City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 665: Boss Ma's attitude!

There is only one result, that is, Ma Ming will be fired from the company and will not receive any compensation.

Only in this way will Chu Ge feel that Boss Ma can obey his own words.

This confrontation between the two may be, to a large extent, a satire between the two.

Whoever bows his head at this time will be inferior to others.

This kind of emotion is not wrong for anyone.

And it's clear to everyone.

If you don't follow the other party's way of thinking, these things will inevitably become true.

It is precisely because of this appearance that Chu Ge will show an attitude of not talking nonsense to you at this time.

At this time, the two of them wanted to bring all these things together.

"You're looking for something, don't you know something like this.

If it is enforced by you, then the company's rules and regulations will be destroyed.

I don't think you're doing it good for the company, but 730 is a bit of a loss in your behavior.

"You are nothing more than because Ma Ming offended you, that's why you proposed to get rid of Ma Ming at this time.

But I don't think there's anything wrong with Jack Ma doing this. This is the philosophy of my company.

If you can't figure it out, you might as well choose to withdraw your shares, and then I can find the finance for you to liquidate. ""

After Boss Ma finished saying these words, he hung up the phone with a nonchalant expression, and sat firmly at the desk looking at the current situation with a happy expression on his face.

He felt more comfortable doing it.

If these things are really according to what Chu Ge said, then I am afraid that each of them will not have any good fruit to eat.

Leaving one alone, Ma Ming said it made him feel sick.

But if Chu Ge can't be disgusted, his heart (caeh) will feel very comfortable again.

This guy Ma Ming played this role at this time.

He didn't dare to say what kind of things he did at this time, and there was no way to get forgiveness.

And even more so with the attitude that has been shown on this matter from the very beginning.

If there is still unity between the two at this time.

Then the whole thing can only go so far.

Everyone is very clear in their hearts that if such a thing is repeated, it will not be a good thing to treat each of them.

"So we're just going to make this kind of awkwardness between us, right? 99

"I don't think I'm making a fuss, but you, you, make me feel like you're playing a role in this.

Does that mean we don't need to sit down and have a good chat.

If you extrapolate from what's going on right now, what you're doing isn't very glamorous.

Hearing this rebuttal, Chu Ge subconsciously laughed out loud.

The good one is not very glorious, anyway, these things have nothing to do with him.

Now it is not very glorious to say it and do it yourself, which sounds really ironic.

The key point is that in the process.

If it is disgraceful, then when you do these things, how many people are honorable.

"Just wait, I will make you regret it sooner or later. You'd better keep your arrogance, and don't come and beg me when you regret it."

"I won't forgive you, including saying that I feel disgusted by the things you did.

If you can't recognize your position at this time.

At that time, there will inevitably be some things that cannot be understood.

At that time, if you want to do anything else, I'm afraid I don't need to say anything more.

Chu Ge's side is not a threat to say this.

At this time, the two also showed a situation of confrontation with each other.

The big guy is unwilling to anyone, and at this time, who needs to show a posture that everyone has done nothing wrong in this matter.

Indeed, everyone did nothing wrong, but they were in a position where they would not compromise with each other in the confrontation between the two sides.

It is precisely because of this that the whole thing is developing in an inestimable direction.

Chu Ge hung up the phone and looked at the prince next to him.

The prince also said hesitantly.

"Could it be that Boss Ma still dare not drive Ma Ming until now? He shouldn't be like this, what is he trying to do? Disgusting us?"

"If this matter is on you, I'm afraid you are doing the same thing as him.

You also don't fire an opponent who can disgust them. "

"What's more, when Ma Ming did these things, he was probably instructed by Boss Ma.

They've been doing these things all the time, and they've been able to do the manager's job.

You can imagine how dirty the means behind him are.

So it's not surprising to be able to do these things. "

Chu Ge didn't care, spread out his hands and said casually.

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