City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 695: Calvin's final condition!

"This issue is not complicated, the very simple point is that you must be my best partner at this time.

And in this best partner this proposition can be realized on the premise.

That is to say, you cannot proceed to the next step at this time, and all of you have to obey my arrangement.

If it cannot be done, then I am very sorry, and the cooperation between us is likely to fall into a state of disintegration.

After all, you and I are very clear in our hearts that if things really go to this stage, it will not be a good thing for us.

Califon just felt as if he had been kidnapped.

Up to now, he has not even been able to say the most basic thoughts in his heart.

It is even more so at this time that he has to be treated like this, which makes him feel unhappy.

The most important thing is that he just feels like he is being blackmailed.

If it is said that this matter cannot be negotiated, then everything after them is likely to fall into the same situation.

This makes Calivin feel that this is not the case at all.

"We can sit down and have a good talk, and even say that the market value of the Penguin company you want is linked to the market value of Microsoft Group, and we can make an equivalent exchange, there is no problem.

I just need us to sit down and sign contracts to know that Penguin doesn't have a so-called lock-in period.

We can conduct a complete transaction, as long as you are willing, the next transaction is entirely up to your heart.

No matter what kind of trading model you want, we can provide it. "

"If it doesn't work like this, then (caeh) I really don't know what kind of deal we have next that requires both people to sit down and negotiate.

I don't think there are some things that can't be said by a lion.

Now we can sit down and have a good negotiation on the matter at hand.

But the most important point is that you can't ask us to ask for something too important at this time. We all know in our hearts where each other's bottom line is.

"If you continue to speak loudly at this time, it is likely to cause the negotiation between the two of us to break down, and I don't think you want to see this happen.

Therefore, at this time, I feel it is necessary to remind you that some things do not mean that we can negotiate results after sitting down and trying to negotiate.

"Especially with something like this, if there is an accident.

I'm afraid it's not good for both of us to have an explanation for each other.

Even speaking, I think it is necessary for us to sit down and straighten out these things. There is no need to struggle with these things until now. "

Listening to Calvin's words, Chu Ge smiled slightly, and shook his head gently, indicating that he didn't care about this statement.

He didn't even think it was a very good rhetoric.

He still hasn't put this matter on the line up to now, in the final analysis because he wants to leave a bottom line for the other party.

But if it is said that this matter has not been discussed by the two sides until the end.

So sorry, it's very likely that the whole thing will come to an impasse.

I am afraid that no one is willing to see things like this going to the next stage of fermentation.

Everyone understands in their hearts, if these things fall into the next stage of fermentation.

At that point I'm afraid things will go far beyond what they can negotiate now.

"If we can't negotiate, there will be someone else negotiating.

And I think if we sit down and negotiate well.

This is a good thing for both of us, and there is no need to make this matter too serious.

Even everyone has torn their faces, which is no way for us to loop back on these things. "5

Chu Ge shook his head listening to these words, he didn't think the current environment was a good environment for negotiation.

He didn't even think that what Calivin was saying now was for negotiation.

He felt that Califon was now just threatening to make a series of changes due to the pressure he was in.

Even to make him pay too much.

This is absolutely impossible for Chu Ge.

And there is no need for Chu Ge to express too many different opinions on this matter.

"Let me be blunt with you, as far as this matter is concerned, you have not gone to extremes, and even we both have room for negotiation, and there is no need to make these things so ugly.

"You just want to let everyone know that you didn't do this, and quietly took all the shares of our company into your pocket.

Chu Ge paused and stared straight at Calvin, as if he could see through Calvin's heart.

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