The Supreme Court.

Originally, some elders had gone to complete the tasks of the modules they were responsible for.

Now, they all returned to the round table.

Not only that.

There are already ten elders~ gathered at the round table.

Two more elders have been added!

The entire Blue Star Federation.

Except for the time when the Supreme Court was established.

Thirteen elders gathered together.

Later, the probability of having five elders together was so small that it was impossible!

Not to mention ten elders having a round table meeting.

It has never happened before!

The ten elders sat together.

The whole atmosphere and aura were completely different from before.

Everyone had a solemn look on their faces.

Everyone stared at the live broadcast on the screen.

It’s just that the content of everyone’s communication was slightly different from the barrage on the Internet and in the live broadcast room.

Elder Wu Chengen said:"At that time in the Blue Star Earth era, the official release of nuclear bombs was absolutely a wrong decision."

"But we can take it as an experience"

"By the way, Elder Sith, how is your research and development progress?"

Elder Sith smiled bitterly and said,"The progress is very poor, there is almost no progress."

Elder Yaoyan sighed,"I always feel that things are not that simple."

Another elder echoed,"I also have a feeling that a greater terror is coming."

The elders have discussed the official launch of nuclear bombs on Earth at that time. Many times.

Especially when they saw that the nuclear bomb was finally launched successfully. They roughly inferred the mentality and practices of the officials at that time.

Although they were extremely disgusted.

There was no other way.

There was only the world-destroying crisis caused by the nuclear bomb.

The elders did not make any speculations in this regard.

There are still some other dark clouds.

"We should speed up the research and development process, and hope to make rapid progress."

The elders all agreed.

"Please calm down the federal government."

"I think people's reaction to Earth Era's official nuclear launch is still very strong."

"We cannot let historical mistakes affect the current situation too much."

Elder Li Longshen said:"Nuclear weapons are the most advanced weapons we have at present."

"In the Earth era, nuclear weapons have been officially launched"

"Can the Chitauri be eliminated? Can the transmission channel be destroyed?"

"It is also the focus of our future."

The nine elders nodded at the same time.

No one mentioned the city's millions of people at this time.

After a discussion, everyone turned their attention back to the live video. Now, it is still unknown what the result will be after the nuclear bombardment.



Almost everyone in the Blue Star Federation could no longer express their emotions at this moment with anger.

Since the nuclear bomb had been launched, it would eventually explode!

That city with a population of hundreds of thousands would be completely destroyed!

Tony and the other Avengers who were still fighting would probably die from nuclear radiation as well!

Black Widow was trying to destroy the Rubik's Cube energy shield, but it was useless!

The two-minute and thirty-second countdown was ticking away.

Once the number reached zero, the Chitauri monster might be killed, and the Rubik's Cube barrier might be shattered by the power of the nuclear bomb, but that city with a population of millions would definitely be razed to the ground!

Billions of eyes were staring at the screen in the live broadcast room.

"If Black Widow and the others are affected by a nuclear bomb, I will hate them forever"

"I hope everything is OK."

"Does Tony have a way to deal with the nuclear bomb? Even if he goes, it will still be dangerous, right?"

"I still don't understand why the authorities insisted on doing that."

"I saw some people say that no one is perfect, and I just want to say screw it, no one is perfect, should millions of lives and a city be paid for a mistake in decision-making?"

"It's unreasonable."

"Compared to nuclear bombs, I am more concerned about whether we will win in the end."

"If the nuclear bomb is launched and the Chitauri are not eliminated in the end, that would be the biggest irony."

"The channel should be closed, look at Black Widow's side"

"Two minutes and thirty seconds, a fatal countdown"

"To be honest, I have never seen what a nuclear weapon explosion would look like."

At this time, the live broadcast screen jumped and the scene on the platform appeared.

【On the platform, Dr. Eric turned on the computer and said to Black Widow,"Aim at that crown!"】

【The widow held the scepter and pointed the tip forward.】

【With a crackling sound, the scepter actually penetrated the barrier.】

【The pure energy shield that was said to be unbreakable before was indeed unable to completely resist the sharp edge of the scepter.】

【Black Widow excitedly said:"I can close it! Can anyone hear me? I can close the port!"】

【The scepter collided with the energy shield, emitting a crackling fire. Black Widow took the scepter and stabbed it hard at the cosmic cube in the middle.】

【"Quick! Shut him up!"】

【Rogers suddenly stopped him and said,"No! Wait!"】

【"Tony, the stuff keeps coming."】

【Tony drove the mecha and said,"I have another nuclear bomb coming."】

【"It's going to explode in less than a minute."】

Seeing Black Widow using the scepter, breaking through the energy shield, and about to hit the Cosmic Cube and close the passage, no one dared to breathe.

