【In the work area of the spacecraft, Thor and Coulson are talking about Jane.】

【Director Fury stood on the steps and said,"Can you force Loki to tell you where the Cosmic Cube is?"】

【Thor shook his head and said,"I don't know. Loki's thoughts are hard to understand. He not only desires power, but he also wants revenge on me. No hardship can make him bow his head."】

【"Anyone who has been through this would never think that," Fury said as he came down the steps."】

【Thor looked at Director Fury and asked,"What do you want me to do?"】

【Director Fury stared at Thor and said,"I want to ask you, what are you going to do?"】

【Thor said:"Loki is a prisoner"】

【Fury said:"Why do I feel that he is the only one on this aircraft carrier who wants to stay?"】

【Thor blinked and said nothing.】

"Oh my god! Director Fury is really amazing. He feels the same as I do. I also feel that this is what Loki meant."

"Awesome! As expected of the Director of S.H.I.E.L.D., this is really amazing!"

"Thor, how come you are like a big fool, always being led by your brother"

"I gave him strength, but maybe I forgot to give him wisdom."

"If it were me, I would rather have this power. What's the point of having wisdom?"

"If Loki really wanted to stay here, then why on earth would he be brought here?"

"I just can’t figure out what he’s going to do."

The screen flickers.

【Loki walked back and forth in the glass cabin, as if thinking about something.】

【Suddenly Loki grinned and looked back outside. The person coming was none other than Black Widow.】

【"Not many people can sneak up on me."】

【The widow stood outside the glass cabin in a tight suit and said,"But you thought I would come"】

【Loki smiled faintly and said,"You are early."】

【"After Fury has done everything he can to torture me, you will show up and comfort me with false feelings, and I will cooperate with you."】

【The widow said directly:"I want to know what you did to Patton"】

【Loki spread his hands and said:"I expanded his mind"】

【Black Widow took a step forward, almost sticking to the glass cabin and said,"Once you win, once you become the king, what will happen to his mind?"】

【Loki stared at Black Widow and said,"Is this love, Black Widow?"】

【The widow retorted:"Only children talk about love, I owe him a favor"】

"Oh my god, has Black Widow fallen in love with Patton?"

"It's possible. They seem to be teammates. It's not a problem for them to fall in love with each other over time."

"Black Widow came to stand up for Barton, I wonder if Director Fury knows"

"I still feel it's not that simple. Do you remember what I said before, Black Widow has undergone many kinds of training?"

"The most important thing is that Loki is not a good person. I don't know what this rubbish will do."

"This thing is looking for death, wipe it"

【Loki took a few steps back and said with a faint smile:"Tell me"】

【Black Widow said helplessly:"Before I joined S.H.I.E.L.D., I......kindness......I was already famous."】

【Black Widow sat on a stool nearby and said,"I have a specific combination of skills. I don't care who dies for this. I was tracked by the Deep Bureau's radar. Patton was sent to kill me, and he let me go.""】

【"What would you do if I let him go?" Loki asked."】

【The widow said:"I won't let you out."】

【Loki grinned and said,"I know, I like it, your world hangs in the balance, you're bargaining for a man, the regime is declining every day."】

【"I won't feel sorry for him, I used to be a foreigner"】

【Loki glanced at the black widow and asked,"Who are you now?"】

【The widow stood up again and said,"It's not complicated. I owe a debt and I have to pay it back."】

【Rocky said calmly:"Can you? You owe so much debt, Dekov's daughter, St. Paul, the hospital fire, Barton told me everything, you are a blood debtor."】

"? ? I saw that Black Widow seemed to be crying!"

"Damn! Loki is awesome, he hits the heart directly, he has investigated before"

"Loki, this bastard, came to the Federation to start a pyramid scheme and make a lot of money"

"The dog's eyes seem to be able to see people's hearts."

"I'm so sad and worried."

"Don't compare yourself to him, this birdman is not a human being"

"Loki's words were so ferocious that it looked like he was going to be hammered to death."

