City: No One Understands Finance Better Than Me

Chapter 749: It will cause a huge storm

The short point is that in this matter it is likely to cause different things.

If Chu Ge they guessed correctly.

This group of people may not just want to see what Chu Ge is going to do.

The more important reason is probably to make a pre-judgment to judge through Chu Ge's operation.

How much damage can they avoid.

After all, every time Chu Ge's actions seem to be fanciful, even menacing.

But it is very targeted, generally speaking, it is aimed at enterprises in the lighthouse country.

If they say they can avoid the crisis.

In this way, you can also withdraw a large amount of your own funds.

After all, the recent developments of Prophet Investment Bank are very unstable.

Moreover, the frequent issuance of big moves made many investment groups feel a little baffling.

First sold the shares of Microsoft Group, and then turned to the Penguin Group.

But the Penguin group is still functioning well so far, and it doesn't look like it was targeted.

On the contrary, it seems to be absorbing these foreign-owned shares to ensure that their enterprises can have sufficient autonomy.

Such a combination of operations will inevitably make these investment groups in various places feel a little surprised.

They are even more clear in their hearts, if it is said that things like this will be staged faster.

And if there is no predictability, they will all be dealt with.

Then there are really not many opportunities left for them.

"I think we shouldn't be too proactive in this matter, even in this matter.

I think we should respond with relative stability to the guys who are watching.

If they can honestly wait and see, we can give them some meat to eat.

If it's time to take the opportunity to do the right thing with us, then I don't think I need to say anything more, you all know it in your heart.

Things like this can never be brought into reality~ "."

Chu Ge said to the public education.

And expressed his disgust for it.

If such a thing is repeatedly pulled out, there is no way to forgive it even to express it.

If you want to stand on the opposite side of them, then they will not show mercy.

After all, these are foreign companies, and there is not much contact with them.

They don't have to care so much about how people like them feel.

Chu Ge's words made many people nod their heads.

Everyone said that they could follow Chu Ge's wishes in this matter.

After all, Chu Ge is their spiritual leader.

The meaning of Chu Ge represents the meaning of most people.

Under such an operation, everyone fell into silence, and many people were thinking at this time.

If such a thing is repeatedly staged and even moved to the screen endlessly.

I am afraid that everyone's mind will be further attracted.

This also makes many people feel that they are doing this, is it a bit of a fuss.

"Boss, I don't think so, I think we can tell them clearly what we are going to do, just tell them a smoke bomb."

"In this case, they will also do business according to our plan, and we can even tell our true intentions at the end.

I am afraid that in the end everyone will feel that the wolf is coming.

No one will believe what we want to do, we have already informed them early, but they do not trust us.

If this kind of thing is repeated, can we also learn from it..."

'Your idea is good, but it's not very fashionable, and they are not fools. Who can't know what our real purpose is?

It's clear that everyone knows what we want to do in our hearts now, but no one has come forward to say what we want to do.

But if we say these things are further said.

I'm afraid everyone can't help but want to argue with us in the end.

To know that what we do is not very glorious, I am afraid that many people are now looking at us as a thorn in the flesh. "

Chu Ge simply shook his head neatly, saying that such a thing is impossible to achieve.

And in this process, I am afraid that the attitude of the big guys can be seen (Zhao Zhaohao), what state they are in this.

I'm afraid there are quite a few people who are now waiting to see their jokes.

If this matter is used to cover up in this way, then problems will only occur frequently.

And if they want to round this matter, I am afraid they will spend a lot of energy.

So from the point of view of this matter so far, it is still possible to avoid demons.

Try not to let things like this repeat themselves.

"But boss, they follow like flies, we won't let go.

If we don't give them a little benefit, I'm afraid they won't give up.

These guys are all idiots. "

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