But after hearing Tony talk about the nuclear bomb, everyone's face was filled with despair.

"Damn it!"

"Why not just leave it to the Avengers? Why interfere?"

"If I were there, I would definitely call and give them a good scolding."

"So what is Tony going to do? I can't think of a way to stop the nuclear bomb from exploding."

In the Tiandao Administration, in the director's office, several military industry bosses shook their heads.

"There is no way. Once the nuclear bomb is triggered, it will explode and there is no way to stop it."

"This city is gone."

"Well, on the bright side, these Tarri monsters will also die along with the destruction of the city."

"I suggest adding a temporary blocking module to the Blue Star Federation's nuclear weapons to prevent similar incidents from happening."

"There is no need. If it really comes to this, it will be a fight to the death."

The Tibetan fox Xiaoliang's face was full of disappointment.

For him, he least wanted to see humans die.

He was even very sad to see those people being severely injured by the Chitauri.

Now, his own nuclear bomb was about to explode.

His brain was always dizzy.

The historian Huang Lao's hand holding the pen was shaking.

He couldn't record anymore.

The nuclear bomb that was about to explode was affecting his heart.

"I can't bear it anymore. I can't watch it anymore."

The historian Huang Lao said to everyone with a gloomy expression:"You guys continue, I need to take a break."

Then he turned off the screen.

"I'll take a break first."

Several experts were like Mr. Huang. They temporarily closed the link.

Everyone took a deep breath.

It seemed that the time for the final judgment had come.

【Tony, who was flying close to the water surface towards the fighter plane, suddenly changed his expression.】

【Under the bridge, Tony manipulated the mecha to suddenly open the deceleration back armor and suddenly rushed upwards.】

【"I think I know where to make this thing explode"】

【The thrusters were at full speed, and Tony quickly caught up with the nuclear bomb】

【With both hands, he directly carried the nuclear bomb on his shoulders.】

【Rogers' voice rang out through the visor.】

【"Tony, do you know that this will never happen again?"】

【Tony didn’t answer, but said to Jarvis:"Jarvis, use the remaining energy to turn!"】

【At the same time, Jarvis' voice followed closely:"Sir, should I call Miss Pepper?"】

【Tony looked at the photo displayed on the screen inside the helmet and said calmly,"Okay."】

The live broadcast room has more than 300 million online viewers.

At this moment, the bullet comments that originally covered the entire screen disappeared without a trace.

Almost everyone of the more than 300 million viewers had guessed what Tony was going to do.

In an instant, countless people had tears in their eyes.

They couldn't believe that Tony would make this decision.

"No, Tony."

"He wants to send a nuclear bomb into the passage!"

"The passage is full of Chitauri monsters. It must be the Chitauri monster's lair. If......"

"Tony, please think of another solution. We can’t do this!"

"Wow! So touching! Tony is a true hero!"

"I don't want you to have any problems, I want you to live well"

"Loki, it's all Loki's fault! Damn Loki!"

"Why, why should the Earth era be subjected to such suffering and heroes be sacrificed?"

"Coulson is dead, isn't that enough!"

"It is the officials of the Earth Era who are the ones aiding and abetting the evil!"


"Why do I always have tears in my eyes?"

"Tony, you are just an ordinary person wearing an iron suit, you are not a god! Don't do that!" I don't know how many people choked in silence when they saw this scene. On the training ground, many Blue Star superhumans gathered together to watch the live broadcast. Seeing Tony's decision, a sense of sadness surged from their hearts for some reason. Jiang Liuer looked at him steadily. With a bitter look on his face, he said:"No matter what, they all have strength beyond ordinary people.


"In the end, to protect them......"

Jiang Liuer was silent.

He asked himself, if it were him, facing the crisis of a nuclear bomb hitting the city, and the life and death of millions of people might ultimately depend on him, he might just leave there.

"If a man does not work for himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth!"

"I will just do what is most meaningful to me."

Not only Jiang Liuer, but several other extraordinary people seemed to be thinking the same thing.