"Thor is also rubbish, why not just kill him directly, can't you just knock him out with a hammer?"

【"Do you really think that you can change anything by saving someone who is not much better than you?"】

【"How sentimental, like a praying child, so pathetic!"】

【"You lie for liars, kill for killers, you pretend to be alone, have your own rules, and compensate for the panic in your heart, but they are a part of you, they will never go away"】

【Loki pounded the glass fiercely and said with a ferocious look:"I won't hurt Barton until I force him to kill you."】

【"Slowly, familiarly, he would kill you in the way he knew you feared most, and then he would wake up and slowly admire his masterpiece."】

【"When he screams, I'll split his skull open, that's my deal, you sniveling bitch!"】

【Black Widow's eyes were filled with tears, and she suddenly turned back and walked away. 】

Everyone saw this scene.

Everyone felt uncomfortable.

Loki's words simply broke the bottom line of everyone's cognition.

The Blue Star Federation is a peaceful and stable federation.

There has not been any war for a long time.

But the cruel means that Loki mentioned made everyone's eyes blood red.

The anger of countless people was completely aroused.

"Get the hell out of here!���Go down, open the wind tunnel for him, and let him fall in"

"Damn it! This rubbish is really a scumbag!"

"He is worse than scum, he is complete shit in my opinion!"

"The widow really cried, so pitiful"

"He gave me a fright by hammering the glass just now"

"It's very dangerous to leave Black Widow here alone. If Loki finds a way to get out, it will be the end."

"If people like Loki still exist, I will teach him how to be a human being!"

"I wonder if our world is still vulnerable to invasions and crises from other worlds?"

【The widow said calmly:"You cruel person"】

【Loki laughed and said,"No, you brought a beast."】

【Black Widow raised her head suddenly, looked at Loki and said,"So, it's Dr. Banner?"】

【"Is that your plan?"】

【Loki frowned and said,"What?"】

【Black Widow suddenly understood and quickly pressed the headset and said:"Loki plans to transform the Hulk. Let Banner stay in the laboratory. I will be there soon. Take Thor with you."】

【When Black Widow was about to leave, she suddenly paused and looked back at Loki. There was no trace of grievance or sadness on her face. She said calmly,"Thank you for your cooperation.""】

The barrage paused for a moment, and then erupted into a louder roar.

"What the hell did I see?!"

"Damn it! Black Widow lied to me!"

"Awesome...This move by Black Widow turned defeat into victory"

"Black Widow’s interrogation skills are pretty cool!"

"But these two people are good at talking."

"It turns out that Black Widow did it on purpose. She wanted to get information from the opposite side!"

"The agent is worthy of being an agent. If it were me, I would be stunned."

"Loki was confused"

"A woman's heart is as deep as the sea"

"Loki's trick didn't work."

"It makes me laugh to death. I guess Loki is so angry that he wants to hammer the wall!"

"By the way, the Hulk has nothing to do with Banner?"

"Black Widow said transformation, was it Dr. Banner who transformed? Impossible?"

"I don't know, but it's clear that the Hulk is extraordinary."

"He is so powerful that even Loki is afraid of him!"

"The final graceful back view of Black Widow made me laugh to death, hahahaha."

In the Tiandao Administration, the experts also laughed.

Several scientists even exclaimed:

"This Romanov agent is really amazing. He has given us a new idea."

"What new ideas does Brother Qiang have?"

""Loki is from the realm of gods. I think he should be stronger in both ability and mind. But you see, Black Widow can obtain some intelligence through some agents."

"So this shows that when dealing with unknown creatures, some conventional means of human beings can still be used."

"It just requires more proficiency."

The others also nodded in agreement.

The response of Black Widow and Loki, including the confrontation between others and Thor.

Although there may be some dangers.

But it also means that humans are not helpless.

At least, human wisdom is still not a low-level existence.

Feng Xiaotian frowned and said:"Loki's situation just now also shows that he really wants the Hulk to transform."

"He mentioned the beast several times, which means that the Hulk is like a beast, and will put everyone in danger?"

