When seeing the terrifying mechanical warship, not only the director, but everyone was horrified.

This mechanical warship looked extraordinary.

It was even more eye-catching than the aircraft carrier of SHIELD.

With the ropes bouncing one by one, a large number of Chitauri creatures jumped into the surrounding high-rise buildings.

They raised their guns and pulled the trigger to shoot.

The audience in the live broadcast room exclaimed.

Although these abominable Chitauri creatures invaded the Blue Star Earth era, in everyone's eyes, the invasion was the current Blue Star Federation. Everyone felt the same. With a sense of anger, tension and indignation.

"Damn Chitauri! Why did you invade the Blue Planet?"

"The most hateful one is Loki. If Loki hadn't forcibly opened the passage, there wouldn't have been so many invincible Chitauri creatures that successfully invaded."

"There are also Chitauri creatures behind the scenes, who will stop at nothing to achieve their goals!"

"What should we do? Is there any weapon on Earth that can destroy such a huge mechanical creature?"

"I don't know, I'm panicking now."

"Hiss! This mechanical creature looks like the Qilan Mountains? When I went to the Qilan Mountains, I saw that it looked like a spine. Damn, it looks like this thing."

"Don't scare people upstairs."

"Damn! Look, this mechanical creature is so scary, it can smash tall buildings into pieces"

"Reinforced concrete is like mud in front of it."

Not only the online audience.

All major platforms on Blue Star are also reporting related events crazily.

Major media outlets directly occupied the headlines.

All reposted the photo of the giant mechanical creature crashing into the building.

It was too terrifying.

Although it was easy to cause panic among everyone, the gimmick was too big.

No one would not click to take a look.

When this period of history encountered in the Earth era of Blue Star was presented to more people, more people joined the team to fight against Chitauri and Loki.

In order to screen out more extraordinary people, the official left contact information under each report.

It is hoped that those who are interested can find the federal official through this contact information to contribute to the extraordinary organization and provide more combat power input for possible crises in the future.

The director got up from the ground with a panicked look on his face.

He did not care about the gazes of many members of the expert group.

At this time, the expressions and states of those expert groups were not much more relaxed than him.

Tibetan fox Xiaoliang was dumbfounded.

Looking at the mechanical creature that was still wreaking havoc on the screen, he said in a daze:"Too powerful, the body structure is actually a steel structure


"Is this a combination of steel and flesh?"

"Its research significance is more valuable than studying Rogers!"

Historian Huang Lao even drew a picture in his notebook.

The outline of this mechanical creature was recorded on the title page of history.

Others were speechless.

Everyone looked at the tall buildings that the mechanical creature destroyed.

They were very helpless.

"Who can resist this thing?"

"I'm afraid Tony can't do it. He is so small that even if he destroys it, he can only destroy part of it."

"What if it's Thor? Thor is okay, right?"

"Thor, Thor's hammer will probably kill him."

"What's the use? There are too many of them. Even if we fight them, we don't know when we can finish them all."

Everyone looked at the screen in the live broadcast room expectantly.

Everyone was speculating.

Who will deal with this huge mechanical whale?

If they can't deal with it, it is likely to face more destruction in the future.

【The huge mechanical creature smashed through high-rise buildings one after another, with no sign of stopping, and there was not even a sign of damage on the surface.】

【On one side, Tony flew over at high speed, shuttling between tall buildings, following closely behind the mechanical creatures.】

【Rogers' voice rang in the headset:"Tony, did you see that?"】

【Tony said:"Just watch, it takes some time to accept it"】

【Then Tony asked,"Where is Banner? Has he arrived yet?"】

【Rogers was surprised and said:"Banner?"】

【Tony said:"Anyway, just notify me in time."】

【"Jarvis, find his weakness!"】

【With the help of Jarvis, Tony quickly scanned the weak points of the mechanical biological battleship.】

"What does Tony mean? Why is he looking for Banner?"

"No, what about the Banner people? They just disappeared after jumping from the sky. Could they be dead?"

"I don't know. It's too late for Banner to come now."

"The Chitauri are so ferocious. If they were in the Blue Star Federation, one Chitauri would be enough to kill many of us."

The screen jumped.

