City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 709: Dissatisfaction with Monopoly!

Chu Ge spoke out more bluntly at this moment.

He doesn't care about the so-called one-vote veto, or anything else.

In his mind, Boss Ma must be responsible for these things he did.

You know, if it weren't for the fact that Boss Ma was trying to stop him.

These things should have been decided on the spot long ago, and such things would not have happened.

But looking at it now, the things they did, one after another, were all unattractive.

That's why Chu Ge will show up here, a radical and strong state to prevent Boss Ma from talking to death.

Know that they both have different views on these things.

Especially Chu Ge, he does not think that Boss Ma can really lead the company to become bigger and stronger.

Especially now that he still can't admit it.

It was clearly just his mistake, he just had to nod his head, or even to persuade him, maybe Chu Ge gave up the idea of ​​dealing with the Penguin group.

Even speaking, it can follow the previous operation mode of the South African Investment Group.

But Boss Ma still hasn't surrendered until now, so Chu Ge has to do things according to his own ideas.

"I admit that some things are really unexpected, but there are some things I think you should know better than me.

Just talking about the current matter, do you really have no mistakes?

After indulging Ma Ming to do these things, you didn't stop it, and you didn't even say an apology.

You have now considered yourself to have done nothing wrong with these dispositions.

Don't you think you have murdered many small and medium-sized enterprises~[?"

"I've invested in them, and I've given them capital to allow them to grow further, what could I do wrong.

If there is really a mistake, it should also be on your side and what does it have to do with me.

Besides, I am not the only one who thinks about the company's affairs. Do I need to do all these things?

As for your company's affairs up to now, I have no idea what Ma Ming told you. It was all told by you alone. 99

Boss Ma had completely torn his face at this moment, took off his glasses, and then said to Chu Ge.

"I admit that your business is relatively large, and it can even decide the fate of many people, including until now, you are also meddling in my company's affairs.

But have you ever thought about it, this is not my plan at all.

But you are holding on to it all by yourself, and you still feel that these problems originate from me.

But you have thought that without these problems, it is your own, and it is the hurdle in your heart that you cannot overcome.

That's why you have to target my company. Up to now, my company has been taken down by you. You can even buy my other shareholders for the largest share. You can negotiate with them one by one.

At the end of the day I have 1% of the company's original stock, and I have a veto, you can take 99% of the shares, but what's the use of that?

When Boss Ma said this, he couldn't help laughing.

"This company was created by me, I have the highest management rights over this company, and I can decide the life and death of this company.

I can even decide what the final development model of this company will look like, which has nothing to do with you.

Don't you say you still don't understand? You're just a dispensable substitute chosen. "

"Even though you say what's the use of controlling the company's equity, what's the use of having control over the company's life and death, as long as I give an order, this company can continue to operate, or it is all up to me to dissolve it immediately. One word to decide.

What does this have to do with you? Are you saying that you still want to beat me on this matter?

Chu Ge, the fact that you and I can sit here and have a conversation means that there is still room for return between us.

I don't think it's a good thing for you to tear your face apart completely. "

Chu Ge took a deep breath, he never thought that Boss Ma could still say such a thing.

This made him sound somewhat thorny, and he had never even heard that someone could say (Zhao Li's) so frankly on this matter.

"" `You are nothing more than taking the company to make the final deal with me, you are even taking the company to bet with me, do you think you can bet against me?

Chu Ge said this with a half-smile, but at this time, he expressed his dissatisfaction in his heart.

He reminded Boss Ma that he is the one who controls the fate of this company now.

If he doesn't nod, then the company has to listen to him in the end.

"I can spend it with you, don't you just master a trillion-level company, you will discuss these things with me right here, do you really think I have to discuss these things with you?

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