Tibetan fox Xiaoliang said softly:"It is probably not just as simple as danger. Black Widow asked so many people to go, which means that the problem is very serious. Even Thor may not be able to control the Hulk."

"Let's see what's going on first."

The captured image is still jumping.

Director Fury and Dr. Tony Banner are both in the laboratory.

【Director Fury walked over quickly and said,"Tony, what are you doing?"】

【Tony sat on the table and responded calmly:"I was just about to ask you that."】

【Director Fury stared at Tony and said,"You should find the location of the Cosmic Cube."】

【Dr. Banner said:"We are looking for it. The model has been locked. Now we are scanning for signals. When we scan it, we will locate it within 200 meters."】

【Tony said,"Yes, and then you can get your Rubik's Cube back without making a fuss."】

【Suddenly, a red text box popped up on the screen in front of Tony.、】

【Tony was surprised and asked,"What does Phase 2 mean?"】

【Just as he finished speaking, there was a loud bang, and a strange-looking weapon was placed on the table by Rogers.】

【Roger said:"Phase 2 is that SHIELD uses the Rubik's Cube to make weapons. Sorry, the computer is too slow for me. I went directly to the warehouse to find it."】

【Fury said anxiously,"Rogers, we have collected all the information about the Cosmic Cube, but this does not mean that we are making it......."】

【Tony turned the monitor around and said,"I'm sorry, why did you lie?"】

【Rogers buckled his belt and said,"I was wrong, sir."】

【Tony said:"The world hasn't changed at all, do you know this?"】

【Black Widow and Thor walked in from outside, Black Widow looked at Dr. Banner and said,"Do you want to leave here, Doctor?"】

【Dr. Banner smiled and said,"I am far away."】

【Black Widow stared into Dr. Banner's eyes and said,"Loki is controlling you."】

【Dr. Banner was puzzled and asked,"Aren’t you the same?"】

【The widow said:"You didn't come here because I flirted with you."】

【Dr. Banner said:"That's right, I won't come here suddenly just because of you."】

【Banner pointed to a missile-like graphic on the screen and said,"I want to know why SHIELD uses the Cosmic Cube to create weapons of mass destruction?"】

【Everyone was silent. Fury raised his hand and pointed at Thor and said,"Because he"】

【Saul was confused】

【Fury said:"Last year, an alien visitor came to Earth and had a fair fight, destroying a town."】

【"Not only did we discover that there are other creatures in the universe, we also discovered that our strength is very weak and our weapons are very backward."】

【Thor said:"The people of our planet just want to live in peace with the people of Earth.��】

【Fury retorted,"But you are not the only aliens, right? You are not the only threat either. There are too many in this world that cannot be countered.""】

【Rogers asked back,"Like you’re controlling the Tesseract?"】

【Thor came forward and said,"You used the Cosmic Cube to attract Loki and his allies. This is a signal to all spirit realms that the Earth is preparing for a high-level battle."】

【Fury said:"Advanced form of combat? You forced us to do it, we have to find a way to solve it."】

【Tony said from the back:"What about nuclear/deterrence? Because that can always calm everything down."】

【Fury turned around and said,"Tony, you reminded me once again how you made your fortune."】

【Rogers said:"I am sure that if Tony was still making weapons, he would have already......"】

【Tony stretched out his hand to stop them,"Wait a minute, why are you all coming towards me now?"】

【"Aren't you the center of attention?"】

【Thor said:"I think humans should have evolved to a more civilized level."】

【Fury sneered,"Sorry, did we humans go and blow up your planet?"】

【Thor said angrily:"You don't trust your defenders so much."】

【Black Widow frowned and said,"How can you people be so naive? SHIELD is monitoring potential threats."】

【Dr. Banner crossed his arms and said,"Is Captain Rogers a threat? Are we all a threat?"】

【Everyone started arguing, and the atmosphere was very intense and tense. 】 Seeing this scene

, the live broadcast room had already reached 120 million viewers.

"This is the first time that SHIELD has cooperated with them, so it is normal to have friction."

