City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 713: Boss Ma's tone softens!

It's just that everyone's expressions are inconsistent at the moment, and even that guy has a different opinion on this matter.

No one would say to stand up and say that this matter has nothing to do with them.

Things like this only make things more complicated.

And looking at it now, the whole thing can be exactly as they thought.

For them, there is nothing wrong with it.

"I think there is still a misunderstanding between us. I just want to take back control of the company, and you can continue to exercise your rights as a shareholder at this time. There shouldn't be such a big gap between us. ."

"It's true that there shouldn't be a bigger estrangement, but have you ever thought about it, you still refuse to accept it until now, I really don't know what you are trying to figure out.

Could it be that you will be hit just because you feel that it is in line with your face in this matter?

Or is it because of other things that you have not thought about, even if you are not convinced, this matter will only develop according to this situation, and it will not be much better than it is now.

Now you stand up and take it easy, and you can even go so far as to ask for mercy. Isn't it bad to say?

If you have to make trouble with death or even say that you don't get along with old age and death, do you think you are comfortable in this way?

The big guys are looking at me now, and the voices from the outside world are even louder, thinking that I will attack you after I obtain all the shares of the Penguin Group.

I don't want to attack you either, but do you think that you are willing to be seen in your current state?

Is this even my so-called reason not to start?

Why do I feel as if I'm trying to do all this and you haven't done anything!"

When Chu Ge said this, he looked at Boss Ma with a half-smiling smile.

Boss Ma was also seen by Chu Ge's expression, which made him a little uncomfortable.

He didn't know why he didn't have a so-called state of wanting to settle this matter.

In addition, he feels that what Chu Ge is doing now is largely despised, and even wants to do something, which makes Mr. Ma, the boss, very unhappy.

Even more, I want to take the opportunity and pretext of this incident to completely eradicate Chu Ge.

Therefore, it is not a good thing to say that neither of the two is worthy of letting the other go at this time, even if it is said to look at it now.

The whole thing is getting more and more collapsed by them, and even speaking, everyone's eyes are gathered here.

"Then what exactly do you want to do? Is there no solution to this matter?"

Boss Ma took a breath and said to Chu Ge in a slightly soft tone.

He knew that it was still not acceptable to refuse to accept softness at such a time.

That is to say, Chu Ge can make him unable to care for each other at this time.

He is even more reluctant to see such a thing happen, so he especially wants to compromise at this time.

Chu Ge didn't care, and said aloud to Boss Ma.

"It's certainly not impossible for me to compromise on this matter.

It's just that you have not thought about it. If you don't follow my intention at this time, it will be in vain for my previous efforts.

I just want you to admit one thing, but you still refuse to admit it, and so far, you have always felt that you did nothing wrong.

"I've really never seen a person as thick-skinned as you, you said that there is nothing wrong, is it true that there is nothing wrong, when you are doing these things, you don't have to see for yourself whether you are doing anything wrong. How excessive is it?

I don't know what you are arguing about with me, is it because you are very dissatisfied with jealousy when you see me being on an equal footing with you at a young age?

Chu Ge attacked and spoke to Boss Ma, and then quietly threw the excuse out.

Boss Ma is completely powerless at the moment. He knows the next sentence. No matter how he takes this sentence since 753, it will cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, if he can still exercise restraint at this time, he will exercise restraint.

He didn't want to let this thing continue to develop.

They have also made an analysis before, and the reason why Boss Ma has always expressed his dissatisfaction to them is because of this reason.

No one has been seen stronger than them, and more inferable in these things.

Boss Ma's handling of this matter makes people feel helpless.

So when Chu Ge said this, he deliberately said it to Boss Ma.

You don't have this kind of thinking anymore, if you continue to be obsessed with it.

Then this matter will eventually develop towards a situation that no one wants to see.

I'm afraid that at that time, no one wants to see what is happening now will happen again and again.

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