Staring at the flying mecha, the director's head felt like it was hit by a heavy punch.


This performance! Too strong!

Blue Star currently cannot create such a thing!

And Tony in his previous life's memory, a person and an artificial intelligence system.

Fully developed!

"The interaction between the artificial intelligence Jarvis and Tony just now."Thinking of this, the director actually felt a chill in his heart!

Hua Zhibing, it is impossible to achieve this level with his unique skills!

And Jarvis has a teasing and flattering tone several times.

This is completely the emotional state of humans!

His hands trembled uncontrollably again.

This time is of great significance!

In the video connection, all the experts were silent.

Especially those military industry bosses.

A few minutes ago.

They were still instructing Tony and talking about the various restrictive problems in building this kind of mecha.

In the blink of an eye, it has been completely built!

And just a flight performance, it crushes their mecha!


"To be honest, I don't understand how it can have such flying performance"

"people���Intelligence, Jarvis, Jarvis helped Tony a lot in the process of building"

"Not only the manufacturing process, but also the use phase, at least 60% of the auxiliary capacity is assumed"

"The combination of artificial intelligence and mecha, the final effect is beyond my expectation"

"This is another major discovery in the history of Blue Star!"

Historian Huang Lao no longer knows how to write this paragraph.

The capture of the previous life of the reincarnation of a hundred generations.

Until now, it has basically revolved around the creation of this mecha.

In most cases, federal experts do not believe it.

Now, this face slap is loud.

Even he himself feels incredible.

In the Tiandao network forum, more and more posts are added to the favorites.

In one post, the popularity ranks in the top five.

The momentum is fierce and it is still rushing to the top three.

The post is about whether the two forms of the Mark mecha can be reproduced on Blue Star.

Many scientific research accounts are leaving comments in it.

Among them, several people, such as the Tiandao account of Technology Changes Life and the Tiandao account of I am a Scientist, have captured their previous lives, and their previous lives are the memories of scientists.

Even all of them have awakened the scientific level of their previous lives. The superposition of the scientific research level of the two lives makes them recognized as hidden bosses in the industry. The account with the big V logo flashes, and the text replied by each person expresses their shock.

"Wow! When I saw Tony soaring into the sky, I almost reached the peak of my life!"

"It's so great! This is definitely a groundbreaking work of art!"

"This mecha, as long as it is equipped with a weapon system, will definitely become a powerful weapon on the battlefield!"

"I once attended a technology forum with 200 people. One of the forums was about mecha equipment."

"There were so many of us at that time, and we worked all night for three consecutive nights, but in the end we only completed a simple failed product!"

"Tony built this mecha with his own strength. I can only say that he is a genius!"

"I am ashamed of myself! Compared with my past lives, my past life as a scientist was just garbage!"

"Tens of millions of active users, probably because he created this epoch-making mecha!"

"As for the theory of AI destroying the world that is circulating on the Internet, let's see how Jarvis assists him!"

Afterwards, someone immediately edited the several mecha design processes and drawings that appeared in the memory fragments of Bai Shi Lun Hui.

Even this big V scientific research boss, based on his own cognition and historical creation process, combined with Tony's process, formed a new mecha structure drawing and put it directly on the Internet.

As for whether it will succeed, no one knows.

In the live broadcast room, the barrage at this moment was floating with almost the same words

"Silver God of War!"

"war machine!"

"Weapons! Put on the weapon system, I want to see him kill everyone!"

"Tony is indeed an arms dealer! This mecha is clearly a new type of weapon!"

The scene from the previous life is still flashing.

【Tony drove the Mark 2 into the sky, flying at high speed in the white tail flame】

【Under the night sky, streaks of light flashed across the sky, and Tony performed various difficult aerial moves.】

【"Fantastic operation!"】

【The Mark II mecha flew past the Ferris wheel, turned around, and rushed straight into the sky.】

【"OK! Let's see what this equipment can do!"】

【Tony drove the mecha into the sky and asked:"SR-What is the record of the 71 Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft?"】

【"The record for fixed-wing flight is eighty-five thousand feet, sir."】

【Tony said in a bold tone:"Records are meant to be broken! Come on!"】

【The mecha display screen was shaking, and all kinds of data were calculated frantically, increasing rapidly.】

【"Sir, the exterior may be severely frozen, causing damage"】

【"Keep flying!"】

【The thrusters on his feet suddenly ejected even more powerful thrust, driving his speed up dramatically.】


【The Mark II's exterior was clearly covered in ice, and the flames of its footstep thrusters began to flicker.】

【When flying to high altitude, the thrusters automatically shut down and the power disappears.】

【Falling directly from the sky】

"Oh no!"

"Oh my god, this is going to end my life!"

"Lost power! What a high altitude!"

"Crazy! Scientists are really crazy!"

"Just develop slowly and don’t waste time!"

"If you fall from such a high place, you will definitely die."

"Can the power be restored? As long as the power is restored, there will be no problem!"

Everyone's heart was slightly lifted.

It is possible to build such an excellent mecha, but it can't fall to death during the test!

【Mark fell sharply and rolled over】

【"Jarvis, we are frozen, quickly unfold the tail! Jarvis! Tony called out】

【However, the falling state did not slow down, but the speed was getting faster and faster.】

【"Come on! We gotta get rid of the ice!"】

【Finally, Mark struggled to touch the tail switch on the right leg side.】

【The two tail wings suddenly popped open, shattering the ice on the body.】

【When Mark was about to hit the ground, the entire power system was fully restored.】


【The thrusters on his feet suddenly accelerated, and with the energy spray, Tony almost brushed past the ground, forcibly raising his height.】

【Tony laughed loudly in the mecha, very excited. 】

The live broadcast room was filled with 666 comments

"Damn! I was so nervous just now!"

"It's so exciting! If you don't operate it properly, you will fall to the ground."

"He smiled so happily."

"Scientists often wander between madness and genius"

"However, apart from these, there is nothing else about his previous life history?"

"Is it really artificial intelligence that controls humans?"

【In the luxurious sci-fi studio, Tony lies on a chair with an ice pack tied to his arm.】

【"For the record, the primary sensor fails above 40,000 feet"】

【"There is also a problem with the boost system, most likely due to ice."】

【Jarvis praised:"Your observation is very sharp, sir."】

【"If you plan to fly to other planets, maybe we should also add an exhaust system"】

【Tony took a sip of the green liquid and said,"Contact the Sith Company to reconfigure the metal material of the shell."】

【"Will it use the gold-titanium alloy of the Seraph satellite? This will ensure the power-to-weight ratio and increase the strength of the fuselage."】

【"I see. Can you please take a look at the renderings?"】

【"Let me open my eyes"】

【The new mecha renderings appeared on the computer screen in just a few seconds under Jarvis's self-control.】

【"Come, I'll teach you, add some of that flashy red color on the old cars"】

【"This keeps your usual low-key style"】

【In a blink of an eye, the color of the mecha was completed. Tony took a big sip of vegetable juice and said,"Make it!""】

【Jarvis said to himself:"Starting automatic assembly, expected to be completed in five hours"】

Suddenly, a bullet screen passed by the audience in the live broadcast room.

"Is that vegetable juice he drinks? It looks terrible."


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