【"Oh no, there are civilians trapped over there!"】

【"It's all Loki's fault!"】

【Loki is on a flying machine, and a large number of Chitauri creatures are following his route to destroy everything. Explosions roared wherever he passed, countless cars were blown away, and pedestrians were killed. 】08【Rogers, Black Widow, and Barton were watching the surrounding situation under the cover of a car、】

【Rogers looked up at the people trapped not far away and said,"They are trapped over there."】

【Bang! Bang! Bang!】

【More than a dozen Chitauri creatures fell from the sky and landed around the three people.】

【Black Widow said to Rogers:"We can handle this, it's no problem, you go ahead"】

【Patton looked at Rogers and said,"Do you think they can handle it, Captain?"】

【Patton pressed the button on the back of the quiver, drew his bow and shot an arrow:"It is an honor to fight alongside you, Captain.""】

【An arrow hit a Chitauri creature, and the three quickly took action.】

【��With the cover of Black Widow and Patton, Captain Rogers quickly rushed to the location of the trapped people.】

【Energy beams exploded under Rogers' feet. The situation was extremely critical. Any stray bullets could hit Rogers directly.】

【The people on the bus were quickly evacuated.】

【Countless police officers fired at the Chitauri, but their weapons were obviously inferior to the Chitauri creatures.】

【"The escort will take another hour to arrive!""Does the army know what's going on here?""We don't know either, do we?"】

【Amid the explosion, the police officers near the police car were talking quickly.】

【Rogers jumped over and pointed to the building next to him and ordered,"I need you to send people to the building over there. There are injured people inside. They are still panicking and will run directly to the war zone."】

【:"You take them to the basement or subway hallway, just keep them away from the road."】

【"I also need you to set up a cordon on 39th Street."】

【A police officer asked:"Why should I obey your orders?"】

【Boom! Fire exploded, and the Chitauri rushed towards Rogers.】

【Rogers raised his shield to meet the attack. The Chitauri, who seemed terrifying to ordinary people, were actually blocked by him and were directly knocked away by one punch.】

【He suddenly used his shield to cut off a Chitauri's arm. Before he could say anything, several police officers were stunned and quickly began to arrange things according to Rogers' instructions.】

"So it seems that Rogers is not that rubbish?"

"He is a soldier after all, so he has some good fighting instincts."

"Brothers, that shield is definitely a good thing"

"Yes, there is no problem with all kinds of attacks falling on it."

"The material is extraordinary." The military industry leaders in the expert group shook their heads.

"We can't match the strength of this shield"

"A bit too fierce"

"I don't know what material it is made of, or whether it is a new alloy."

"If we can get a companion, we can develop this kind of shield, and if we encounter any danger in the future, we can also resist one or two."

An expert said:"This shield looks much simpler than the activation method of the energy shield."

Everyone nodded.

The energy shield relies on the energy of the magic cube.

The shield is just made of a simple metal alloy.

It is more in line with the current technical level of the Blue Star Federation.

"What’s the use of having a strong shield?"

"Facing these creatures, they were unable to kill them effectively, and the huge mechanical biological warship was still destroying them."

Xiao Liang smiled bitterly and said,"I just saw a police officer using a pistol?"

"Compared with other people's energy cannons, the pistol is simply miserable."

Feng Xiaotian smiled faintly and said,"What if it is the Blue Star Federation?"

"Different is a similar situation"

"I don't know how many years have passed, but our attack pattern is still the same as it was on Earth."

"I think this is where we should reflect.

Although Feng Xiaotian's words are unpleasant, this is actually the case.

Whether it is the expert group, the director, or even the Supreme Court, no one will think that this is not a problem.

In the training ground,

Ren Xiaoli has already changed a tablet.

He looked at the atrocities of the Chitauri creatures solemnly.

Yan Liu was even more panicked.

"Brother, these Chitauri are so bad."

Ren Xiaoli nodded.

"It's too bad. If I come across them, I will definitely smash them one by one!"

Yan Liu pointed at the mechanical biological warships that were destroying the city.

"Brother, can you break this thing with one punch?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a slap came to his head.

Yan Liu touched his head and said speechlessly:"Brother, can you please not hit my head, it's easy to get stupid."

Ren Xiaoli glared at Yan Liu and said:"That thing is so big, can a human kill it with it?"

"Whoever can kill him with one punch, I will call him grandpa!"

Jiang Liuer and others around were listening to the conversation between Ren Xiaoli and Yan Liu.

They all felt speechless.

The higher-ups suddenly asked Ren Xiaoli to teach them.

Everyone was dissatisfied.

