City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 26 Is Here, They Come To The Island Country To Steal Mines Again [Second Update]

Set sail!

According to the style of the Ordnance Group, they will never deliberately lower the price. The quotation of pure copper is the best example. The price of the copper-zinc contract will remain the same at that time!

"Smart No. 1, set sail!"

Zhang Heng came to the old house and issued a transmission designation. He further ordered in the captain's cockpit: "The target this time is the copper mine!"

"Received, the route has been set!"

"Follow the route!"

Zhang Heng does not do things where laymen command insiders. Smart No. 1 is professional in this regard: "This copper mine seems to be in the high seas. Is there no copper mine in the waters of the island country?"

The high seas are not owned by any country, so there is no problem with mining.

But from his point of view, he dare not touch the mineral resources in his own waters, and he will not touch them. If it is the mineral resources in the waters of island countries or other countries, it is another matter.

Especially the mineral resources of island countries, which can be mined by 100 million tons, he will never mine only 99.99 million tons.

"Within the current detection range, no copper mines have been found in the waters of the island country, unless it is detected along the island country's mainland islands, there may be some!"

Intelligent No. 1 answered truthfully, paused and said: "According to the exploration of the island country's mineral resources department, copper mines have been found in the south of their mainland island."

"Show the information they published!" Zhang Heng's eyes lit up.

The next moment!

A very professional report was displayed on the virtual screen.

It was very intelligently translated so that he could understand it at a glance.

The next second!

"Damn, the most shameless one is the island country. It is 230 nautical miles away from the mainland, which has long exceeded the regulations of the international coastline."

Zhang Heng cursed, and he also made up for the basic common sense of the ocean: "No matter how much they draw the exclusive economic zone of the ocean, it is far more than 200 nautical miles. Does it still belong to them?"

A 12-nautical-mile coastline can also draw another 200-nautical-mile exclusive economic zone, which is only 212 nautical miles in total.

Anything beyond 212 nautical miles is considered high seas.

"They claim that one of their hidden islands and reefs is within 212 nautical miles!" Smart No. 1 said formally.

"Why don't they have one in the central Pacific Ocean? Then the entire Pacific Ocean is their waters."

Zhang Heng's words were full of sarcasm, and he realized that he had lost his composure. He kept arguing with Smart No. 1: "Adjust the route and bypass the South China Sea. Let's see how big this copper mine is."

"Hmph... Let alone 260 nautical miles, even if it is within 12 nautical miles of the coastline, it should be mined. Who cares if they die?"

"Set sail at full speed!"

Zhang Heng sneered, as if he would not stop until all the mineral resources in the waters around the island country were dug out!

In fact, he had the same idea in his mind.

You must know!

There are many volcanoes in the waters around the island country, which erupt from time to time. After years of accumulation, I don't know how many times they have erupted.

Under this kind of geology, and over the years, its mineral resources are very rich.

There are countless rare earth mines known and explored, and there is enough combustible ice for them to use for 100 years.

If the mining ship could not mine now, he would have driven the ship to mine it clean.

The huge push back feeling appeared again.

The speed of 300 knots is not a joke.

"By the way, how is the repair?" Zhang Heng almost forgot.

"The current storage space has been expanded to 1250 tons, but it is not recommended to store full cabins!"

"The maximum storage is 1200 tons, there should be no problem, right? Reserve 50 tons of space?" Zhang Heng asked.

"The maximum can reach 1230 tons!"


Zhang Heng nodded to show that he knew what was going on, and then asked: "After these days of repairs, a lot of copper and zinc mines have been mined, and the hull should have been reinforced, but the speed has not been improved?"

"The current maximum speed can reach 360 nautical miles/hour, but it cannot maintain this speed for a long time, mainly because the power system is damaged."

Smart No. 1 still read out the script and gave a positive speed: "The speed that can be maintained for a long time can reach 330 knots!"

"30 knots more, it's already good, 330 nautical miles an hour, and it can speed up from time to time, not bad, not bad!"

Zhang Heng was quite satisfied. Putting aside his three luxury cars, he spent more than 900 million yuan, and he couldn't do it without a return: "Tell me about other aspects, just give a brief introduction, so that I can have an idea."

"Okay, scanning detection, projection devices, etc., have all been improved to varying degrees!"

Intelligent No. 1 briefly explained the situation: "The sea depth is about 1,500 meters, the seabed depth is about 150 meters, the processing cabin is more energy-efficient, and the refining speed has been significantly improved."


"The captain... is gone!"

"Okay, very good!"

Zhang Heng actually knew that the 1 billion yuan spent on repairs before was smuggled in. It was not that Intelligent No. 1 betrayed him, but that the hull was severely damaged, and the code implanted in the deep level allowed it to be repaired.

If there is a chance, smuggling some smuggled goods is actually to complete the repair work.

What's more, the greater the degree of repair, the more powerful the function, which is also his goal.

So it's nothing.


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