City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 19: Billion-Ton Oil Storage Tank [Update 3]

Back to shore!

910 tons of carbon steel also came up!

After two voyages, we have accumulated 1,820 tons of high-quality carbon steel.

There is no rush, we will accumulate more and sell them later.

I went out to have a good meal and rest for a while, then I searched for information online and found a contact method without much effort.

"Hello... Is this China Construction Group?"

"Yes, sir, how can I help you?"

For large groups, or state-owned super-large groups, the receptionists who answer the phone deliberately choose those with sweet voices, but Zhang Heng is not interested in this: "I have a project here that I want to cooperate with you. The first phase of the project is relatively small."

"Reconstruct a small dock and build a deep small port, a deep-water port dock with ten berths. There are no problems with the hydrogeology. We have previously detected and evaluated it, and it is completely feasible."

"In addition, it is said that a finished fuel storage warehouse will be built with a total reserve of 100 million tons."

"There are also four large warehouses, that's all for now."

Zhang Heng reported it in one breath, took a breath, and then continued: "By the way, I am Hengyuan Mineral Group, my surname is Zhang, my address is Zhangjia Village, Hexi Town, Kuiyang County, and the contact number is this machine."

State the purpose of the visit, state the identity, and report the address.

All three items are complete.

With this information, he believes that the people of China Construction Group can verify it and find out more information.

"Mr. Zhang, right?"

The sweet voice sounded again, with a big fluctuation compared to before, and it seemed that the heart was extremely uneasy: "I have received it here, and my colleagues will contact you soon."


Zhang Heng just said it and hung up the phone directly.

The information has been provided, and the call was made to the Chaojie City Branch of China Construction Group. Once they verify the authenticity, they will definitely contact him, or even send people to Zhangjia Village directly.

The first phase of the project is relatively small?

Don't be funny, just building a dock is a big project.

There is also a finished fuel warehouse of 100 million tons, which is a big project. The municipal branch attaches 100% importance to it. I am afraid that this project will be directly reported to the headquarters of China Construction Group in Beijing.

As for Zhang Heng, it was soon found out!

Including his plan to take over 5,000 acres and build a huge industrial plant around minerals, it was also found out by the people of China Construction Group and confirmed directly.

So, the boss of China Construction Group in the urban area personally went to Zhangjia Village.

Zhang Heng was not idle either!

After hanging up the phone, he called Deputy Liu directly, using a private phone number that he had saved before.

The land had not been expropriated yet, and no contract had been signed with him, not even an investment intention contract had been signed. If he wanted to break ground first, he should at least give him a heads-up, and it was not compliant.

But unexpectedly!

When Deputy Liu heard that Zhang Heng was going to break ground first, he not only did not refuse, but also said happily: "Mr. Zhang, you can rest assured to start the construction. If there are any procedures required, we can sign them later, and the land expropriation work will start tomorrow."

"You can expropriate the land you want to use first, and you can sign the agreement the day after tomorrow at the latest, and the procedures will be completely compliant."

"I will urge the relevant personnel!"

Deputy Liu directly maximized the efficiency and flexibly applied some rules.

"Thank you, Mayor Liu!"

Zhang Heng reacted at this moment. With such high efficiency and a hint of joy in his words, he was just afraid that his half-cooked duck would fly away. If he started construction, wouldn't he be 100% settled? "I have already contacted China Construction Group. We need to conduct some surveys and designs, which will take a few days."

"That's even more of a problem."

The deputy Liu wanted to laugh, but he still said in a happy tone: "The construction quality of China Construction Group can be fully guaranteed."

"Okay, then I won't bother you. You are busy, you are busy!"

Zhang Heng said no more. As long as the goal was achieved, he still had his own things to do.


Planning the entire industrial plant area is originally best left to professionals, but planning and design are essentially different.

What he called planning was to roughly divide the 5,000 acres of land into functions.

For example, what is to be built in this area, such as the dock area, must be built into a large warehouse for the convenience of unloading and storage.

Then that area is to be built into a smelting plant, etc.

First make a rough division, and then let professionals refine the design, which can save a lot of trouble.

However, Zhang Heng never expected that at about 4 o'clock in the afternoon, China Construction Group gave him a big battle.

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