But it was time for the live broadcast.

They watched the live broadcast for the time being and didn't bother about it.

But their conversation was really challenging.

It was nonsensical, and they looked very cool.

Yan Liu was still thinking.

Ren Xiaoli could kill the mechanical biological warship with one punch.

Are you kidding!

Who can kill it with one punch?

Don't even mention you calling him grandpa.

Everyone at the scene has to call him grandpa!



【The police finally obeyed Rogers' request and made the arrangements.】

【On the other side, Tony bypassed a building and flew directly to the front of the mechanical biological battleship.】

【A large number of small missiles were launched from the mechas, bombarding the mechanical biological warships like flowers scattered by fairies.】

【Boom boom boom!】

【With the explosion, the mechanical biological warship was not destroyed. Instead, it noticed Tony directly, turned a corner, smashed a building, and chased Tony closely.】

【Tony said calmly:"Very good, we have successfully attracted his attention"】

【"So what's the fucking next step?"】

【On the street, Barton and Black Widow are still fighting against the Chitauri monsters.】

【Although the two people do not have strong physical fitness, their fighting power is still fierce.】

【One after another, the Chitauri monsters died under their attack.】

【But more and more Chitauri monsters are besieging us.】

【Each Chitauri held a weapon and attacked the two.】

【Rogers rushed over, waving his shield, and quickly smashed several Chitauri.】

【However, the number of Chitauri around did not decrease, but increased.】

【At the critical moment, suddenly, thunderbolts struck from the sky.】

【A large number of Chitauri were hit and turned into charcoal directly】

【Thor fell from the sky, and the ground roared】

【Rogers asked,"What’s going on up there?"】

【Thor replied:"The force field around the cube is impenetrable."】

【In the air, Tony said:"Saul is right, we should deal with these guys."】

【"what should we do?"】

【"power of the team"】

【Thor said:"I still have to settle accounts with Loki."】

【Barton was sorting out his quiver and said,"Really? Then you can line up behind me!"】

【Rogers said:"Stop talking, Loki wants to focus on attacking us, which is exactly what we want."】

【"Without him, these guys will go on a rampage and kill innocent people. We have Tony in the air, he needs us......."】

【Rogers was talking about the plan when a sudden clattering sound came from behind him.】

【Everyone looked over to find Dr. Banner riding a shabby motorcycle.】

"Damn! Dr. Banner, you have changed!"

"I really didn’t expect this!"

"Look at everyone's appearance, and then look at Dr. Banner's appearance"

"Thor flashed a bolt of lightning! Tony directly used the latest Mark 7 mecha, even Rogers and Black Widow had fighter jets!"

"Good guy, I just say good guy!"

"Dr. Banner, you are coming directly with a small motorcycle"

"You have suffered so much!"

"Smash the darkness with thunder! Hurrah!"

"Ta-ta-ta! The little motorcycle is coming"

"Here he comes, he comes, he comes on his scooter!"

"With Tony dragging this big guy, everyone was less attacked."

"Hahaha, Banner is really a bit shabby." Everyone almost burst out laughing when they saw the way Dr. Banner's motorcycle appeared. It was clearly a battle scene, but it still made people laugh. It also made everyone feel a little relaxed and happy in this tense atmosphere.

"But I feel like the war has just begun"

"The Avengers have assembled completely."

"Next, it’s time to completely drive away these Chitauri creatures!"

"Hope they win!"

""We will win!"

The entire Blue Star Federation was cheering for Tony and his team.

Everyone wanted to see the victory of this group of partners.

No one wanted those brutal Chitauri to occupy the Blue Star Earth era.

The director of the Tiandao Administration Bureau was as nervous as the experts.

For them, this was what they were looking forward to.

"We must win!"

"The key is to deal with the mechanical creature first, otherwise it will cause greater damage at that time."

Historian Huang Lao and others deeply agree.

A mechanical biological warship smashes a building.

It only needs to swim forward.

There is no need for any other attack methods.

In each building, there are countless people still inside.

There is no time to evacuate.

Every collision is a shock to everyone's heart.

"Although we are not from the same era, I feel bad watching them being slaughtered by the Chitauri."

There were tears in the eyes of the Tibetan fox Xiaoliang.

The director took a deep breath.

He has adjusted himself now.

Several terrible inferences have been overturned.

It means that many dangers have disappeared.

