"Senior, Zhao Zheng, he is your apprentice?" said Tianyangzi in a deep voice as he looked at Ling Donglai.

"It's not. Ling Donglai shook his head.

"Then you invited him to help him?" Tianyangzi was relieved to hear the news that Zhao Zheng was not Ling Donglai's apprentice, as long as he was not an apprentice, there was something to talk about.

"Nor is it. Ling Donglai shook his head.

"Okay, you don't have to ask so much, do you want to take your apprentice?" Just as Tianyangzi wanted to continue asking, Zhao Zheng suddenly interrupted Tianyangzi.

Let Tianyangzi ask again, Ling Donglai will say that he is Zhao Zheng's subordinate, although it is nothing to say this, but Zhao Zheng does not want to be exposed for the time being.

If only Ling Donglai didn't have such a great reputation, but Ling Donglai was known as the world's number one grandmaster, even if it was to save Daming from fire and water, the god-like Chongzhen Emperor among the warriors in the world had said that he might not be able to win Ling Donglai steadily.

If the news that Ling Donglai is a subordinate of Zhao Zheng spreads, causing the jealousy of the royal family, what if the protagonist who is scared does not dare to emerge?

After all, although the protagonists behind are more powerful than Ye Chen, they are also at the level of grandmasters, although these protagonists are very confident in themselves, but in confidence, they dare not say that they can face Ling Donglai.

As long as Ling Donglai is not exposed, it is nothing for Zhao Zheng's own strength to be exposed.

Because the strength he exposed will only be what he wants others to see, or what others think, for example, after he killed Tianyangzi, the world will only think that he is a late grandmaster.

The late stage of the Great Master, although it is also terrifying.

But those protagonists after Ye Chen are still not afraid.

Don't say anything else, let's say that the protagonist Xiao Mad, the return of the God of War after the genius master.

Xiao Mad can be described as the peak of his debut, when he appeared, he was in the middle of the Great Master, and he also created a mercenary union outside Daming, recruiting many warriors in the opposition, and there are many Grandmasters, which can be said to be extremely powerful.

Xiao Mad is also very confident in his strength, there are two grandmasters who died in his hands in the late stage, even ordinary grandmasters at the peak he can fight, this kind of strength, as long as there is a conflict with Zhao Zheng, Xiao Mad will definitely dare to make a move on Zhao Zheng, and will not hide at all.

At that time, Zhao Zheng had the opportunity to suppress Xiao Madness and constantly harvest his qi luck value.

But if the news that Ling Donglai is Zhao Zheng's subordinate spreads, then give Xiao Crazy ten dares and dare not provoke Zhao Zheng, although Xiao Crazy is crazy, but not brainless, he is crazy based on absolute superiority, Ling Donglai's strength, in the eyes of the world's warriors, it is definitely at the same level as the Chongzhen Emperor, Xiao Mad himself can deal with ordinary grandmasters at most.

Ordinary grandmasters can't go ten moves in Ling Donglai's hands, isn't Xiao Mad looking for death when he comes?

Therefore, the news that Ling Donglai is a subordinate of Zhao Zheng must not be exposed, at least not for the time being, and only when the protagonist with the peak strength of the Great Grandmaster comes out in the future, it can be exposed at that time.

Although some people already know Ling Donglai's identity, as long as Ling Donglai does not say that he is Zhao Zheng's subordinate, it is impossible for anyone to regard Ling Donglai as Zhao Zheng's subordinate, and they dare not think so, as if the Chongzhen Emperor gave a great master as a subordinate?

Others will only think that Zhao Zheng and Ling Donglai have a good friendship, and if they are friends alone, they will definitely not be able to scare those lawless protagonists.


"Good, I want to take Chen'er. Tianyangzi heard Zhao Zheng's words, said in a deep voice, and after speaking, he also glanced at Ling Donglai.

"Don't look at Ling Lao, don't worry, he won't help me deal with you, do you want to take Ye Chen? Zhao Zheng looked at Tianyangzi and said lightly.

"Beat you? is this true?" Tianyangzi looked at Zhao Zheng's eyes and froze.

