Barton and Black Widow are both agents.

Barton is more outstanding in combat power.

Now everyone is worried that Black Widow will go after Barton by herself.

When Barton still has weapons, will Black Widow be hurt?

After all, Barton is now on Loki's side.

Even if it is because he is controlled by the scepter.

But at this time.

There are suddenly a few more people with high activity levels on the Tiandao network rankings.

They are all over a million level.

Before, it was only a few hundred thousand or a few hundred thousand.

It suddenly skyrocketed during this capture.

The highest one even reached more than two million. It is almost the same as Jiang Liuer and Zheng Hao who once made history.

The people in the entire Tiandao Administration Bureau are slightly fluctuating.

After all, today it can be said that many people with high activity levels have emerged in an endless stream.

A small number of people are also waiting for what kind of past life memories this group of people will capture.

Some people even speculated.

Will they capture the memories of the same era as the Hundred Reincarnations?

If so, it means that at that time, we may have a better understanding of what happened in the Earth era.

The picture of Ye Xuan's past life was jumping wildly.

After a few seconds, it gradually became clear.

【While Tony and Rogers were repairing the turbine】

【Thor rushed to the glass chamber where Loki was imprisoned】

【When Thor arrived, he saw Loki opening the hatch.】

【Thor yelled angrily,"No!"】

【Thor rushed towards Loki, and just as he was about to touch Loki, Loki suddenly became weak.】

【Thor passed directly through Loki's body and crashed into the glass cabin.】

【Loki flashed to the side of the control panel, then closed the hatch and locked Thor inside.

More than 160 million viewers in the live broadcast room saw this dramatic scene.

They all angrily accused Loki of

"Sure enough! Damn it, Loki can come out by himself!"

"Damn! Loki is so shameless, his goal is to cause internal strife among us so that we can’t gather together!"

"This is fucking crazy! It's so infuriating!"

"The same goes for Thor. Why doesn’t he use his brain?"

"As his brother, don't you know what he is capable of?"

"Damn it, now that Thor is locked up in there, doesn’t that mean we’re one person less?"

"Loki is really too insidious. He is a god. Trash."

"I always feel like Thor is always being played by Loki."

"This is really too much."

【Loki stood outside the glass cabin with his hands behind his back, looking at Thor with a smile.】

【The patrolmen walking beside Loki did not notice his presence. Apparently Loki had a way to make others invisible.】

【Loki smiled faintly at Thor and said,"Do you plan to never fall?"】

【Thor angrily held Thor's hammer and smashed it against the glass cabin, but it only cracked the glass cabin but did not explode.】

【Loki was shocked at first, but then he laughed and said,"Humans all think we can live forever, do we need to test it?"】

【As he spoke, Loki began to click on the screen on the console.】

【Suddenly, Coulson came over, holding a new type of weapon in both hands and pointing it at Loki.】

【Loki paused and looked at Coulson】

【Coulson pointed the gun at Loki and said,"Do you like this ma?"】

【"After you launched the destroyer, we started working on this prototype"】

【Coulson said as he walked towards Loki and said,"Although I don't know what it is used for"】

【"Do you want to know?" Coulson pulled the trigger, and energy gathered in the new weapon.】

"Wow! That's awesome!"

"6666! Coulson is going to save the earth"

"Coulson is mighty! Domineering!"

"But you better run away quickly, Loki is not ordinary, no matter how powerful your weapon is, it will be useless"

"I actually like Coulson, a secret agent with a sense of justice, and he's also very interesting."

"Yeah, and he's hilarious when he's with Tony."

"Ah! Holy shit! Rocky!"

"No! Damn Loki, what did you do!"

The audience was furious as they watched the live broadcast on the screen.

