The captured footage from the previous life at this time clearly showed that the entire team was in a state of battle.

However, everyone noticed that it was only SHIELD who was nervous.

No other officials came forward.

The director and his team stared at the live broadcast screen.

The frequency of communication was relatively low at this time. Everyone was very nervous, not knowing what would happen in the upcoming battle.

"Black Widow seems to be entrusted with an important task?"

On the live screen,

Black Widow talked to Coulson.

Coulson asked Black Widow to deal with a big guy.

And Coulson went to find Tony Iron Man himself.

"I understand, this is really a call for strong men!"

"Tony will definitely join! Don't worry!"

"Who is Black Widow going to find?"

"Where's Thor? It seems Thor is gone.......what to do"

"This place, is it a slum?"

"That's right, who is that man? Haven't you seen him before?"

"It's normal, I can't see any difference"

【At night, a little girl brought Bruce into the simple room, saying that her family was suddenly ill.】

【As soon as I walked into the room, there was no trace of the little girl】

【Bruce shook his head and chuckled, and the black widow beside him walked out of the corner】

【The widow said:"For someone who should avoid stress, you really chose the wrong place to stay."】

【Bruce looked at the widow and said,"Escaping pressure is not the key."】

【Black Widow smiled and said,"Then what should we do? Practice yoga?"】

【Bruce rubbed his hands and said,"You are very smart to bring me to the suburbs."】

【Bruce looked outside and said,"I guess this place is surrounded?"】

【The widow said:"Only you and me"】

【Bruce asked,"Who are you?"】

【"My name is Natasha"】

【Bruce folded his hands and said,"Are you here to kill me, Miss Romanoff? This will make things very unpleasant."】

【Black Widow approached and said,"Of course not, I'm here on behalf of S.H.I.E.L.D."】

【Bruce:"S.H.I.E.L.D., how did they find me?"】

【The widow said:"We didn't lose you, we just kept our distance and helped you avoid being harassed by other forces."】

The live broadcast room has nearly 100 million viewers, and they are very surprised

"What's going on? Who is this Comrade Bruce?"

"He actually asked SHIELD to keep up with him and help him solve the problem."

"Boss! Another boss!"

"Stop nagging, keep watching, this clip is quite stable, you will definitely see more content."

Mr. Huang has quickly recorded Bruce.

He is compiling a list of participants in the Avengers plan.

He feels that he can draw a separate development line for each character.

The only pity is that the captured footage is not particularly complete.

There is no relevant clip of this Bruce in front of him.

"This may be a group of people doing something great."

"Every person is precious."


【The widow said:"Fury seems to trust you very much, we need you to step up now"】

【Bruce said firmly:"What if I say no?"】

【The widow smiled and said,"I will convince you"】

【Bruce groaned, looking down at the floor,"What if my other side says no?"】

【Black Widow said calmly:"He has been behaving himself for more than a year, I don't think he will come out to disrupt the peace."】

【"I can't control it every time."】

【Natasha took out her cell phone and said,"Doctor, we are facing a global disaster."】

【Bruce smiled and rocked the crib and said,"I tried not to cause a disaster."】

【Black Widow pushed the phone towards Bruce:"This is the Cosmic Cube"】

【"It contains the energy to destroy the earth"】

【Bruce said,"So what does Fury want me to do? Swallow it?"】

【The widow said:"He wants you to find it, it was taken away"】

【"The gamma signal it emits is too weak for us to track"】

【"Gamma rays, no one knows more about them than you do. If they did, I wouldn't be here."】

The people watching suddenly realized

"I see. This is a PhD in physics, right?"

"Studying gamma rays?"

"It's pretty cool, even S.H.I.E.L.D. is protecting his safety"

"But the conversation between the two of them is confusing."

"Can you understand the conversation between physicists?"

"We are going to fight, so it's not appropriate to let Bruce, a physicist, join us, right?"

"That can't be said. Finding the Rubik's Cube is equally important."

The live screen suddenly jumped.

In the empty room.

The director of S.H.I.E.L.D. was looking at several projection screens.

【Every projection screen has a person's shadow】

【Someone said:"This has crossed the line, Commander"】

【"You are dealing with forces beyond your control"】

【The director calmly said,"Have you ever been in a war, Councillor? Real combat? Don't you think you are meddling too much?"】

【The congressman asked,"Are you saying that Asgard has declared war on us?"】

【The director said:"It's not Asgard, it's Loki"】

【The MP asked:"He couldn't have acted alone, what about his companion? His brother?"】

【The director said:"According to the intelligence, Thor has no ill intentions, but he is on another planet, and we can't expect him to help us. We have to rely on ourselves."】

【"So we've been keeping you focused on the second phase, which is specifically designed to deal with......"】

【The director said:"The second phase is not yet complete, but the enemy has arrived, we need an emergency force"】

【The congressman said:"The Avengers Project has been stopped."】

【The director said:"This is not the Avengers"】

【"We have seen the list. You have the world's top secret security force under your command, but you want to hand over the safety and fate of mankind to a group of monsters."】

【The director argued:"I don't want to hand it over to anyone. We need an emergency team. They may be lonely and even have defects, but I believe that as long as they are led correctly, this is a good team."】

【"Do you believe it?""Victory is not based on intuition"】

【The director calmly said:"Victory depends on the soldiers!"

The experts watching the live broadcast agreed

"Well said, Director Fury has a very high level of vision."

"Of course, no one is as capable as our director."

"Haha, you took this photo of a horse"

"By the way, the Earth officials at that time seemed to have known a lot of information."

"It's strange, why didn't the whole world join forces to kill these invaders?"

The director said:"S.H.I.E.L.D. is now prepared. It already has Bruce the physicist, Tony's iron suit, and a Thor who is unknown."

"The situation does not seem to be too optimistic."

The members of the expert group nodded one after another.

Not only were they not optimistic, they did not see the strong Avengers plan as the official Earth Era said.

It seemed that it was much weaker than imagined.


Mr. Huang paused with his pen tip.

He stared at the screen with his eyes.

He stuttered:

"This person is Rogers?"

In the picture, a familiar figure appeared.

He was practicing boxing crazily.

The key point is that Fury, the director of SHIELD, also appeared at the same time!

From the previous clips, everyone already knew that

Rogers was a person of Tony's father's era.

Now it is a brand new era.

But Rogers is still here?!

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