"The danger of artificial intelligence has been resolved, and the crisis of Loki controlling Tony in controlling artificial intelligence has also disappeared."

"The Chitauri, the opponents of the Blue Planet Earth era, have appeared"

"Everything will come to a final conclusion with the outcome of this battle."

This is the only direction that can be hoped for now.

The director decided not to think about the rest.

Historian Huang Lao said:"Born in adversity and died in comfort is a warning to the future, but it is not a reason for everyone to panic."

Everyone nodded.

This is true.

A military leader laughed and said:"Even if these things come to the Blue Star Federation, we have high-tech weapons!"

"We also have cannons and missiles!"

Everyone laughed, and then focused their attention on the picture that their past life memories were capturing.

【Banner got off the scooter and said to everyone,"This scene doesn't look too good."】

【The widow said calmly:"I have seen worse"】

【Dr. Banner said with a shabby face:"I'm sorry"】

【Black Widow looked up at Banner and said,"To be honest, we are hoping that there will be saboteurs."】

【Rogers said:"Tony? We found him"】

【Tony's voice sounded:"Have you found Banner?"】

【Rogers said:"You said you would inform your"】

【Tony smiled and said,"Let him transform, the fun is about to begin."】


"What does Tony mean?"

"The fun is about to begin. Is Dr. Banner going to fight that mechanical biological battleship?"

"Banner's appearance looks like he just came back from a construction site."

"Tony is a bit too much, he doesn't even let Banner take a break"

"Honestly, I still think Tony and Dr. Banner have a better relationship."

"Yes, he seems to have always protected Dr. Banner, even more than Thor helped Loki."

"Maybe it's respect for the strong."

"Strong? Banner? He is indeed strong, but it seems inappropriate to say that."

"Stop arguing, the fight is still going on over there."

"Holy shit! Tony really, really wants Dr. Banner to deal with that giant biological battleship!"

"Scary! Crazy!"

【In the picture, Tony spun around and came around from one side of the building.】

【The huge biological battleship behind him smashed the building into pieces, chasing Tony with sparks and lightning all the way.】

【Black Widow looked at the mechanical biological warships rushing towards her from the sky and shook her head,"I don't see where this fun is."】

【Thor grabbed Thor's hammer fiercely, and Rogers and the others also looked solemn.】

【Tony rushed ahead, flying low】

【Under the tight grip of the huge biological warship, all collision objects on the street exploded】

【The terrifying biological warship is also extremely fast, and anything it touches will be shattered into pieces.】

【Banner glanced at everyone, then turned and walked towards the mechanical biological battleship】

【"Dr. Banner"】

【Rogers stepped forward and said,"You can be angry now."】

The live broadcast room barrage has been jumping wildly

"Become the Hulk!"

"Hahahaha! Go, go, go! The Hulk jumped up and tore the giant thing apart!"

"I love when Dr. Banner gets angry!"

��Gif? Who has that gif?"

"Ahaha? What GIF is the person above talking about?"

Many people were watching this scene. The number of online viewers in the live broadcast room had exceeded 200 million!

Ye Xuan was looking at the amount of money donated in the live broadcast room in the background. He was almost going crazy.

It was almost 40 million!

It was enough for him to build an iron suit!



The images from the past life memories were very stable during this period.

Everyone could clearly see everything that happened.

Then countless people stood up almost at the same time.

Everyone's eyes were shaking.

They grabbed the screen with both hands, and whispered in disbelief from their throats.

The scene happening in the live broadcast room was too unbelievable.

【Dr. Banner walked towards the huge mechanical biological warship, turned his head and said to Rogers:"This is my secret captain. I have been angry."】

【Before he finished speaking, Dr. Banner's green muscles swelled up.】

【The clothes on his body were torn, and he transformed into the Hulk in an instant.】

【Immediately, he slammed his fist down on the top of the terrifying biomechanical warship.】


【Kakaka! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

【Boom boom boom!】

【That gigantic biological battleship was actually stopped by a single punch from the Hulk!】

【The Hulk pushed hard, offsetting the inertia of the dozens of meters long mechanical creature.】

【The biological warship turned over directly under the huge inertia.】

【The joints on the back are turned over one by one, revealing some of the weak spots.】

【Tony flew over from the side, stretched out his right hand, and suddenly fired a small missile, hitting the weak spot directly.】


【A violent explosion sounded, and the entire mechanical creature was blown to pieces!】

【The sky was filled with mechanical debris and flames. 】

The 200 million viewers in the live broadcast room all cheered loudly at this moment.

