The audience's breathing suddenly calmed down.

Everyone looked at the document quietly.

Waiting for Tony to open the document.

Uncover the true face of this magical organization.

Everyone is so curious about the so-called superhuman organization.

Not only the online viewers in the live broadcast room.

Tiandao Administration, in a video conference.

The experts almost stuck their heads into the screen.

Especially the historian Huang Lao.

This document may represent another system of that era on Blue Star.

It has a huge role in studying history and looking forward to the future.

The Supreme Court, a round table meeting of seven elders.

The seven people were also staring at the superhuman organization file in Tony's hand.

"The greater truth of that era is right here!"

【Tony glanced at the surrounding display screens, which were reporting various news.】

【He casually picked up the document on the table, which read"Preliminary Report of the Superman Alliance"."】

【Just as he was about to open the report, a large hand suddenly pressed down】

【The director of SHIELD sat down, stared at Tony and said,"I don't want you to see that report."】

【"I'm not sure this has anything to do with you."】

【The director took out another report and said,"As for this report, it is Agent Romanov's assessment of you."】

【Tony took the report:"Character analysis, Chief Stark behaved impulsively."】

【Tony looked at the director and said,"That was just last week."】

【"Self-destructive tendencies - I was dying"】

【"Aren't we all like this? Typical narcissists? I agree."】

【"Superman Alliance Recruitment Assessment, Man of Steel...Okay, I'll have to think about it."】

【The director stared at Tony and said,"Read on."】

【Tony looked at the document and continued reading:"Tony Stark, not recommended?"】

【"How can you accept another me but not the real me?"】

【"I have a brand new heart and I plan to treat Pepper well. Our relationship is stable."】

【The director walked around Tony, sat on the table and said,"At this time, we believe that you can only serve as a consultant."】

【Tony was slightly startled, then stood up, smiled faintly and shook the director's hand:"You can't afford me"】

The audience in the live broadcast room was slightly stunned.

They were all confused by this situation.

They originally thought it was information from the Superman organization.

Why did it end up being an investigation against Tony?

And in the end, Tony was not allowed to join?

"Holy shit! Did you hear what the Director said! Iron Man can do it, but Tony himself can't!"

"This means that Iron Man's strength is enough to join, but Tony himself is relatively weak."

"Hiss! Doesn't this mean that the combat power of each member of the Superman team is higher than that of Iron Man?"

"Damn! How awesome was Blue Star at that time!"

"I'm more curious about how many people joined that team!"

"Tony is tough! You can't afford me, awesome!"

"I think Agent Romanov's assessment is spot on."

"What a pity, I didn't see the full picture in the document."

When the audience in the live broadcast room saw the information of the Superman member, the number of online users directly approached the 40 million mark.

However, when it was found that there was no specific information about the Superman member, it suddenly dropped, but the drop was not large.

It finally stabilized at nearly 38 million online users! A terrible number of online users!

The amount of rewards from Ye Xuan's backstage has almost never stopped.

Of course, the amount of rewards is relatively small.

There will be more than one thousand at this time.

Basically, they are one or two yuan.

The audience was a little disappointed that they did not find the real story behind S.H.I.E.L.D.

In the office of the Tiandao Administration Bureau, the experts frowned and did not show a relaxed expression.

Those ordinary citizen audiences will only consider and react to superficial things.

And they will conduct in-depth research.

Humanist and sociologist Feng Xiaotian smiled and said,"The doubts I mentioned before seem to have become more confusing now."

"Now we have a simple measure of the strength of this organization."

"Possessing fighting power comparable to Iron Man."

Feng Xiaotian narrowed his eyes and analyzed:"How many people are there? How much higher is their fighting power than Iron Man? How many are lower? What are their specific abilities?"

Everyone listened to Feng Xiaotian, who listed his arbitrary speculations.

Their expressions became uglier and uglier.

Iron Man's fighting power is very strong, so strong that he can fight against terrorists alone.

The most advanced fighter jets can't do anything to him.

So how strong is the strength of this superman team organization?

Historian Huang Lao paused and said:"In any case, we are now closer to the true essence of that historical period!"

"And we can be sure that in that era, there was a group of people with extraordinary abilities!"

Everyone nodded.

Unless it is a technological equipment like Iron Man.

Otherwise, everyone can only use extraordinary power to speculate.

Another famous expert suddenly said:"Speaking of which, a special organization like S.H.I.E.L.D."

"Why does it exist? '

This person's words made everyone stunned.

The director looked up suddenly.


Why does S.H.I.E.L.D. exist?

There must be a reason, right?

Bringing together the existence of extraordinary powers, is it for fun?

To compete with the country?

Most likely not!

The director's mind suddenly reappeared the huge mechanical whale.

"SHIELD, mechanical whale?"

The director paced back and forth in the room.

He had two speculations about the mechanical whale.

The first time, he thought it was a product of high technology and biology on the blue planet, belonging to the blue planet humans!

The second time, based on the tip of the iceberg that was gradually revealed, he deduced that the powerful enemy might be related to the mechanical whale.

But when the expert just mentioned why SHIELD was established, he thought of this mechanical whale. Could it be from SHIELD?

"So, maybe the mechanical whale is controlled by SHIELD and is one of the means to fight against more powerful enemies?"

The director looked dazed.

With this inference, the strength of the enemy that Blue Star might face at that time has increased again!

My head hurts.

The live broadcast is still jumping.

【On the endless plain, a car was speeding, leaving a trail of dust behind it.】

【The vehicle stopped and a man in a suit got out of the car.】

【It was Agent Corson of S.H.I.E.L.D., wearing sunglasses, watching the scene below】

【Under his feet was a huge basin, in the center of which was a deep pit several dozen meters long.】

【The pit was surrounded by people and cars, which were speeding up as if trying to drag something out from the bottom of the pit.】

【Coulson took out his cell phone and said,"Sir, we found"】

【The camera flickers and quickly zooms back, revealing the scene at the bottom of the pit.】

【It turned out to be a silver square hammer, lying quietly at the bottom of the deep pit.】


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