"But, this is an internal conflict. How can we do this at this critical moment?"

"Now we are not arguing about how to solve the problem, but who is right and who is wrong?"

"The captain actually complained that the computer was too slow"

"Shit! Something is wrong! We have all been tricked! We thought Black Widow had successfully interrogated the information, but now Black Widow has fallen into the trap!"

"If Black Widow hadn't brought Thor with her, the situation wouldn't have been so dangerous!"

"Well, what the above said seems to make some sense."

"Thor didn't expect that he would be targeted."

"I don't think there's anything wrong with what Director Fury did."

"I think what Thor said is correct. In the Earth era, we were indeed preparing for war."

"A large-scale verbal battle!"

"Oh my god, are we going to just start fighting?"

"Internal strife has begun again"

"Damn it, the Chitauri haven't come out yet, what should we do next?"

The director was in the office of the reserve team at this time.

After the previous four people, there were two more members.

One man and one woman.

Everyone looked at the screen, and the arrogance on everyone's face began to dissipate.

The director said solemnly:"Starting the cosmic cube means entering a state of preparation, and it will attract attention from other planets."

"I didn't expect this to happen."

Ordice said:"What's more terrifying is that the alien creatures are not only from Thor's domain, but also many others, even unknown ones."

"Is our Blue Star currently under the threat of these crises?

Jiang Liuer was shocked and said,"Sol said that they are the defenders of the Earth. Does the Blue Star Federation still have defenders now?"

Everyone is a supernatural being with magical powers.

But at this time, no one knows how to deal with it.

"Even if we were on the Blue Planet Earth at that time and had this kind of strength, it would probably be difficult for us to provide any help."

"The opponent's strength is very strong, it is the power of a planet"

"How could a few people cause such a huge change?"

Supreme Court.

Eight elders were watching the screen.

Elder Wu Chengen's faces kept changing.

As some things were revealed, it became more and more obvious that the war was coming.

But the relevant information revealed made everyone even more frightened.

The war at that time was over.

That information was what might have a great impact on the current Blue Star Federation.

Elder Wu Chengen said:"There is nothing wrong with Fury's behavior."

"If we find something like the Cosmic Cube, we will definitely think of using its power to prevent attacks from unknown dangers."

Everyone nodded.

This is inevitable.

Developing new weapons is inevitable.

Li Longshen's mind was still echoing the pattern he had seen before.

He sighed and said,"Humanity's own power is weak. One thing we can do in the short term is to"

"To arm yourself with weapons"

"Even using weapons to directly arm Blue Star."

Osen and the others had no objection to this.

"Nuclear weapons seemed to be the ultimate means of the Earth era at that time, but they were also our ultimate means."

"If we infer from this link, nuclear weapons must have been used to drive away the creatures from the alien planets during the Blue Planet Earth era."

"But history still has a break in the end, which means that the danger at that time was not directly eliminated."

The Sith elder looked around and said solemnly:"Then we have to develop equipment that is more powerful than nuclear weapons."

Elder Wu Chengen suddenly smiled bitterly and said:"Based on this point, it is impossible for Fury of SHIELD to not use imitation power to develop weapons at that time."

Even if it will cause the so-called Earth to become ready for war.

Even if it attracts the attention of creatures from other alien planets, what if it does not do this?

If you don't do this, alien creatures will still invade the blue planet.

At that time, death will be the most helpless thing.

An elder asked:"How is the progress of our other research and development projects now?" (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After some civilian organizations were taken over by the official.

Resources are already being integrated.

We are working at full speed to carry out the research and development of various projects

"It's not easy, and there's not much progress yet."

"The only good news is that the outer armor of the Iron Man suit should be fine."

"As for whether it is wearable and the energy supply, further confirmation and testing are needed."

An elder sighed and said,"I wonder if the Cosmic Cube is still on the Blue Planet. If it is, can we locate it according to Dr. Banner's method?"

Elder Wu Chengen said,"Elder Yao Yan came late. We have already arranged for people to integrate the relevant equipment."

