City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 15: Secondary Mineral Mining Opens [Seventh Update]

One is willing to invest!

The other is eager to implement the investment as soon as possible and has a good vision for the future.

The two sides hit it off!

It's hard not to be happy.

Zhang Heng has no doubt that this deputy named Liu will definitely get him the most favorable policies and will fully support him.

Even other leaders in the city will fully support him.

Because once successful, it will bring a lot of political achievements, and then a lot of tax revenue. Even if tax exemption is granted in the early stage, a huge precious metal industrial zone can attract related industrial companies to settle down.

Other companies that do not meet the requirements will not be exempted from tax, and naturally there will be taxes.

And after the tax exemption period of Hengyuan Mining, the amount of tax collected must be scary.

However, there are strict regulations that once the tax exceeds 200 million, it will be collected directly by the city and has nothing to do with the county. It would be strange if they are not active.

"Who said it's easy to succeed?"

Zhang Heng muttered to himself and sighed: "Dealing with all kinds of people every day is not an easy thing. Just thinking about every word before speaking during the conversation is very brain-consuming."

"Well, I have finally laid a solid foundation. The funds are in place now, and there should be no problem in the future."

"My main business is my final destination!"

Zhang Heng shook his head, put down his thoughts, relaxed himself, and took a short rest.

After lunch!


Zhang Heng shouted in a low voice, and when he appeared again, he was already in the captain's seat of the mining ship: "Is the repair completed?"

"It's done, Captain!"

"What changes will be made after the upgrade?" Zhang Heng was more concerned about this.

"This repair is mainly for scanning and detection, and the other is the projection device. After the repair, the water depth that can be scanned and detected is up to 1,300 meters, and the seabed depth is up to 135 meters."

The intelligent program immediately gave accurate data, and it was also very humane to keep it a secret: "There is an unexpected surprise during this repair."


Zhang Heng was stunned, not knowing whether to cry or laugh: "Okay, stop keeping it a secret. By the way, I'll give you a new name, Smart No. 1!"

"Thank you for the captain's naming!"

Smart No. 1's words were a little volatile, as if he was happy and excited: "Captain, the repair of the projection device will allow the mining of secondary minerals."

"Secondary minerals?"

Zhang Heng heard this and was overjoyed: "Quick, show the secondary mineral catalog!"

He had been waiting for this for a long time.

There are only two types of primary minerals, iron ore and coal mines!

Other minerals can be scanned and detected, but because the projection device is severely damaged, it cannot be mined. Unless it is like a sunken ship, it sinks to the surface of the seabed, and then projection mining operations can be carried out.

In other words!

Before the repair, he could only mine iron and coal mines for all the minerals buried under the seabed, and nothing else.

"The catalog has been displayed!" Smart No. 1 immediately raised the virtual screen.

"Copper, aluminum, tin, zinc, manganese... five more minerals!"

Zhang Heng was satisfied, with full text and annotations on the functions of minerals, etc.: "In this way, there are now seven types of minerals that can be mined."

"Captain... more than that, it should be eight!" Smart No. 1 used a mysterious tone to keep the secret until the last moment.


"Pull down!"


Zhang Heng was stunned, and actually used his finger to draw a vertical downward stroke in the void, and his eyes suddenly opened wider: "Oil?"

"Yes, Captain... Oil is a secondary mineral!" Smart No. 1 revealed the mystery and said with a mischievous laugh.

"Oil is a secondary mineral, so what about natural gas? Isn't it the same?"

After Zhang Heng was overjoyed, his greed swelled up, but he quickly suppressed it: "Okay, I'm greedy. It's good to be able to mine oil. It can be the lifeline of industry."

Seventy-one percent of the earth is ocean, and the remaining 29% is land!

It is impossible to calculate how much oil is buried in the huge ocean, but it is certain that it is definitely more than on land, and it exists in multiples.

"Oil refining and processing, gasoline, diesel... let's not talk about these, what else? There are too many industrial chains around oil."

Zhang Heng has ignored Smart No. 1, his brain is working quickly, adjusting the operation: "Let's not talk about other things, just the gasoline area, there is a lot to do."

"Smart No. 1... set sail immediately, this time the target is the Xiaozhi Sea!"

Zhang Heng quickly issued an order.

Soon, Smart No. 1 poured a basin of cold water on him, but it made the captain feel cold.


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