City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 700: The current situation of the tea house!

Only this contract in the hands of Chu Ge can prove that Chu Ge has an active role in all the following things.

And became the largest shareholder in Penguin's hands, a person who can decide to abandon everything.

This time, it can be said that he has completely mastered the fate of penguins.

When penguins have everything in their hands.

If this kind of news is passed on to Boss Ma.

I am afraid that Boss Ma will fall into a violent mood on the spot.

No one ever thought that their company would fall into the hands of others for no reason.

And from deal to realization, it all became too dreamy.

If it is said that everyone has compiled this acquisition of Penguin into the textbook.

It is not difficult to find penguins facing such a situation.

In fact, it's just that their marketing manager didn't do anything at this time, just to collect a lot of benefits, and also asked to ban a small and medium-sized development company to make this farce.

This kind of 747 thing can be written into the textbook, and I am afraid that it will not be played in the textbook.

No one would have imagined that things would turn out this way.

And let everyone be a little helpless and everyone knows.

If something like this happened completely in front of them, what kind of situation would it turn into.

So the big guy is extra careful at this moment.

Especially be careful with all of Chu Ge's next moves.

These actions of Chu Ge, it is very likely that in the end, it will evolve into a fact and the status quo will appear in front of everyone.

Moreover, it is not difficult to see how Chu Ge occupies a dominant position in these operations today, and how strong is Chu Ge.

So far, everything Chu Ge has done will be infinitely magnified.

Everyone knows how extreme Chu Ge is in doing these things.

A more accurate statement is how much nonsense Chu Ge is doing when he does these things.

It made everyone feel a little confused, and it felt like they were being teased about these things.

When all the things and problems are not solved, they are completely pulled apart.

After Chu Ge settled the matter on the negotiating table, he called Liu Zihao and asked what happened to the tea house.

On the other end of the phone, Liu Zihao said that the other party had not yet attacked, and they seemed to know that there were many people around and they had no chance to attack.

If they start now, it is definitely not the time when An Ran can retreat.

Therefore, this group of people will become honest one by one here, and they are even more reluctant to show their faces.

They all knew in their hearts that if they showed up at this time, it would definitely not be a good thing.

So everyone is extremely restrained at this time.

No one dared to allow themselves the slightest mistake.

This is also the reason why Liu Zihao hesitated on the other end of the phone.

"You hand over the phone to Brother Liu and let Brother Liu listen. 35

(caeh) Fatty Liu took the call and asked how Chu Ge's affairs were in the magic capital.

And said that Chu Ge should not rush over even after finishing the matter.

They were quite peaceful during this time, but they just spent a lot of security forces.

As for these security forces, Fatty Liu can provide them unconditionally.

Just ask Chu Ge not to come over and stir things up.

If Chu Ge came over, then the nature of the whole thing changed.

At that time, if those guys really want to jump over the wall, I am afraid not many people can stop them.

Therefore, at this moment, Chu Ge will not show up if he can't appear, and he will not show up if he can't show his face.

After Chu Ge shows up and shows up, the whole thing will fall into an unsolvable situation.

I am afraid that no one wants to see such a thing happen in front of them.

So at this moment, even if Chu Ge wants to appear, he shouldn't appear in front of them.

"I know, I will be careful about these things, but when it comes to you, you must also be careful.

I think the opponent may not be as simple as we think, they are staring at us right now.

If you withdraw now, Liu Zihao's tea house will be retaliated by then.

If that group of ruffians now know that they can't provoke us.

I'm afraid they should send someone to negotiate with you.

Now that you know that this piece of territory is yours, but at this time, you are colluding and competing with you in an unclear manner.

Chu Ge paused, turned to Fatty Liu, and said aloud.

"Brother Liu, tell me honestly, how much do you know about this matter? If it is said that the whole thing is directed at you, then brother, I will not say anything. If we stop this knife for you, we will Also willingly.

"What do you mean by saying that, what else do you mean by blocking the knife for me, I didn't ask you to block the knife for me, and besides, as far as this matter is concerned, I don't know that much."

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