"However, the scanning progress is not ideal yet, so we can only wait."

Elder Yao Yan nodded.

Now the Federation and the Supreme Court have already regarded those high-level equipment in the previous life fragments as a life-saving straw.

Technology is interlinked.

If these equipment can be obtained, it will be a good result.

Unfortunately, the difficulty is also not small.

In other words, it is not something that can be developed quickly in a short period of time.

Elder Sith said:"Has Zhang Tian's extraordinary team been organized?"

Li Longshen nodded and said:"There are already six team members, but I feel that we need someone who can serve as the backbone."

"Bai Shi Lun Hui?"

Li Longshen shook his head and said,"Bai Shi Lun Hui is naturally the best candidate, but now, he is still capturing memories. I think we need someone who can suppress those people immediately."

"After all, Zhang Tian does not have extraordinary abilities, and those people are arrogant. If Zhang Tian cannot control them, it is hard to guarantee that there will not be a situation like before, and internal strife will not occur."

Many elders nodded.

"Do you want to let him go?"

Li Longshen nodded and said,"Yes, he is the only one we know about now, so it shouldn't be a big problem."

Elder Wu Chengen smiled and said,"Okay, then let Ren Xiaoli go."






Blue Star Federation, outside the wilderness.

Two young men in ragged clothes were staring at a wild boar eating in the distance.

The wild boar was quite large and had spikes on its body.

It was extremely ferocious.

"Brother, do you really want to catch it?"

Ren Xiaoli stared at the wild boar without turning his head:"Of course, if we don't catch it, what will we eat for lunch?"

"You still have a cold now, eat more meat and you will get better faster."

Yan Liu was at a loss:"But brother, can't you just go to the drugstore and buy me some medicine? It's just a few dollars."

Ren Xiaoli glared at him fiercely and said,"You know shit!"

After saying that, he suddenly rushed out.

The speed was so fast that it even left a phantom.

The wild boar hadn't reacted yet.

Ren Xiaoli raised his fist and punched the wild boar's head.


The wild boar's skull exploded on the spot, and its brains were shattered.

"There is no challenge at all."

After mumbling a few words, Yan Liu suddenly ran over, holding the latest mobile phone Mango 19.

"Brother! We have a mission from above. Let us go to the Tiandao Administration Bureau."

Ren Xiaoli glanced at it and easily carried the wild boar on his back.

"OK, got it, let's go after dinner."



The audience in the live broadcast room was anxious about the internal strife of SHIELD at this time.

It always felt like something more terrible might happen at any time.

Now many people understand.

The life and death of that Earth era���Death.

It is likely that this group of people

"You are related to the safety of the Blue Planet Earth, so you don't want to quarrel."

"It's all Loki's trick"

"It's not just Loki, but also the scepter. I always feel that there's something wrong with the gem on the scepter!"

"By the way, is that thing also a Cosmic Cube?"

"The scepter can directly control human minds, so can’t it also affect some people’s moods?"


【The instruments on the aircraft carrier detected that a foreign aircraft was about to land.】

【"66b transport aircraft, please forward the confirmation code. I found your information on the computer, but there is no flight log. What is the item you checked in?"】

【"Weapons and ammunition, finished"】

【Inside the fighter plane, a group of elite soldiers were putting on their equipment. The controlled Patton took out a bow from the box and fired.】

"Damn! Patton and the others are here!"

"Is this a robbery or a murder?"

"This staff member was so confused. Why did he let them land when the problem was so obvious?"

"Damn! Tony and the others are probably still arguing. It's really a headache!"

"They’ve already reached the door!"

"It's so frustrating!"

"Sure enough, the people who were put together temporarily still couldn't do it."

"Not too reliable, but dealing with these agents shouldn't be a problem, right?"

