a righteous and even fearless appearance in this project.

I don't think such an investment will cause greater losses for them.

4.7 Penguin is indeed a big business, backed by a gold master to make money, and their game field has always made them a lot of money.

In this process, it can be said that they have already made a lot of money, and this kind of investment, no matter whether it is a problem, is adding returns to them.

If there is no way to discuss this matter properly from the beginning, then there is really nothing to talk about between them.

"I don't think our current negotiation will be able to communicate in good words. I think you should be very clear, Mr. Chu, that we will not miss this opportunity to make money."

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