【Just as Coulson was about to fire his weapon, he suddenly stumbled forward, with a look of intense pain on his face.】

【Behind him, Loki appeared in an unknown flash, and stabbed Coulson in the back with the blade of the scepter.】

【"No!" Thor pounded his fist on the glass and said angrily】

【The scepter in Loki's hand pierced Coulson's chest, and a large part of the blade was exposed.】

【Coulson fell to the ground, leaning against the wall, covered in blood.】

【Loki walked to the console, holding the blood-stained scepter.】

【When the button is turned on, the wind tunnel under the glass cabin opens, and huge wind pressure fills the entire space.】

【Loki looked at Thor, put his hand on the button below, chuckled, and pressed it hard.】

【Boom! The huge glass cabin fell down】

【Tens of thousands of meters high, if it falls to the ground, it will definitely smash anyone into pieces.】


"Coulson, you can't die!"

"Loki, you and I are irreconcilable!"

"Damn it, Loki, you are so cruel."

"That's your brother, you just let him fall from the sky?"

"Coulson, why didn't you shoot earlier?"

"Damn it! Damn Loki, whoever can beat Loki up, I will give him all this year's salary!"

"Address, give me the address! I want to send a razor blade!"

"Is Thor going to die?"

"It depends on whether Thor can break out of the glass cabin. I feel that his Thor's hammer has more than just that ability."

"It's just that, Coulson, he's just a cute little agent"

"The people in the God's Realm are not human."

【The glass cabin fell madly, the speed was getting faster and faster���】

【Thor kept rolling around in the glass cabin, unable to stabilize his body.】

【Seeing that it was about to hit the ground, Thor seized the moment, kicked the glass with his foot, and rushed upward with Thor's hammer.】

【At the moment the glass cabin hit the ground, Thor, holding Thor's hammer, smashed the glass and rushed out】

【The huge impact created a huge hole in the ground, and Thor and his hammer were knocked far away.】

"Scared to death! Fortunately, nothing happened!"

"As long as Saul is alright, that's what I said."

"Loki can't die, but if Thor dies, he will be dead."

"Oh my poor Colson."

"Now I don't know how the widow is doing."

"Thor's hammer, Thor's hammer, seems to be very fast too?"

"It can trigger lightning, has speed, weight, and many other abilities."

"But it seems that only Thor can lift it"

"It is definitely something from the divine realm."

"What do you think, which one is more powerful, Thor's hammer or Loki's scepter?"

"Thor's hammer, I like offensive weapons, not those insidious ones."

The expert group of the Tiandao Administration also breathed a sigh of relief.

Several physicists have already calculated the speed energy attached to the gravitational acceleration.

They all thought that Thor would be smashed.

Unexpectedly, he finally broke through the cage.

【After Loki turned on the switch, he saw Thor falling down and immediately wanted to leave easily.】

【"You will lose." Coulson said weakly while sitting against the wall.】

【Loki turned around and asked in surprise:"Really?"】

【Coulson looked at Loki and said,"This is your nature."】

【Loki laughed and said,"Your heroes have been dispersed, and your floating castle has fallen from the sky."】

【Loki approached Coulson arrogantly and said,"Where is my weakness?"】

【Coulson said with blood on his lips:"You lack faith."】

【Loki's face turned cold and he said,"I never......"】

【Before he could finish his words, the weapon in Coulson's arms suddenly released a burst of fire, hitting Loki in the chest.】

【Bang! Boom!】

【Loki was blown away, and a big hole was created in the wall.】

【Coulson seemed to have used up too much energy pulling the trigger just now, and he breathed rapidly and said,"So this is how it is used."】

"Woohoo, my Coulson, are you leaving just like that?"

"Even if I die, I will let you know how to use it"

"Although it’s a bit sad, but seeing Loki getting humiliated makes me want to laugh!"

"I only see that war will inevitably bring sacrifices"

"Coulson is the first, but he won't be the last."

"Yes, we don't want to see anyone die."

Colson's death was a big shock to everyone.

Everyone in SHIELD has their own unique role.

And war will inevitably lead to death.

It is still unknown how many people will die.

