City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 76: Invisible Pretense Is The Most Deadly [Fourth Update]

The cost of a 500,000-ton tanker is between 2.6 billion and 2.9 billion. Let's take the middle price and calculate it as 2.75 billion.

After 10 ships, this amount alone has reached a huge amount of 27.5 billion!

As for the natural gas tanker, although it only has a carrying capacity of 200,000 cubic meters, its cost is also quite high. The current domestic quotation is about 180 million US dollars, which is equivalent to 1.21 billion in domestic currency.

For 5 ships, let's round it up and calculate it as 6 billion.

Adding the two together, it reaches 33.5 billion.

If China Shipbuilding Group is generous and gives a discount, such as rounding off the last digit, it will also cost 33 billion.

Super order!

There is nothing to say.

"Brother...are you serious?" Lin Chengwang was shocked and a little unbelievable.

"Haha, when did your brother see me joking about serious matters?"

Zhang Heng asked back, jokingly: "Could it be that our China Shipbuilding Group is afraid that I can't afford it and won't accept my order?"

"Yes, why not?"

Lin Chengwang was also anxious. Such a large order was taken by him personally, and the credit must be attributed to him. His promotion was also stable, so how could he miss it: "On behalf of China Shipbuilding Group, I officially accepted it."

"As for you can't pay it back? When the time comes, you can use carbon steel to pay it back. If it doesn't work, you can use titanium alloy to pay it back. Our China Shipbuilding Group is very happy to pay the debt with goods."

Lin Chengwang also joked.

"We don't do this. The second-hand dealer business is getting more and more proficient."

Zhang Heng smiled bitterly. Does China Shipbuilding Group need titanium alloy? The answer is yes, but the quantity is very small, just a little for marine engines: "Okay, brother, I won't talk to you for now, I'm having dinner with my classmates."

"Okay, you eat!"


The phone was hung up.




The box was silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

I was stunned!

Then the three of us looked at each other, staring at each other, and we could see the shock between each other.

"No, youngest, you are not showing off to us, are you?"

Li Ke was the first to appear. He was born with a big nerve and was not so polite: "You said 10 supertankers and 5 gas ships. Do you know how much each ship costs?"

"Tsk, it's like our village just got the internet!"

Zhang Heng curled his lips in disdain, with a look of "I don't know you, this fool": "A 50-ton tanker can cost up to 2.9 billion yuan, and a gas ship costs more than 1.2 billion yuan. Do you think I'm right?"

"Damn, so you know, no, no, shit... you messed me up."

Li Ke was so scared that he couldn't even speak straight. "Damn, it's still not right. That is to say, you knew the cost and placed an order. Then there are only two possibilities. One is that you really placed an order of more than 30 billion. The last possibility is that the person who talked to you on the phone was an actor and you bribed him."

"Get lost!" Zhang Heng was really mad and wanted to punch this fat guy a few times. He even hired an actor. It was out of the question.

"Then it's true. Damn... 30 billion order, just placed it?" Li Ke still maintained a trace of disbelief.

"Fatty, you waited until now to react?"

After being surprised, Yang Yong quickly recovered: "I have never doubted what the youngest said from the beginning, not because of anything else, but because our institute got a sample of carbon steel before, tested and analyzed it, and conducted in-depth research."

"Coincidentally, I did the testing work. The carbon content is as high as 9.13%. At that time, I heard that it was from Hengyuan Mining Group, but I didn't react. Now I remember, isn't it the Hengyuan Mining Group of the youngest?" Yang Yong slapped himself on the forehead at the end.


Qian Zhi laughed heartlessly, fully carrying forward his previous style, eating and sleeping, and scolding the eldest brother: "Boss, you waited until now to react, why is your good brain always half a beat slower?"

"I reacted a long time ago, not only did your institute get a sample, we also got it, and we got more, one of which is said to be pure copper, which is also a product of Hengyuan Mining Group."

"When the youngest introduced himself to that big idiot outside, I knew it was the youngest's company."

Qian Zhi was very proud.


Yang Yong refuted mercilessly, and he often exposed the secrets of others: "If you knew it earlier, why did you worry about the youngest brother when mentioning Huatai Group?"

"Hey, let's be reasonable, the youngest brother's Hengyuan Mining Group has two epoch-making products, but it is also a newly established company. Huatai Group is an old company. Apart from other things, it can't compare with Zhang Li, the old man, in terms of personal connections."

Qian Zhi shrugged and sighed: "Our national conditions are always a society of human relationships."


Yang Yong did not accept this forced explanation, and listed examples: "There are powerful products, or they are used in military industry. If there are products, there are relationships. Not everyone has people who can be easily moved."

"..." Qian Zhi was speechless. In fact, this is the case.

"Come on, come on, let's go out for dinner, okay?"

Zhang Heng was helpless. Things kept coming one after another, and he never thought of showing off. But sometimes invisible showing off is the most deadly. To be honest, he also showed off in front of his three roommates: "No matter what, it's just the same. I'm starting a business and it's also a private enterprise. There are always differences between relatives and strangers."

"You are in a confidential unit. Everyone has an iron rice bowl. You don't have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of your life. If you get sick, you can get reimbursement?"

"If you produce results, it will be a lot of fun. The unit will reward you a lot."

"Even if there are no major results, the unit will also reward you for publishing a paper that has been watered down several times. It is called contributing to scientific research, but it is actually making money in a reasonable and legal way."

Zhang Heng also laughed.


Three pairs of white eyes and bursts of criticism were ushered in.

A big meal was also spent in this atmosphere.

However, the good banquet also had to end, and the three of them stayed in Xiangnan Province to work, otherwise it would be difficult to get together this time.

Each one goes to his own mother and each one goes back to his own home.

Zhang Heng was no exception. He stayed in Xiangnan Province for one more night. The next morning, he drove back in a supercar with a missing window.

What he didn't expect was that when he arrived at Zhangjia Village, the scene he saw almost scared him to death.

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