City: Ocean Mining Ship

Chapter 83: Super Treasure [7Th Update]

"Open the processing catalog!" Zhang Heng saw that the third-level minerals included combustible ice, and he regretted not coming aboard last night to understand the situation. He was really late, but he also had a good sleep last night, otherwise he would be too excited to sleep: "Just show the types of processing and refining of combustible ice. Simplify the instructions, make them clearer and more thorough. "Nice!" Zhang Heng snapped his fingers, and sure enough, there was a catalog for processing and refining combustible ice: "Even if there is only natural gas, so what? 1 meter can be converted into 164 cubic meters of natural gas, just mine and convert it into natural gas directly." "Captain, there are still restrictions on combustible ice," the intelligent number reminded weakly. "Restrictions?" Zhang Heng was too happy, and suddenly received bad news. It would be strange if he was in a good mood. He hurriedly asked: "What restrictions?" "Methane hydrate is generally in the deep sea, and the seabed is also very deep. With the current situation of the mining ship, it is the biggest restriction. ”

Intelligent No. 1 has already appeared to remind, so there will be no hiding. The intelligent program does not have so many twists and turns: "Of course, there are also some buried in the surface of the seabed, but the number is very small. Take the island country as an example. They have proven that the reserves of combustible gas are as high as 1 trillion cubic meters, but they are 1,300 meters deep under the seabed. "

"And at present, the mining ship 623 can only mine the seabed at a depth of more than 180 meters, which cannot meet the conditions for mining operations." Intelligent No. 1 added at last.

"......" Zhang Heng was silent. He was too happy and ignored the serious damage of the mining ship. If it was in its heyday, let alone 1,300 meters, even if it was 6,000 meters deep, it would still be mined: "Damn it, I'm really unwilling, but I can't be willing to mine it. "

"There is a place with extremely rich combustible ice on the surface, which has the conditions for mining operations. "Intelligent No. 1 was probably afraid of destroying the captain's confidence, so he immediately told him good news.


"Antarctica and the Arctic!" Intelligent No. 1 reported two place names.

Zhang Heng heard this and wanted to say, "Fuck, you travel the world, where are Antarctica and the Arctic?" Not to mention the bad weather, he, a southerner, would be frozen into an ice stick if he went to the ice and snow.

"Well, it seems that with the current situation of the mining ship, it is impossible to sail to the Antarctic and the Arctic. The metal repaired on the hull is only a substitute, and it cannot be completely antifreeze, and it does not have the ability to break ice for the time being. "

Intelligent No. 1's words sounded more like mumbling to himself.

(abdd) "Since you can't sail to the South Pole or the North Pole, why did you say it out?"

Zhang Heng also had nowhere to vent his anger. He used Intelligent No. 1 as a fire outlet, and it was also Intelligent No. 1's fault. Why did he say it out? He gave him hope, but it was extinguished. He was in a dilemma. He felt so uncomfortable: "Okay, put the combustible ice aside for now. No, there is actually another place with combustible ice, and the amount is also terrifying."

"Siberia area?" Intelligent No. 1 turned into a living map of the earth.

"Yes, that's where the reserves of combustible ice are not ordinary rich. They are all buried under the permafrost. I think the depth is not very deep."

Zhang Heng became more and more excited, but he also encountered a problem: "Unfortunately, that is the territory of Russia. There is still a brotherly relationship between them. We are too familiar with each other. It's embarrassing to start. ”

”Not all of Siberia belongs to the territory of the Great Mao Country!” Smart No. 1 reminded vaguely.

”Okay, let’s put the combustible ice issue aside for now.”

Zhang Heng has completely calmed down now. The temptation of mining combustible ice is too great, making him a little lost: “Did you record a lot of seabed mineral resource distribution during your recent voyage? Is there anything about titanium ore?”

“Yes, there are two titanium mines in one, one of which is a small titanium mine with low reserves.”

Smart No. 1 retrieved this information from the database and responded quickly: "The other one has been confirmed to be a large titanium mine, but its reserves cannot be fully explored."

"I'm afraid that small titanium mine has not been fully explored either?" Zhang Heng questioned.

"Yes, but in theory it can be explored. At least we have scanned to a depth of more than 60 meters in the bottom of the mine, but still have not found anything. The general distribution of minerals and the height of the fault cannot be so high."

Intelligent No. 1 explained first, then turned back and said: "But it does not rule out the existence of titanium ore at a deeper depth, which is the possibility of a mine within a mine. After all, geology is an extremely complex subject, and humans can never truly understand it thoroughly."

"This is the magic of nature!"

Zhang Heng is naturally very clear, it belongs to his professional scope: "Decades ago, an aluminum mine was discovered in China. After mining, it was abandoned because it was felt that there was no more. But more than 20 years later, mining technology and geologists proposed more advanced theories, and then someone explored the abandoned aluminum mine again, and found that there was a huge aluminum mine deep inside.

"This is what you call a mine within a mine. Such examples are not the same, but similar. There are countless of them around the world. So, don't make such a definite conclusion. The changes in nature are not completely controlled by intelligent creatures. "

"Take the Earth as an example. Since the emergence of human beings, no one knows how many times the earth's crust has changed. Before the emergence of human beings, we can trace back to the dinosaur era and before the dinosaur era, and it has been countless billions of years."

"How many times has the earth's crust changed in these billions of years? No one can tell. Unfortunately, minerals are buried underground because of the changes in the earth's crust."

Zhang Heng was a good teacher and gave the intelligent program a very educational lesson.

It was also a show of skill in front of an expert.

But he was happy.

Intelligent No. 1 also looked like a good student, letting the captain play freely.

"Lithium mines, is there any record of the distribution of lithium mines?" Zhang Heng asked again.

"Yes, three have been recorded, large, medium and small, all of which meet the conditions for mining operations."

"Very good!"

Zhang Heng was satisfied. These two were the mineral resources he valued most besides combustible ice: "Are there any lithium and titanium mines in the waters of island countries or Jiaozhi countries?"

"There is a medium-sized lithium mine in the waters of island countries."

"Only one?"

"Yes, there is only one proven and recorded sea area that has been sailed so far."

"It seems that the entire Pacific Ocean has not been visited."

Zhang Heng then remembered that it seemed that the sea areas where the mining ship sailed were not as many as imagined, and he couldn't help thinking about it. He had to plan well next.

Level 3 minerals can be mined, high-value lithium and titanium ores.

A comprehensive plan must be made.


There was a pain in the forehead. The facial nerves themselves were relatively more and closer to the brain, so the pain came faster.

"I am a big idiot. I have a super big treasure and I am still thinking about it here?"

Zhang Heng really felt like crying because of his stupidity.


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