The Blue Star Federation has not had a war for a long time.

Everyone wants to see a peaceful world.

The Tiandao Administration.

The director and others watched this scene.


Compared to the experts, the director may be more deeply touched.

"If we really find unknown life invading the Blue Star Federation"

"How many people will die by then?"

"Is there anyone like Coulson?"

"Or is it the so-called faith?"

The director was helpless.

Without any crisis, many things could not be seen.

The live broadcast memory screen jumped a few times and turned into the battle scene between Black Widow and Patton.

【Patton, holding a compound bow, fights the unarmed Black Widow in close combat】

【Both of them have high martial arts skills, and the fight between the two sides is extremely fierce.】

【During the fight, Barton suddenly pulled out a dagger and was about to stab Black Widow in the eye.】

【Black Widow forced her arms to stop him from moving forward】

【Barton grabbed the black sister's hair and tilted her head back.】

【The widow turned over and knocked Patton to the ground】

【A kick hit Patton, who seemed to be dizzy from the blow and staggered to his feet.】

【Barton looked at the black widow and said,"Natasha?"】

【Without hesitation, the widow punched him and knocked him out.】

"No moral ethics! Patton pulls hair!"

"Patton, you are going too far by pulling my hair."

"Black Widow's jutsu is amazing"

"This punch was a beautiful one!"

"Patton is a bit weak, he can't beat Black Widow"

"Men can't beat women"

"? What do you mean by that? Why can't we women beat men?"

"Oh, this is a boxing master, I'm so sorry"

"Okay, okay, everyone stop talking."

"But I think Patton should be killed, he is under control"

"Patton is actually not a bad person, and he is very loyal."

"The overall situation seems to be under control?"

Supreme Court.

Several elders saw that the people from SHIELD were not seriously injured.

They almost breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Longshen said helplessly:"Although only Coulson died"

"But Loki's goal was really achieved."

The other elders also nodded.

Elder Sith sighed and said,"To be honest, Director Fury worked so hard to put together a team."

"In the end, it was disbanded so easily by Loki."

"Now Thor is gone, the Hulk is gone"

:"These two were the main fighting force, and they are gone."

"I'm afraid it will take a lot of effort to find them again."

Elder Wu Chengen asked,"Are our equipment ready to find the Cosmic Cube?"

An elder said,"Not yet. Several physicists are still discussing how to build a model."

"It is estimated that it will not be too slow."

Once these devices are ready, we can conduct a search throughout the Blue Star Federation.

If we can really find the trace of the Cosmic Cube, it will be of great benefit to the Blue Star Federation.

As for the use of the Cosmic Cube, it will cause other life forms to spy on us.

The elders did not care about these things at all.

In the case of paradox, we must master enough strength to

"and the launch of the Webb Space Telescope��

"These are the key links, and no mistakes can be made."

The relevant elders nodded immediately.

As the Earth Age gradually reveals its face, everyone will be more and more prepared for the crisis measures that may be encountered at present.



【In the aircraft carrier's control room, various alarms continued to sound.】

【"Everyone, go to the control panel now."】

【Fury found Coulson and looked at Coulson】

【Coulson said weakly:"Sorry boss, he escaped"】

【Fury stared into Coulson's eyes and said,"Stay awake and look at me...."】

【Coulson said,"No, boss, I'm going to clock out."】

【Fury shook his head and said,"No."】

【Coulson said,"It's okay, boss. It won't work. If they don't have anything,......"】

【Coulson lost his breath before he could finish his sentence.】

【Fury lowered his head with tears in his eyes. 】

Many viewers couldn't help sobbing when they saw this. Although

Coulson was just a small agent, in everyone's mind, he was the one who connected many people.

Now he's dead.

Especially when he said he was going to clock out, many people couldn't hold back.