"Alas! Success and failure are both due to Xiao He"

【In the laboratory, several people are still arguing】

【Thor:"You talk about control, and you try to create chaos."】

【Dr. Banner said:"That's his principle, isn't it?"】

【Dr. Banner asked curiously,"I mean, what are we? A team?"】

【Shaking his head, Banner said:"No, if we are together, we will only create chaos. We are a time bomb."】

【Fury looked at Dr. Banner and said,"You are only one step away from getting angry."】

【Tony pointed at Rogers and said,"Why not let him vent his anger?"】

【Rogers slapped Tony's hand away and said,"You know why, let go."】

【Tony said:"I'm beginning to hope that you've pissed me off."】

【Rogers stepped forward and said,"Yeah, you are a big shot wearing a suit of armor, what are you without it?"】

【Tony responded:"Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist"】

【Rogers said:"I know people who are ten times more useful than you. I've seen your videos. You fight only for yourself. You are not a person who dares to sacrifice, lying on the wire and letting others crawl over."】

【Tony interrupted,"I think I'll turn off the power."】

【Rogers said:"There is always a way to solve the problem. You may not be a threat, but you'd better stop playing the hero."】

【Tony asked back,"Hero? Like you? You're an experiment, Rogers, you got your energy from a bottle.""】

"Wow! This is tit-for-tat."

"Why did Rogers say this to Tony? Tony was testing his own intelligence, and he was not wrong!"

"Tony is also strong and fights back directly!"

"Rogers's thinking logic is still in the past, and he still needs to use sacrifice and dedication to prove something."

"But I feel that Tony’s idea is the same. In the end, it’s all about solving the problem. Wouldn’t it be better not to make sacrifices?"

"In fact, Rogers is nothing without the serum."

"Everything Tony has, he created all by himself."

"Tony has changed a lot. He chooses to fight for himself for redemption. He is also a hero."

"Why does Dr. Banner have to get angry? It seems like everyone is more worried about Dr. Banner getting angry?"

"People can not escape from doing wrong"

"I have a feeling that Tony often seems to be on Dr. Banner's side."

"No matter what Tony does, he is my hero."

"I don't want any of you to die, you are all the cutest people"

"In fact, each of them is a hero, sacrificing themselves for the safety of the earth and mankind."

"Please, stop making trouble."

"Your good friend Patton will be at the door soon!"

【Outside the aircraft carrier, fighter jets are hovering and descending】

【Patton opened the hatch, pulled out a long arrow, aimed at the side of the spacecraft, and shot directly】

【The long arrow drew an arc and hit the propeller on one side. The lights flashed and it was about to explode.】

"Damn it! Dog Patton, are you serious?"

"Damn it, guys stop arguing, the spaceship is going to explode"

"I'm so anxious!"

"They are all a bunch of egomaniacs!"

【In the lab, Rogers stared at Tony and said,"Put on your armor and let's have a competition."】

【Thor laughed at the side and said,"Hahaha, you guys are so petty."】

【Fury said:"Romanov, send Dr. Banner back to his room."

【Dr. Banner said:"No, you rented out my room."】

【Fury said:"The cage is just in case."】

【Dr. Banner said,"What if you want to kill me? But you can't. I know. I've tried."】

【Everyone looked at Dr. Banner.】

【Dr. Banner shook his head and said,"I was very depressed and I couldn't see the end, so I wanted to shoot myself, but the other guy spit it out."】

【"So I survived, and I was focused on helping other people, and I was fine, until you dragged me back to this freak exhibit and put everyone in danger, you want to know my secret? Black Widow?"】

【"Do you want to know how I stay calm?"】

【Dr. Banner is obviously on the verge of anger. Fury and his colleagues in the laboratory touched the pistol and seemed to find danger.】

【Rogers said:"Dr. Banner, put down the scepter"】

【Dr. Banner looked down and found that he had grabbed Loki's scepter without knowing when.】

"this......What the hell?!"

"Why did you suddenly become so nervous?"

"Oh my god, I couldn't even breathe. I thought Dr. Banner was going to do something."

"Yeah, I thought the Hulk was Dr. Banner, but I didn't expect him to have a scepter."

"Could that glass cabin be really prepared for Dr. Banner?"

"Fury is not suitable to be a leader."

"It feels like everyone is getting so flustered!"

