City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 24 New Client: Weapon Group [Eight Updates]

Building your first car by yourself has extraordinary significance!

Although Zhang Heng's previous statement that hand-made was just a joke, the assembly was finally completed by hand, right? It was still quite fulfilling to assemble the parts one by one.

After more than six hours of work, he didn't stop until seven o'clock in the evening.

"It's less than one-third of the engine, it's really..."

Zhang Heng's face was full of bitterness. He realized it was not easy when he really started, but it didn't dampen his enthusiasm: "Anyway, there's no rush. I can just kill time when I'm free."

No words all night!

The next morning, I ran around the fields in the village for a few laps, breathing fresh air and experiencing the beauty of the countryside.

You must know that in big cities, it is simply a luxury to breathe such fresh air, and it is simply impossible.

Nine o'clock in the morning!

The large fleet of China Shipbuilding Group was ushered in. Vice President Lin did not come this time. After all, he is the vice president of a large shipbuilding military enterprise, and it is impossible for him to come every time.

"Brother Zhang, I'm really too busy, there's nothing I can do!"

Lin Chengwang called and asked, "Our convoy should be here, right?"


Zhang Heng knew that it must be the leader of the convoy who called, so it was redundant to ask, so he said, "It's already being loaded."

"That's good, I'm relieved!"

"'s not the first or second time we've done this!"

Zhang Heng said so, and then changed the subject and said, "Brother Lin, I'm afraid it will take some time for the carbon steel."

"What's wrong?"

Lin Chengwang was stunned and realized that something was wrong: "Don't, Brother Zhang...For such high-quality carbon steel, the more the better, and we have a big gap."

"No way, it's almost 60,000 tons, it's not a small amount!" Zhang Heng has his own way of calculating, even if it's not accurate, he can still grasp the approximate amount.

"Okay!" Lin Chengwang smiled bitterly and told the truth: "It's mainly on my side. I plan to sell 10,000 tons to Ludao Shipbuilding Group. As a brother unit, we should support it." "Your brother is... good at both money and favors." Zhang Heng saw through the twists and turns immediately. "Hehe..." Lin Chengwang did not deny it and returned to the topic: "Is it a problem with the supply of goods?" "There are factors in this regard, but if you need it, let me know first, and I will find a way to get you a batch." Zhang Heng was also true and false. Seeing that the groundwork was almost done, he said: "The main thing is that I will shift my focus to copper. You know, my storage conditions are limited. I don’t have a proper warehouse yet." "Copper?" Lin Chengwang immediately changed his target. If it weren’t in his own office, he would definitely make his subordinates stare. He was a very calm person, but now he was a little out of control: "Finished copper? Copper ore? How is the purity?" "Pure copper!" Zhang Heng achieved his goal and showed a little fox smile: "Ninety-nine point ninety-nine percent!" "Good stuff!" Lin Chengwang threw the carbon steel aside and said hurriedly: "Yes, we want it from China Shipbuilding Group. We want as much as we can." "Brother Lin, my President Lin... You can't do this, right?" Zhang Heng quit. He didn't want to be tied to the China Shipbuilding Group. The best way was to develop more customers: "Well, I'll give you a part."


Lin Chengwang was not stupid, otherwise he wouldn't be able to sit in the position of vice president. He saw through the key and was generous: "The largest copper user is the Ordnance Group. I'll help you contact them. I think they will be very interested."

"Thanks, brother!" Zhang Heng was not too polite this time. It's easier to deal with smart people.

"Who are we talking to? Why are you so polite!"

"Anyway, when you are free, I'll treat you to a meal."

"Eating is a small matter, let's go with carbon steel. You have to help us get it when we need it."

"I promise there will be no problem!" Zhang Heng almost patted his chest to promise.

For him, carbon steel is really not a big deal. If he needs it, he only needs eight hours to get 910 tons. If he is given 24 hours, he can get 2730 tons.

It's nothing more than letting the mining ship sail.

It's not a big deal.

Less than three minutes after hanging up the phone, another call came in.

After answering the call, Zhang Heng was dumbfounded after just a few words.

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