【"Agent Coulson is dead."】

【"A medical team is on the way to you."】

【"They are here"】

【All members of S.H.I.E.L.D. have heavy faces.】

【In the empty conference room, Tony and Rogers sat in their chairs in silence.】

【Fury said:"These were found in Coulson's jacket."】

【"I guess he never asked you to sign them."】

【Several cards of Captain America's old costumes were thrown on the table by Fury, and the cards were stained with blood.】

"Ah! I see. Coulson said he wanted Rogers to sign it."

"It turns out that he is Rogers’ little fanboy!"

"Woohoo, I can’t take it anymore. I want to cry."


【"We are stuck in the air, communicating with the Cosmic Cube, Banner, and Thor."】

【Fury said calmly:"I have nothing to give you. I lost an eye. Maybe it was my own fault."】

【Everyone was silent】

【Fury continued:"Yes, I was going to build an arsenal with the Tesseract, but I never did enough to do that."】

【"Because I play more adventurous things"】

【Fury walked around behind Tony and said,"I have an idea, Tony knows"】

【"Avengers Action"】

【"The original intention was to group those outstanding people together to see if they could achieve greater success."】

【"See if they can work together when we need them"】

【"Let them fight battles we can never win"】

【Fury looked at Tony and said,"Coulson left peacefully. He believed in this idea. He believed in the heroes."】

【Tony stood up suddenly and walked outside】

【Fury said helplessly:"Well, this is an outdated concept"】

"this.....Fury is making up stories!"

"By the way, what's wrong with Director Fury's eyes?"

"The director is still the director, it looks like the editor"

"He said that he had it on his own, probably because he did something bad when he was young."

"Now we finally know the cause and effect of the Avengers."

In the dormitory of the Tiandao Administration,

Jiang Liuer and the others realized that the role they were playing now was probably the Avengers organization in the Blue Star Federation.

Just when they wanted to continue watching the live broadcast, a message from the Administration popped up on everyone's screen.

"Gathering at the training ground?"

Jiang Liuer looked at the message in surprise.

"Are they going to test our strength?"

A light smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Ordinary people, what qualifications do they have to test them?

If it was Thor and others from the Earth era, Jiang Liuer would not have any resistance at all.

But the ordinary staff of the Blue Star Federation. (To read the violent novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!) are not qualified to test these extraordinary people!

"Let's go check out the situation first."

At this time, in the multiple dormitories of the entire Administration, there were a total of nine people who were found by the Director. They received the news at the same time and headed to the training ground.



【Tony stood by the empty railing where the glass cabin was falling, looking down quietly.】

【Rogers walked out of the passage, looked at Tony and said,"Are you married?"】

【Tony looked ahead steadily:"No"】

【"I remember that he could play the cello."】

【Rogers bowed his head and said:"It's a pity, he is a good man"】

【Tony said:"He's an idiot"】

【Rogers was puzzled and asked,"Why? Because of belief?"】

【Tony walked back and said,"Because I want to take down Loki alone."】

【"He was just trying to do his job," Rogers said."】

【Tony said:"He is out of the organization, he should wait for backup, he should......"】

【Rogers came over and said,"Sometimes there is no perfect ending, Tony."】

【Tony said:"Yeah, I've heard it before."】

【Rogers asked,"Is this the first time you sacrifice a soldier?"】

【Tony said angrily:"We are not soldiers! I will not be provoked by Fury."】

【Rogers shook his head and said,"Neither can I. His hands are as bloody as Loki's. But now, let's put this matter aside and finish the task at hand."】

【Tony looked to the side and saw the bloodstains left by Coulson when he leaned against the wall.】

【Rogers said:"Loki wants to find a new energy source. If we can....."】

【Tony said:"His starting point is personal"】

【Rogers said:"That's not the point."】

【Tony retorted,"That's the point, that's what Loki thought. He hit us on our own turf, why?"】

【Rogers was surprised and said:"To destroy us?"】

【Tony analyzed,"Yes, divide and conquer is a good idea, but he understands that we need to be divided in order to win, right?"】