"Naturally, it is true, but during the competition, I will not keep my hand, if you are not as good as others, you will die in my hands." Zhao Zheng looked at Tianyangzi and said.

"Zhao Gongzi doesn't have to keep his hand, the old man is still very confident in his strength. Tianyangzi looked at Zhao Zheng and said in a deep voice.

If Ling Donglai wasn't here, Tianyangzi would definitely say that he had no eyes and he would have killed Zhao Zheng if he was not careful, but now, Tianyangzi didn't dare to say it, and even he didn't dare to beat Zhao Zheng into a serious injury, because although Ling Donglai was not Zhao Zheng's master, he definitely had a good relationship with Zhao Zheng, and killed Zhao Zheng in front of Ling Donglai, wasn't he looking for death?

Anyway, coming to Japan, Ling Donglai can't stay here with Zhao Zheng all the time, as long as Ling Donglai leaves, he is looking for Zhao Zheng to take revenge.

As for whether he could fight Zhao Zheng, Tianyangzi did not consider it, because he could fight against ordinary great sect peaks, and even kill with feng shui, Zhao Zheng was just a late grandmaster, how could he be his opponent.


"The outcome of this time should be regarded as a dispute over the total offering, what do you have an opinion?" Zhao Zheng looked at Lin Hongdao, the head hunter of the six doors who was silent on the side.

"Nope. Lin Hong immediately shook his head.

Although it is said that Zhao Zheng and Tianyangzi did not conform to the rules of the total worship dispute this time, but a big fist is the rule, Zhao Zheng and Tianyangzi have no opinion, how dare he have it?

Having said that, anyway, Zhao Zheng and Tianyangzi will also have a victory or defeat this time, and the winner will serve as the chief offering, which is also in line with the rules.


"Where are we going to compete?" asked Tianyangzi after Lin Hong finished speaking, looking at Zhao Zheng.

"Thirty miles away, there is a no-man's land, go there. Zhao Zheng looked at Tianyangzi and said lightly.

"Good. Tianyangzi nodded.

"Let's go then. "

After Zhao Zheng finished speaking, he jumped up and flew towards the no-man's land thirty miles away.

Tianyangzi saw Zhao Zheng leave, glanced at Ye Chen on the ground, and then followed Zhao Zheng as well.


"Senior Ling, shall we go take a look?" Lin Hong also wanted to follow Zhao Zheng after they flew away, but seeing that Ling Donglai was motionless, he immediately stopped and asked respectfully.

"No need, the winner will be divided quickly. Ling Donglai shook his head.

"Senior Ling, who do you think will win?" asked Lin Hong curiously when he heard Ling Donglai's words.

"Zhao Gongzi will win. Ling Donglai said lightly.

Ling Donglai was not a stupid person, and when Zhao Zheng stopped him from saying his identity, he knew that Zhao Zheng did not want his identity to be exposed, so he added a surname to Zhao Zheng from Gongzi this time.

"Impossible, my master will definitely win. When Ye Chen heard Ling Donglai's words, his expression changed and he said loudly.

Tianyangzi is his savior, how can he lose, he can't lose, once he loses, it is death, Tianyangzi dies, he will also die.

Ling Donglai heard Ye Chen's shout, glanced at Ye Chen, and didn't say much.

Lin Hong also did not speak, for Ling Dong, Zhao Zheng would win, he was also half-convinced, not that he did not believe in Ling Donglai's judgment, but Ling Donglai and Zhao Zheng had a close relationship, and he would definitely favor Zhao Zheng.

And if it were someone else, the strength of the key Tianyangzi is not weaker than the peak of the Great Grandmaster, it is a real existence standing at the top, even if Zhao Zheng is a Tianzheng wizard, he has entered the late stage of the Great Grandmaster at such an age, but because he is young, he is not as sophisticated as Tianyangzi, and the strength should not be as powerful as Tianyangzi.

Lin Hong did not dare to say who would win, he could only wait for the end.

PS: The first more sent, ask for evaluation votes, ask for flowers, 3,000 evaluation votes plus more Oh.

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