The worldview that Thor talked about broke the cognition of all humans in the Blue Star Federation.

In Ye Xuan's live broadcast room, everyone was in the barrage."

Venting their curiosity about the Earth era of Blue Star

"Oh my god! I can't believe it!"

"Protect me and let me output! The reincarnation of a hundred generations is too important!"

"How big is this world tree?"


"But I can’t tell now, Thor seems to be just an ordinary blue star person?"

"That's right, eh? Damn, look at the screen!"

"What the hell is this? A robot!"

【The originally calm sky was suddenly swept by a terrible sandstorm.】

【Below the hurricane sandstorm, it suddenly fell to the ground with a bang, as if a heavy object had fallen to the ground.】

【When the dust settled, it turned out to be a huge robot several meters tall.】

【The SHIELD agent said,"Is this another Iron Man creation?"】

【Coulson took the speaker and said,"I don't know, that guy never told me"】

【Coulson shouted with a bullhorn:"Hello! You are using an unauthorized weapon, please identify yourself!"】

【The huge robot's mask opened, revealing a hollow face, and an orange-red light flashed and condensed.】

【Everyone panicked and scattered】

【The next moment, a thick column of flames shot out from the mask, easily destroying the car.】

【The town was in a panic, and Thor and a group of companions in strange costumes came out.】

"Holy shit! Such a powerful attack!"

"Looks much better than Tony!"

"Coulson thought it was Iron Man's new thing."

"Damn it, is this the beginning of the destruction of the earth?"

""The appearance of this thing, I didn't say what the specific situation was, why did it suddenly appear!"

Everyone was panicked.

The audience in the live broadcast room was even more shocked.

This robot looked like it was not something that could be dealt with.

And it opened fire directly, it didn't look like a good thing

【The silver robot walked into the town, with flames gushing out of its face, destroying the town.】

【Several of Thor's companions rushed forward to stop the silver robot's actions.】

【The silver robot punched one of them away, and the cracks on its body lit up, ready to release flames to kill】

【The companion above his head jumped up and landed behind the silver robot. The javelin in his hand suddenly pierced into the silver robot's head, nailing it to the ground.】

【Everyone showed a relaxed expression, but then the silver robot resumed its action.】

【The metal structure of the whole body rotated, turning over little by little from head to toe.】

【After the terrifying sound of metal turning, the whole body changed from face down to being faced down, with the face facing the back, and suddenly released a flame attack.】

【The companion narrowly escaped, but the silver robot was extremely destructive, the ground was shattered by the impact of the flames, and all the houses and shops around exploded.】

【Thor said to his companions:"You all go back to the divine realm first, I have a good idea to deal with him."】

【Immediately, Thor threw down his shield and walked towards the silver robot that was releasing the fire attack with empty hands.】

"Solta, what is he going to do?"

"He just said he was a mortal? Was he going to die?"

【Thor murmured,"Brother, no matter what I did wrong to you, no matter what I did to cause all this, I am really sorry, but these people are innocent, killing them will not do you any good."】

【Thor came to the silver robot and looked up at the silver robot that was about to release the flame.】

【"So kill me and end it all"】

【As soon as the voice fell, the robot that was about to release the flame attack put away the flame.】

【Just when everyone thought it was safe, the silver robot that had just turned around suddenly turned back and punched Thor, sending him flying.】

【Jane rushed over, looked at Thor with heartache, and kept calling】

【Thor said,"You are safe." He smiled and then slowly closed his eyes.】

"this...Could he have been killed by a single punch?"

"Come on, aren’t you from the Divine Realm? Why are you so weak?"

"I'm still waiting for you to meet Tony!"

"No, it feels like the air has changed?"