【"This is exactly the result he wanted!"】

【"He wants to defeat us, he wants others to see it with their own eyes, he needs an audience!"】

【Rogers agreed:"Yeah, I caught him on King Street."】

【Tony walked and said,"Yes, but that was just a preview, now is the opening ceremony."】

【"And Loki, all he wants is to act like a big shot, right?"】

【"He wants flowers, he wants a guard of honor, he wants to stand on top of the world, with his name on it......"】

【Tony suddenly stopped, cursed and left quickly.】

"Coulson's death seemed to be a big blow to Tony"

"Yeah, it seems Coulson had a good relationship with Tony before?"

"Tony was right, Coulson shouldn't have gone alone, he was just an agent, he couldn't even use a weapon"

"The people of SHIELD are not soldiers, each of them has strong enough power"

"But I think Rogers is fine."

"They analyzed Loki thoroughly, Loki, the birdman, was just that kind of person!"

"I see, before on King's Row, he had to go outside with his equipment and make everyone kneel down"

"He could have escaped, but he insisted on being forced in, and then watched everyone fall apart. This is Loki."

"Bad shit"

"What did Tony just discover?"

"He seems excited?"

"Not sure, there should be a corresponding clip later, right?"

【Rogers put on his gear, opened the hatch, and said to the black widow inside:"It's time to go!""】

【The widow asked,"Where are you going?"】

【Rogers said,"Let's talk while we walk. Can you fly a jet?"】

【Hawkeye Barton came out of the toilet, his expression no longer showing the control he had just shown. He said,"I will start"】

【Rogers asked,"Do you have the equipment?"】

【Barton nodded:"Yes."】

【Rogers said:"Okay, then put on"】

"Yo! Patton recovered?"

"So, even if you are controlled by Loki's scepter, there is actually a way to recover?"

"Good news, this is definitely good news."

"It is a good thing that Patton has recovered. He is still very capable."

"In fact, compared with Rogers and others, Patton and Black Widow can only be regarded as ordinary people."

"What on earth is this place? Why is everyone on alert?"

"I don't know yet. I'm so nervous."

"Tony must have discovered the problem!"

In the Tiandao Administration, the expert team all looked solemn.

The historian Huang Lao was not recording the information.

"Is this a sign of a major war?"

"I am afraid that the real battle of the Earth era will be completely revealed here!"

The Tibetan fox Xiaoliang wiped the non-existent sweat from his forehead

"I'm really nervous."

"Whether this war will be won in the end is of great significance to us."

The director nodded and said,"At present, it is not optimistic."

"There are only these few people in SHIELD."

A scientist asked:"Do you remember the transmission channel mentioned before?"

"I see the transmission channel may have been activated!"

"Once the transmission channel is opened, there may really be an invasion by the Chitauri army."

"At that time, it was not something that could be solved by one or two people."

When the Chitauri army was mentioned, the director's eyebrows jumped for no reason.

He thought of the huge mechanical whale at the beginning. It was a terrifying mechanical whale, and I didn't know how powerful it was.

But destroying a few cities would be easy, right?!

"If the Blue Star Federation encounters this kind of mechanical creature, I wonder if weapons of mass destruction can work."

The director has sighed countless times.

The dangers encountered in the Blue Star Earth era are too much beyond the current upper limit of what the Blue Star Federation can resist.

In the training ground of the Tiandao Administration Bureau,

Jiang Liuer and nine others looked at the two young men in front of them.

Everyone frowned.

Ren Xiaoli carried a rifle and glanced at everyone.

"From today on, you guys will practice with me."

"If you can't hold on, tell me in advance and leave early."

Ren Xiaoli spoke directly and calmly.

But it sounded even more harsh to everyone.

We are all extraordinary people.

What you said is typical of making people unhappy.

"Okay, now, take a break."

"Watch the live broadcast!"

Ren Xiaoli put the rifle on the ground.

