If a series of operations such as buying stocks can be defined as basic operations.

So what Chu Ge is doing now is like setting a fire in someone's backyard.

This is directly the rhythm of getting rid of the old nest, and there is no sign of it, and all the applications will be removed from the shelves.

This sudden drop in the user experience, including the impact they have caused in it, is even more conceivable.

To know that after occupying 60% of the market share, it means that at least one of every 10 people is a mobile phone of Lei and Ren.

So among these 10 people, more or less will download the application software of Boss Youma.

The most intuitive experience brought by all the bans at once is instant paralysis.

Everyone is a little overwhelmed, and the convenience of WeChat makes everyone feel that life is developing in the direction of technology.

This suddenly brought them back to primitive society.

When they are forced to rely on contact, they can only send text messages and make phone calls.

It is inconvenient to operate all of a sudden, and even everyone is looking for another way of communication, and the download speed and quantity of other communication software are also rising in a straight line.

And everyone still doesn't know what happened, why these two mobile phone manufacturers are so targeted at Boss Ma's industry.

Boss Ma's phone number was also called directly. He wanted to ask clearly, no matter how he died, he had to die. Until now, he still doesn't know in what way he offended the two gold masters.

But Mr. Lei and Mr. Ren must not talk about it, and bluntly told him to find a person named Chu Ge.

This time, he was also at a loss, and he didn't know what Chu Ge's background was. Why did he settle this matter in a few words?

Boss Dang Ma found Chu Ge's contact information and dialed it.

Chu Ge spoke lazily on the other end of the phone.

"Hey, who is it? If no one speaks, then I'll hang up the phone. Telephone bills are very expensive these days!

How could Chu Ge not have a personal phone call from Boss Ma.

He didn't call Boss Ma, just wanted to take the initiative in this matter.

So at this time, Chu Ge still showed, a lazy and indifferent attitude.

This time, everyone was dumbfounded.

Boss Ma forcibly endured the dissatisfaction in his heart and said calmly to Chu Ge.

"Hello, I'm the owner of Penguin's horse. I don't know how our company offended you. You want to target our company like this.

If there is still discussion on this matter, I hope you can raise your hand, at least let my company live.

After all, it is difficult for everyone to do this, and I don't want to make it too complicated. "

"Our company's application software base (caeh) covers all kinds of people, including old, middle and young people, including the proportion of our company's communication software and game software records.

It is not a good thing for the company to take all of them off the shelves so rashly. "

Boss Ma is a big investor, but any application software that has a little contact with him is now suspended.

Not only is it like this, but Penguin has invested in several softwares that are relatively well done in various industries such as food, housing, transportation, communication and entertainment.

All of them were stopped at once, and it was clearly marked that they all needed to stop the service due to temporary problems.

Boss Ma had no idea where he had offended Chu Ge.

I don't even know why Chu Ge showed such an attitude.

This can be said to have poked a hornet's nest. At this time, everyone wanted to make clear what happened.

But no one can speak clearly and clearly.

Everyone showed the appearance of not knowing anything about these things.

They don't even know what's going on this time.

"Boss Ma, there is nothing difficult between us, I just want to take the initiative in this matter, I want the original shares of your company, can you give me some?

When Chu Ge's words came here, Boss Ma thought that Chu Ge was a white wolf with empty gloves. He didn't say a few words, and asked him to ask for the original shares, which was probably no different from robbery.

More importantly, even a robbery will speak out bylaws.

But Chu Ge didn't say anything here, and he didn't do anything, just grabbing it so hard, which made him feel a headache for a while.

It was even more so at this time that he wanted to swear at people, but he had never seen anyone so empty-handed at this time.

"It's impossible that we don't have anything to talk about. If you ask for the original shares of our company, you want to take all of our company's application software off the shelves, then I'm very sorry, I'm afraid you won't be able to get what you want. !

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