The scene of Dr. Banner blocking the Chitauri bio-battleship with one punch after his transformation was really shocking.

Although Dr. Banner's body after the transformation was very large, compared with the Chitauri bio-battleship, it was completely like an ant.

However, he relied on his green fist to knock down the Chitauri bio-battleship weighing who knows how many tons!

"Wow! So handsome!"

"The Hulk is mighty!"

"This punch is hitting the whole world!"

"So handsome! Perfect!"

"Too violent! Too powerful!"

"Hulk yyds!"

"Chitauri, eat shit! A pile of junk!"

"At this moment, I suddenly realized that the Hulk is so handsome!"

"Woo woo woo, even though you are green, I want to give you a white one"

"Forehead...The person above is going too far. Aren’t you afraid of the pain?"

"Although there is no evidence, I suspect you are driving!"

"This scene of smashing the Chitauri warship with a punch is so cool! I want to tattoo it on my body!"

"Don't...Just make a computer cover"

"Awesome people often only use the simplest way to travel"

"One force can defeat ten skills!"

"Believe it or not, this���The head fell on me and I couldn't even scream!"

"Damn, what the hell, you're probably going to be turned into a meat pie......"

"It’s so explosive!"

"I would like to call you the strongest!"

"If I were a few years younger, I could withstand three hits!"


"Good afternoon everyone, I recently opened an account, which collected many people's famous scenes from their past lives, including this one, you can go and have a look"

"The Hulk is so awesome!"

"Why do I find that he seems to be more powerful than before?"

"this......Is the Hulk still human?"

"Thor! Let me ask you one question: Do you dare to take this punch?"

"Thor ran away with the bucket overnight, hahahaha"


At the Tiandao Administration, in the training ground, the air around them was extremely frozen.

Jiang Liuer, Aldace, and everyone else had shock on their faces.

As a superhuman in the Blue Star Federation, the power displayed by the Hulk's punch was far beyond theirs.

Jiang Liuer showed an extremely complicated bitter smile.

"I'm afraid he can crush me to death with just one finger!"

The other people looked at each other. They all had the same expression of disbelief.

Then, everyone looked at Ren Xiaoli at the same time.

Before, everyone had heard the conversation between Ren Xiaoli and Yan Liu.

Who can kill this thing with one punch?

Ren Xiaoli called him grandpa!

The former record-breaker Zheng Hao looked at Ren Xiaoli with amusement and said:

"Brother, you must keep your word."

"Everyone heard you shout, come and listen."

Ren Xiaoli's face was ugly.

He was shocked by the strength of the Hulk. At this time, he was almost green when he was told by Zheng Hao. Yan Liu pointed at his head and said,"Brother! You are about to become the Hulk!



Ren Xiaoli slapped Yan Liu on the head.

He raised his head and said,"Just shout! Don't talk about grandpa. They are from the Blue Star Earth era. I don't know how many years it is from now."

"Even calling him ancestor is not too much!"

Everyone was stunned. After thinking about it carefully, it seemed to be true!

Ren Xiaoli ignored everyone's reaction.

If he frowned and thought, if he and his shadow clone took action, could they achieve the same effect?

After a moment, Ren Xiaoli took a deep breath.

He had just calculated countless times in his mind.

"The result is that I will be smashed into powder!"

"Even if it was a clone, it would definitely be killed instantly!"

"This monster is too heavy!"

"They are all monsters!"

Ren Xiaoli was a little upset.

Too strong.

People from the Blue Star Earth era.

Why are they so strong?

Isn't this disgusting!

""Ancestors, you don't give your descendants any chance to show off."

Rubbing his brows, he once thought about how much praise and admiration he would receive when his true strength was revealed to the Federation one day. But this group of immoral ancestors just maxed out their appearance! There was nothing for them to do! Ren Xiaoli could imagine what others might say:

"Yo? Ren Xiaoli is really good, he killed a���Wild boar? Tsk tsk tsk, but not as strong as Banner. He could kill a mechanical biological warship weighing several tons with one punch!"

Ren Xiaoli sighed

"Hey! I don't feel any sense of participation in the supernatural power."

"Bad review!"


At this time, not only the training ground fell into silence.

The people in Xu Qi'an's team were also dumbfounded.