【Everyone looked at Thor sadly, thinking that he was about to die.】

【Thor's hammer, which was originally at the bottom of the deep pit, suddenly began to tremble.】

【The debris broke and fell, affecting a series of high-precision equipment and causing errors】

【Suddenly, Thor's hammer rushed straight into the sky】

【Jane held Thor's head, tears streaking her face. Suddenly, a roar sounded behind her.】

【A dark shadow appeared in the sky, breaking the speed of sound and falling madly towards his position.】

【Eric quickly pulled Jane to the side】

【Just as the hammer was about to hit Thor】

【Thor reached out and grabbed Thor's hammer.】


【Silver lightning bolts slammed down from the vortex in the sky, all hitting Thor. The sky and the earth shook, lightning flashed, and the sound was mighty.】

【The silver robot that had just left in the distance turned around, opened its head, and a beam of flame suddenly shot out.】

【Thor's hammer suddenly rushed out from the lightning and directly knocked the robot's head crooked.】

【Thor holds Thor's hammer, wearing thunder armor, with a red cape fluttering behind him】

【Thor grabbed the red rope of Thor's hammer and spun it quickly】

【A storm was generated, attracting everything around it, even the silver robot was swept up by the storm.】

【Thor fights with the silver robot in the storm, and the flame beam and Thor's hammer collide】

【Boom! A violent collision created a shock wave that swept around.】

【Silver robot falling from the sky】

【The storm dissipates and Thor returns to the surface】

【Coulson walked up and said,"You are hiding something from me."】

【Thor said:"Son of Kull, remember this name, we are both fighting to protect this world."】

【"From today on, you can consider me your ally, as long as you return what you took from Jane."】

【Coulson of SHIELD said:"No problem, you can get your equipment back."】

【Saul said to Jane,"Want to see that bridge we’ve been talking about?"】

【Jane nodded and smiled:"Of course"】

【Thor hugged Jane, raised Thor's hammer with his right hand, and suddenly flew into the air.】

"Thor looks so handsome in this outfit!"

"Has the honest Thor joined S.H.I.E.L.D.?"

"Fight to protect this world. I like this sentence."

【Sol and Jane drove to the pattern on the ground.】

【Thor stood on the pattern and looked up at the sky】

【"Heimdall, open the Rainbow Bridge!"】

【However, there was no movement】


【"Heimdall, if you hear me please answer, we need you!"】


【Just when everyone thought something had happened, a storm suddenly arose in the sky, and the eye of the storm fell downward.】

【After saying goodbye, Thor and his companions disappeared into the pattern on the ground in the flashing light.

The audience in the entire live broadcast room stared at the screen in a daze.

Although the clip just now was not long, it brought a great shock to everyone.

"I actually! I actually saw a person who could control lightning?"

"The power of nature is terrible! Why can he do it?"

"Damn! Who can beat him?"

"It’s too strong!"

"Heimdall, is he the person on the other side of the wormhole?"

"The Earth Age is so interesting!"

"I want to go to that era."

In the history of the previous Earth era, there was actually a being that could control lightning.

In reality, let alone lightning.

A voltage of more than 36V is enough to make a person drink a pot.

This seems like magic to everyone.

Unbelievable, something that can only be imagined in dreams.

"Hiss! This memory was captured by the author of Hundred Reincarnations. Although it was not him, if he awakened the memory, would he gain the power to activate thunder?"

"Holy shit! His activeness is now in the tens of millions, I feel like it’s very likely!"

"If he could control this power"

"And the Iron Man Suit!"


In the Blue Star Federation, all news platforms, forums, video software, etc., were all detonated when Thor controlled the thunder.

It was a supernatural force that appeared in the eyes of the people of the Blue Star Federation for the first time.

And it was so terrifying that it was indescribable!

Just as the outside world continued to ferment.

In the wasteland of the southwest region,

Elder Li Longshen threw away his mobile phone.

Slowly walked into the pattern that was almost the same as the live broadcast just now.

Immediately raised his head.

Li Longshen's face was filled with excitement, nervousness, expectation and other expressions.

His throat moved and he opened his mouth to shout

"Heimdall, open the Rainbow Bridge!"


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