"Patton is coming onto the deck!"

"Thor is hilarious. Even at this time, he still says that humans are insignificant. Sure enough, all aliens are the same."

"Yes, Thor is the defender of the earth. He thinks humans are no good, let alone others."

"It's understandable that Loki had the previous idea."("Are you trying to clear Loki's name? Impossible!"

【The search device next to it suddenly beeps.】

【Dr. Banner put down his scepter, walked to the equipment beside him and said,"Sorry, you can't see my party magic."】

【Thor was surprised and asked,"Have you found the location of the Rubik's Cube?"】

【Dr. Banner said:"I can find it quickly."】

【Thor said:"The Cosmic Cube belongs to the Asgard God Realm, no human can be its opponent."】

【Tony was about to go out when Rogers grabbed him and said,"You can't go there alone."】

【Tony held out his hand and said,"You want to stop me?"】

【"Put on your gear and let's have a good fight"】

【"I'm not afraid to hit an old man"】

【On the other side, Dr. Banner took off his glasses and said in disbelief,"Oh my God!"】

【Suddenly, a propeller on one side of the spacecraft exploded violently, and a terrible flame rushed into the passage and laboratory.】

【In an instant, the room was filled with flames, the glass shattered, and everyone was blown away by the terrifying impact.】

【The entire spacecraft began to sink violently, and the reflective equipment on the surface was directly damaged. There was thick black smoke all around.】

"Damn! One of the four propellers was blown to pieces!"

"Are there any other emergency measures on the spacecraft? Run quickly, otherwise what if the spacecraft explodes?"

"It's all their fault. Why are they arguing about nothing?"

"No, what did Dr. Banner find just now? He seemed very shocked."

Among the experts, the military industry leaders were also looking at the screen nervously.

"There are four propellers. If one is destroyed, it will inevitably cause the two sides to be unbalanced. We must find a way to quickly leave the spacecraft."

"I think it's not completely damaged. If it can be restored to normal operation, there is still a chance of saving it."

"Impossible, with this level of damage, how can it be restored to operation? It is probably stuck by many steel structures."

Historian Huang Lao wrote furiously.

What is happening now may be the turning point of everything!

If these people died on the spaceship, there might be no Earth era afterwards.

If we can win a battle, there may be very good results.

Tibetan fox Xiaoliang frowned and said,"Patton should not come here just to blow up the spaceship and kill people, right?"

Someone nodded and agreed,"Most of them are here to save Loki."

"Yes, Loki is their key figure"

【Amid the shock, flames shot up into the sky in the laboratory.】

【Rogers said to Tony,"Put on your suit!"】

【The two staggered towards the equipment cabin.】

【The spacecraft immediately entered a state of full alert, and everyone was busy moving around.】

【"All staff in place!"】

【Fury got up from the ground and asked,"Hill!"】

【Hill replied hastily:"There was an explosion outside! Engine No. 3 has shut down, we are under attack."】

【"Can you get the engine running again?"】

【"Engine number three is on fire."】

【A staff member said:"The turbine looks basically intact, but it is impossible to leave there for repairs because we are in the air."】

【"If we lose one engine, we won't be able to stay in the air," Hill said."】

【"Someone has to fix the engine."】

【Fury said into the intercom:"Tony, do you hear me?"】

【Tony's voice came from the intercom:"I'm going now!"】

【Fury ordered,"Coulson, initiate a defensive blockade in the holding area, then go to the armory."】


【On the stairs, Romanov and Dr. Banner were blown up by the explosion.】

【Romanov had a tube pressed against his leg, unable to move】

【The widow responded:"We are fine."】

【Black Widow looked at Dr. Banner beside him. Dr. Banner seemed extremely angry at this moment, and pounded the ground with his fists.】

【A hint of green flickered slightly on his arm】

【Black Widow panicked and said,"We are fine, Dr. Banner."

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at the abnormality of Dr. Banner.

Suddenly, they remembered that everyone was afraid of Dr. Banner's anger.

A thought emerged in everyone's mind.

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