Several of his companions rushed to the screen like crazy.

Holding the screen, they stared at the Hulk's terrible punch.

They were just discussing how to make people have gene fragments similar to the divine realm.

Now, the Hulk directly performed a trick that made these mortal researchers almost cry.

Xu Qi'an took a long time to recover from the shock.

His eyes were full of bloodshot.

"The Hulk definitely has a god-like physique!"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

A researcher said:"I specifically remember that the previous Hulk was not this strong."

"The destructive power of this punch is insane!"

"He just destroyed houses before, but now I suspect he can kill gods!"

Xu Qian'an frowned and nodded slightly

"He may not be able to kill gods now, but if his abilities continue to grow, he will most likely be able to do it!"

"It seems that the upper limit of human potential that we have just formed has made a new breakthrough again."

Everyone agreed with it.

The new cognition of power was given to everyone by this group of Avengers.

But it is still this group of heroes of the Earth era who broke through these new cognitions.

An inexplicable feeling echoed in everyone's heart.

Xu Qian'an stared at the screen, his expression moved slightly.

Immediately, he said to everyone:"We are still missing one thing now!"

Someone asked puzzledly:"Mr. Xu, we are still missing a lot of things now."

Xu Qian'an rolled his eyes at him and said:"What I want to say is the standardized construction of the power system!"

Everyone looked at Xu Qian'an in a daze.

They didn't understand what he meant.

Xu Qian'an explained solemnly:"Now in the Earth era, many powerful people have appeared."

"Everyone has different abilities and strength levels"

"I think we can create a strength standard to grade their abilities."

"For example, level one, level two, one star, two stars?"

After Xu Qian'an explained, everyone understood what it meant.

"If this grading system can be completed, it will be of great help in the recognition and measurement of strength."

"But it's hard to do. We can't do any energy level detection."

"Indeed, Mr. Xu, this is still too difficult."

"And even if it is done, it is not very useful now."

Xu Qian'an shook his head and said nothing.

He did not continue to dwell on this matter.

But he was sure that he would definitely establish a standardized power system in the future.

The Blue Star Federation is not just ordinary people.

Xu Qian'an did not know how much of a far-reaching impact his sudden inspiration would have on the future power system of the Blue Star Federation. It was also because of the power system he proposed that an incident that could have caused a major earthquake on Blue Star was avoided.



The director's office.

The director's previous panic and nervousness were swept away. He clenched his fists and was so excited that he jumped three feet high without caring about so many experts watching!

"Banner did a great job!"

His big worry was gone!

He was naturally very happy.

In the holographic projection next to him.

Tibetan fox Xiaoliang exclaimed:"The strength level of the Hulk is definitely far beyond the previous"

"It is really unimaginable that the energy hidden in his body can explode so horribly!"

Everyone echoed.

The scene just now shocked everyone so much that they were speechless.

They all had that moment.

If they replaced themselves with the Hulk, they would be crushed to pieces.

Feng Xiaotian stopped talking.

He pursed his lips and muttered to himself, not knowing what he was talking about.

"The presence of the Hulk, working with Tony, is simply a nightmare for that monster."

Everyone was talking and laughing.

But gradually, watching what was happening on the live screen, the smiles on everyone's faces faded.

The director also put away his fist and looked at the live screen solemnly.

"It’s not over yet!"

"Now, the war has entered a fierce stage!"



After the brief excitement just now, the more than 200 million viewers in the live broadcast room stared at the screen more nervously.

【After the giant mechanical biological battleship was smashed by Banner and Tony】

【The Chitauri monster climbing on the building screamed at the people crazily.】

【The Hulk also roared】

【Tony, Rogers, Black Widow, Hulk, Thor, Barton, all gathered together】

【The whole picture shows the members of the Avengers team】

"Wow! I want to cry!"

"They are all fighting!"

"I don't want any of them to die."

"Everyone is the cutest person! Even Patton!"

"Wow, Black Widow is so beautiful!"

"We must win, we must win this game! I said it!"

"Love you, the Earth Era is up to you."

"Don't let any accidents happen!"

【In the sky, Loki, who was on the aircraft, said calmly:"Arrange the rest."】

【As soon as the words fell, the passage above, which was stabilized by the magic cube light column, suddenly became wider.】


【A deafening roar came from the passage】

【Then, a group of terrifying biological warships that looked exactly like the ones just now swam out from the hole.】

【A terrible wave swept across the sky】

【Countless people looked up at this scene and were stunned.】

"Oh shit! It never ends!"