Then Yan Liu took out the tablet and placed it in front of Ren Xiaoli.

"Chitauri creatures, I wonder if I can kill one with one punch?"

Ren Xiaoli looked longing. Jiang Liuer and the others looked at each other.

They didn't expect it to be like this.

But no one said much, and each of them turned on the live broadcast to watch



The next captured image was shaking violently.

Everyone could vaguely see a few blurry clips.

【Captain Rogers carried the shield on his back.】

【Hawkeye Barton equipped his quiver and took out his compound bow】

【Black Widow installs new equipment on her arm】

【Tony is in a workshop, welding the armor that was damaged by the rotor.】

【Thor walked to the plain, held his hammer in his hand, and swung it towards the sky. In an instant, silver lightning gathered and struck him.】

【In the aircraft carrier's control room, Director Fury stood on the steps, playing with the bloody card in his hand.】

【Hill came over from behind and said,"Sir, these cards were originally placed in Coulson's locker, not on his coat."】

【Fury looked at the card and said,"Maybe someone needs to push them."】

【A flash of fire suddenly flashed through the glass in front of him. It was Tony flying away in his iron armor.】

【"A fighter jet forced to take off at Port 6"】

【Fury immediately said:"We found it. We will do our best to restore the communication equipment. I want to know everything."】

"Wow! This is so cool!"

"Tony and the others are finally going to attack!"

"Army attack!"

"Thor's thunder almost burned the surrounding crops."

"It seems they know where the problem is."

"We don't know. The key is"

"Director Fury is really shrewd and did it on purpose."

"But there is nothing wrong with him doing this, it really played a good role"

"That's true. As the director, what he needs to do is to unite everyone and enable them to play the role they are supposed to play."

"Everything is ready, now is the time to confront Loki directly"

"By the way, Loki is also a cool guy, who caused a bloody storm on the blue planet alone."


"No one can destroy our blue planet!"

"Holy shit! Is it there?!"

"No wonder Tony was so panicked, it turns out we are on his territory!"

"What is that huge device used for?"

【Tony flew across a field and headed straight for his Stark Industries building.】

【As we approached the industrial building, we could already see】

【A huge launch device has been activated, and the cosmic cube in the middle is releasing energy.】

【Dr. Eric is manipulating the data on the side】

【Jarvis said:"Sir, I have shut down the arc reactor and the machine is already in the self-stabilization stage."】

【Tony was suspended in the air, and he said,"Shut it down, Dr. Eric."】

【Dr. Eric yelled,"It's too late!"】

【"She can't stop anymore, she just wants to show us a whole new world!"】

【Tony stretched out his hands and fired the energy cannon directly】


【Two energy shells hit the equipment, but at the moment of impact, a multi-layer solid energy shield appeared, deflecting the energy shells and causing a large-scale shock wave.】

【Dr. Eric was blown away, and Tony somersaulted continuously until he finally stabilized in the air.】

【Jarvis said:"The protective shield is a pure energy shield and cannot be broken."】

【Tony turned around and looked at Loki on the platform below and said,"Okay, I got it, let's execute plan B."】

The audience in the live broadcast room was stunned for a moment.

No one thought that Loki would dare to cause trouble on the Stark Building!

This is the world's newest self-powered building that Tony just completed. It was actually used by Loki to activate the imitation.

It was a shameful act. What shocked everyone even more was that after the equipment of the Rubik's Cube was activated, it could actually ignore the bombardment of the energy cannon.

The energy shield that popped up was like shocking everyone's brain.

I have never seen an energy shield that can be seen with the naked eye.

"It's so fucking fantastic!"

"Is this an energy shield?"

"Oh my god, I've only seen energy shields in novels and anime, and I thought they were fake."

"Jarvis said it was unbreakable! Doesn't that mean there's no way to stop it?"

"This thing, if I remember correctly, was said to be used to open the transmission channel!"

"In other words, the Chitauri army is about to invade the blue planet Earth!"

