City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 33: Officially Signing The Land Acquisition Agreement [Update 1]

"Hmm... the bullet is loaded!"

Zhang Heng's ears are very sensitive, and he can hear the low muffled sound. After a moment of surprise, he laughed inexplicably: "Maybe the 2.9 billion scared people."

The total value is as high as 2.9 billion!

If you don't know, you only have a concept, and you will pass it vaguely, but if you know the real value, it still represents a huge amount of money, and you dare not be careless at all.

These days, let alone 2.9 billion, even 100 million is enough to make some people crazy.

The bad taste passed in a moment.

As for the domestic situation, it is impossible for an accident to happen. If there is an accident, didn't you see that Major Qin has loaded the bullet? In the end, there will definitely be no accident.

"With the 2.9 billion coming in, plus the 708.9 million from China Shipbuilding Group, it's more than 3.6 billion. There's also the remaining money from before, so the funds are enough for now."

Zhang Heng calculated and was eager to try: "Can we start the second phase of the project?"

The total amount of the first phase of the industrial plant project is 1.3 billion, 300 million has been paid, and the remaining 1 billion, with the amount of funds he currently holds, there will be more than 3 billion left after paying, so there will be no problem in starting the second phase of the project.

"It seems that the procedures in the city have not been really completed. I guess it will be in these few days, right?"

Zhang Heng shook his head and laughed, feeling that he was a little too anxious, and it was also because of the money. With money in his pocket, he couldn't wait to spend it as soon as possible. This is a disease that needs to be cured: "It will only take a few days, just enough to assemble the car."

Time flies!

Two days passed in the blink of an eye.

As expected, the cool supercar was assembled, and yesterday, the China Petrochemical Branch had delivered 10 tons of polyvinyl chloride and six old oil tanks, and the six old oil tanks were immediately filled with oil.

A 150 cubic meter tank, when fully filled, is equivalent to 110 tons per tank.

Three tanks are for cars, and three tanks are for diesel!

There is no problem with the fuel. When the assembly is completed, it is natural to do a static test as soon as possible. A series of tests were also done, and there were no problems. Taking advantage of the dark, he drove out for a super low speed turn.

For this reason, he even removed the threshold of the courtyard gate.

The reason why he took advantage of the dark was mainly because he did not register the car. It is not easy to get on the road for the assembled car, let alone register it.

However, he played a trick earlier and submitted three applications for three types of test vehicles to the vehicle management department. If they are passed, they can go on the road properly. If they play a marginal ball, it is not difficult to get the license.

The remaining two cars are to be assembled.

Although the models are different, the experience of assembling a whole car once can surely greatly shorten the time.

"One car can be assembled in three days, two cars in a week!"

Zhang Heng estimated that it was getting late, so he put it aside for the time being. He was a little tired recently.

After a good meal, he had a good sleep.

He slept until dawn.

It was eight o'clock in the morning!

The door of the small bungalow was knocked.

"Hello, Secretary Wang!"

"Mr. Zhang, good morning!"

Secretary Wang did not dare to underestimate the young man in front of him, and was full of respect: "Deputy Mayor Liu is here, and there are also people from various opportunities, who are at the village committee."

"Oh... your boss is here?" Zhang Heng realized that he had said something wrong after he finished speaking.

"Boss... Hahaha!"

Secretary Wang was stunned when he heard this, and then laughed: "Yes, yes, yes, it's my boss."


Zhang Heng also smiled, but his smile was a little awkward, but fortunately he resolved it: "Right away, I'll go over right away and change my clothes."

"No hurry, no hurry!"

"Very soon!"

Zhang Heng left this sentence and turned to go upstairs.

In less than two minutes!

He went downstairs and went straight to the village committee. There was indeed a large group of people waiting for him. The scene was also decorated.

Signing ceremony!

That's right. A high platform was temporarily built with a red carpet, a long table was placed on the platform, and many chairs were neatly placed below. Colorful flags were flying and ribbons were flying.

In addition to people from various agencies, there were also reporters from the city TV station. The scene was very lively.

No extra nonsense.

Probably because he was afraid that Zhang Heng would be disgusted, the deputy surnamed Liu explained it. While indicating the need, he also implicitly explained that the city needed it. Good things should be reported, which also showed the city's attention.

Zhang Heng naturally expressed his understanding. It has become a form of unspoken rules. If there is no such scene, it would be unreasonable.

The leader spoke, a song of praise, and spoke for half an hour.

Then another leader took over, and the whole speech process lasted for more than an hour.

This is already concise. If you attract a large enterprise, it is not excessive if you don't take turns to speak for three hours.

After going through the process of making trouble, it is finally the final signing ceremony.

To be honest, it is not as complicated as imagined. It is nothing more than requisitioning 5,000 mu of land for Hengyuan Mining Group. The signed agreement is also a land requisition agreement. It will take effect once signed.

"Mr. Zhang..." Deputy Liu called out.

Zhang Heng did not mean to leave. After the ceremony, there must be a lot of things to do. He also had something to do with Deputy Mayor Yang.

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