City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 660: The Risk of Gambling!

If it is said that it is at a loss, it is necessary to carry out the so-called annexation.

Including saying all kinds of things, in the eyes of outsiders, it seems a bit daring, even whimsical.

Especially people like them are in this state when they do these things.

Everyone knows very well that if things like this become unsustainable.

It will eventually evolve into an uncontrollable state of affairs.

At the end of the day, it may become overwhelming to do these things.

I don't even know how these things will turn out in the end.

But for the moment, they did absolutely nothing wrong.

On the contrary, it is to say that Wang Gongzi and the others have become too careful.

You must know that he was dealing with the lithography machine incident.

Everyone is also enthusiastic, and no one thought that things would go so smoothly.

But for now, it is understandable that their appearance will eventually turn into a state of fear.

After all, there are not many good 727s like optical technology.

More importantly, I never thought that such a stupid person could do such an immoral thing.

When these things add up, it creates an illusion.

This kind of illusion can make people fascinated by the mind, and it can also make people feel an illusion when various events break out.

"These things are not difficult to understand, including saying that what your father has done so far is understandable.

When we do these things, we tend to be small and big.

That's what investing is like, and you can stay with me for a while and see how we all handle these things.

Chu Ge spoke out indifferently and indicated that these things were understandable.

And if you make inferences based on the things at the moment, these things are not absolutely necessary.

But events like this happen one after another, and they are repeated again and again.

It makes people feel a little dazzling, but it also makes people see a new and different state of affairs.

It's hard to understand what happens when something like this happens repeatedly.

This is where things play out little by little.

The prince still doesn't know what Chu Ge is doing to this day.

It is not difficult to understand according to the teaching in the textbook.

The things that Chu Ge did so desperately might turn into an uncontrollable mess in the end.

Everyone knows that Chu Ge's doing this will probably arouse everyone's disgust in the end.

It would even be a group attack, which is not a good thing for Chu Ge.

Not only is this feeling, but everyone knows what happens next.

If there is no way to stop things like this in time, what state will it evolve into.

The way he is showing now is largely making excuses for the next thing.

"Wouldn't it be more problematic if the investment failed?

Why do I always (caeh) have a delusional feeling that our investment will fail.

I'm not someone who can't accept things that fail.

"It's just based on what's going on right now.

Our next investment failure is a certainty.

I don't think we need to show an indifferent attitude in the next thing.

"It's not a good thing for us at all.

Including that it is not a good thing for us to infer based on the current situation.

The prince said with some embarrassment.

After all, this feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

If this investment fails, they will take on a sky-high debt.

I'm afraid that various kinds of stockpiles that have been taken out from other places seem to be more eye-catching.

This kind of investment failure does not mean that there is no way to accept it.

If there is an investment failure, it is not an unacceptably astronomical figure for them.

It's just that the debt ratio caused by this makes people feel terrible.

"Being able to be small and big can predict the next risks.

So you don't have to find people who say that investing is a matter of debt ratio.

It wasn't anything too serious at all.

According to the current situation, these problems can be solved!

Chu Ge spoke to the prince calmly.

After all, things like this are not difficult to understand.

Even these things are actually not that big of a risk.

Although the South African investment group is different from the lithography machine project, it still has something in common.

You can't be intimidated because of the other party's background. This is not an attitude that an investor should praise.

Therefore, Chu Ge is extremely unhappy with such a statement.

He even thinks that things like this can be completely eliminated, and it is not a problem at all.

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