"Rubbish, look at Loki’s smirk, kill him!"

"Tony's mecha is not working. I just saw that the energy jets under his feet seemed to be fluctuating."

"It was so badly worn out before that I haven't had time to repair it yet."

"Someone come quickly, please close this passage!"

""Hurry, hurry, I'm so anxious."

At the Noland base,

Li Chungang and his team looked at the energy shield that suddenly appeared. They all looked solemn.

A team member said,"It is almost impossible to break the pure energy shield that has already been formed."

Li Chungang shook his head and said,"It is very difficult. If it is just an energy shield that resists physical kinetic energy, it is still possible to break it."

"However, this energy shield generated by the Rubik's Cube has transcended physical properties."

"I'm afraid it has already involved the advanced level of quantum mechanics."

Generally speaking, if it is to resist physical kinetic energy, the air can be turned into plasma.

The superconducting coil can be used to control and confine the plasma.

There are two main directions:

1. Directly use high-temperature plasma.

2. Use low-temperature plasma to produce non-Newtonian fluid properties.

At present, the Blue Star Federation is only in the testing stage and can occasionally activate this energy shield.

But even this simple energy shield consumes a lot of power during use.

Unless it is equipped with a super large capacitor

"Mr. Li, if we can develop this kind of equipment"

"And directly use the Cosmic Cube as a functional device"

"Is there a chance to form a huge protective shield to cover the entire Blue Planet?"

What the researcher said startled Li Chungang.

He had never thought about this. He was about to turn around and say something to him.

But he swallowed the words back.

If it was before, this statement would definitely be a fantasy.


The Cosmic Cube once appeared in the Blue Planet Earth era!

This super energy body can supply countless amounts of energy.

Even if the loss is huge, it is very likely to complete the barrier protection of the Blue Planet!

Even if it is impossible to cover the entire Blue Planet, if some key areas can be taken care of, the corresponding significance is still extraordinary!

Thinking of this, Li Chungang immediately sent a message to his leader.

"Well, we can't solve these things for now, let's get the new element out first!"

Li Chungang said to everyone after sending the message.

The progress of the new element is still not smooth.

Tiandao Administration.

The technology leaders in the expert group were also attracted and shocked by this device.

They were not only shocked by the hardness of the energy shield. They were also shocked whether it could open the so-called transmission channel!

"From what Eric said, this device can definitely open the channel."

"If we also develop this device and obtain the Cosmic Cube......"

Historian Huang Lao shook his head and said:"Everything requires the Cosmic Cube."

"I think even after we obtain the Cosmic Cube, we can think of more uses for it."

The military industry leader concluded:"We now know that the ways to use the Cosmic Cube include making super weapons, stimulating so-called transmission channels, and generating indestructible energy shields in response to stress, but I always feel that these are just ordinary uses."

"The Cosmic Cube should not have only these superficial uses."

Feng Xiaotian sneered:"The Cosmic Cube is something from the God Realm. I don't think it should be used."

"It's a Pandora's box. Who knows what will happen after it's opened!"

No one refuted Feng Xiaotian this time.

It was something that didn't belong to Blue Star.

No one knew what the result would be.

Just looking at the Earth era of Blue Star.

The Cosmic Cube obviously brought disaster to mankind in the end.

Everyone was silent.

The scene captured in the live broadcast room was actually a scene of Tony and Loki in the same place.

The director and everyone's expressions changed.

"not good!"

"Loki is definitely going to take action against Tony!"

"If Tony is controlled, then humanity may really fall into the terrible crisis of artificial intelligence!"

The director's mind was almost like a thunder bombardment.

Several clues are connected together.

"The Artificial Intelligence World-Destroying Wheel is not fake!"

"But it was not Jarvis who actively controlled the mecha to destroy the world;......."

The director's pupils contracted violently

"Instead, Loki used the scepter to control Tony, and then used Tony's hand to control Jarvis and the mecha."

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