"Why are there so many again!"

"Can Dr. Banner still throw that punch?"

"Just a few more punches and cooperation from Tony, I’m not afraid!"

"Loki deserves to die!"

The sudden increase in biological warships made the audience in the live broadcast room nervous.

The director and others looked at this scene with great solemnity.

Even if these mechanical biological warships were eventually torn apart by the Hulk, the damage caused would definitely not be small!

It must be resolved as soon as possible!

【The Avengers looked up at the sky, and Black Widow said���"Everyone!"】

【"Come on, Captain!"】

【Rogers stepped forward and said,"Okay, listen! Before we close that passage, our first priority is to maintain the current situation!"】

【"Patton, go to the building next to you and observe their formation and the soldiers."】

【"Tony, you are responsible for blocking anyone who approaches three blocks. Either send him back or blow him to pieces!"】

【Barton looked at Tony and said,"Can I get a ride?"】

【"What's the problem? Come on!"】

【Tony grabbed Patton's arm and flew into the sky】

【Rogers continued,"Saul, you'd better find a way to block that passage and hold them back."】

【"You can control the lightning and kill them."】

【Rogers said to Black Widow:"Let's stay here and continue to fight."】

【Rogers turned to Banner and said,"Hulk, smash it hard!"】

【Roar! The Hulk roared, jumped up suddenly, rushed towards the Chitauri beside him, and tore their bodies apart】

"Wow! Rogers is so handsome and has clear ideas."

"Rogers had experienced many wars before and was very familiar with this area."

"He is professional"

"Damn, the Hulk is still awesome, he can kill them with one punch"

"But......I think his destructive power is no worse than that of the Chitauri...."

"Hulk: Smash it hard? That's my favorite!"

"The captain of the demolition team is online!"

"Hulk: Yes, yes, that’s the fee1!"

"The Hulk's smile is a bit evil!"

"When the giant smiles, life and death are unpredictable!"

"He is absolutely a vandal!"

"Hahaha, I am dying of laughter."

Every time the Hulk appears, it brings great shock to everyone.

But there are also many behaviors that make people laugh.

The picture jumps.

Thor turns Thor's hammer.

It suddenly flies to a lightning rod.

【Thor's hammer pointed to the sky, thunder swirled around the hammer, and the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds.】

【Terrible lightning bolts formed into beams, which would appear all around him.】

【The entire spire is trembling with electricity】

【Countless thunders accumulated, Thor roared, swung Thor's hammer violently, and drove a large amount of thunder and lightning to the teleportation hole in the sky that was still releasing more Chitauri.】

【Boom! Boom! Boom!】

【Countless Chitauri warships that were about to continue to roam out were smashed to pieces by thunder.】

【A large amount of fragments exploded and shattered like fireworks!】

"Thor is indeed very powerful! This thunder!"

"Thor brand lightning rod!"

"Use thunder to shatter the darkness!"

"Many of them died! Very good!"

"It's a pity that the channel cannot be destroyed, otherwise it could be closed directly"

"The Hulk is still the strongest. He is definitely the strongest on earth."

"Thor's move is particularly similar to the character in the previous game, Sikong Zhen!"

"Does this mean that mages are more powerful? Look at Thor, he can kill a lot of people with one electric shock."

"Why didn't Thor kill Loki with thunder?"


Just as the audience was watching excitedly, suddenly, the screen jumped violently.

A scene from an aircraft carrier battleship appeared.

In the control room,

Fury was watching the battle scene through satellite monitoring.

Hill suddenly came over and said to Fury:"Director, the parliament is looking for you online."

The audience was puzzled.

The director of the Administration Bureau frowned slightly.

In the Supreme Court, several elders who were watching looked up at the same time.

They looked at each other.

Elder Wu Chengen said in silence:"The parliament, it should be the clips of the holographic projections that appeared before."

"They seem to be more opposed to Fury's Avengers plan?"

Li Longshen nodded, and said with a solemn expression and a hint of anger:"Who knows what kind of tricks they will come up with!"

"Officials without sense of responsibility! How can they still exist?!"

Several elders have been in high positions for a long time.

They can easily infer many things with just a simple thought. Under the current circumstances, the officials of the Blue Star Earth Era are unlikely to send simple greetings at this time!

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