Since they awakened some special abilities in the process of capturing their past lives, their pursuit of life and more powerful power has far exceeded that of the past.

It is the greed after experiencing power.

If they are asked to give up these extraordinary abilities now to save more ordinary people, they will not be willing!

This is human nature!

Everyone is born like this!

Ren Xiaoli looked at the picture of Tony carrying a nuclear bomb for a long time without saying a word.

Although he looks young, he has experienced a lot.

All kinds of life, and he is used to life and death.

"Brother, are you crying?"

Ren Xiaoli slapped Yan Liu on the head.

"Why are you crying? I won't cry."

Yan Liu glanced at Ren Xiaoli again and said firmly,"No, brother, you just cried."

Ren Xiaoli grinned,"What's wrong with me crying? This is such a touching thing."

The director stepped out of the door.

He walked out of the window and looked at the sky above.

The sky of the Blue Star Federation is very blue.

Because it has been a long time since the war.

"If this day comes, will anyone choose like Tony?"

The director murmured, and suddenly smiled:"The reincarnation of a hundred lives must be the first one."

The fermentation speed in the Blue Star Federation was very fast.

Many people already knew that

Tony wanted to send the nuclear bomb into the passage!

"It was a narrow escape!"

"I remember Rogers said before that Tony only fights for himself!"

"Now......Tony chose to carry the nuclear bomb without hesitation!"

"I...I don't know what to say, I just know my eyes are full of tears"

"I'm going crazy, why is this happening!"

"Tony, you can't die, you must not die!"

Countless people's eyes were fixed on Tony, who was frantically lifting the nuclear bomb upwards with his hands.

【Jarvis is helping connect Pepper】

【The picture jumps and appears on a plane flying high in the sky.】

【Chili and a group of people are on the plane, watching the news on TV】

【Reporter:"The streets have turned into a battlefield. The army has arrived to try to control the situation, but it is clear that they are outnumbered."】

【Reporter:"I have to say that in my career as a reporter, I have never seen anything like this!"】

【Reporter:"We don't know much about the Avengers. We only know that���Stark is a billionaire......"】

【Little Pepper was watching the screen nervously. Beside her, the phone was silent and the screen was on, but she didn't notice it. 】

Hundreds of millions of citizens of the Blue Star Federation were anxious.

The comments in the live broadcast room were all the same.

"Pick it up quickly!"

"Pepper, this is Tony calling, answer it quickly!"

"Please answer the phone. Please answer the phone, please."

"Woo woo woo, I can't take it anymore. I'm dying of pain."

"The person you think of at the last moment of your life must be the one you love the most."

"Answer the phone quickly!"

"This is Tony's final farewell!"

"Tony also knew that he might not survive this time, and he wanted to say a few words to Pepper in the last moments of his life."

"I......Tony is a real man!"

"Tony used all his energy to turn!"

"The last few tens of seconds"

"It would be a shame if Chili didn't get the call."

"I can’t take it anymore. I’m crying. I can’t bear this blow."

I don’t know how many people in the live broadcast room were crying and typing comments.

They were crying and begging Pepper to answer the phone. This might be the last phone call in Tony’s life! What a pity!......

The Blue Star Earth era is a history that has been in the past for who knows how long.

Even if everyone roared heartbreakingly, they could not hear it.

In countless schools in the Federation, both male and female students had tears in their eyes.

The teachers at the door turned their heads and wiped their tears secretly.

Suddenly a student cried,"I don't want a hero. Tony is also an ordinary person. He should be the same as us."

A cry caused the crying in the classroom to become louder.

Tiandao Administration.

Thousands of employees.

Especially those in the Information Management Department. They are used to seeing all kinds of past life memory scenes on weekdays.

I don't know how many times I have watched the touching memory video.

But when they saw that the phone next to Pepper lit up but was not connected.

Almost all female comrades broke down.

The whole department was echoing with low cries.

Many people wiped their tears with tissues.

There were even a few young girls hugging each other for comfort.

"How sad Xiao La Jiao must have been when she saw that she didn't receive the call."

"Woohoo, so frustrating"

"The true love between Pepper and Tony is so touching"

"Although they often quarrel, they are still very loving."

"Yes, Tony didn't take anything from anyone else, he only took what Pepper handed to him."

The supervisor looked at everyone's state.

He was also infected.

His eyes were red, and he took a deep breath.

"Tony is responsible for the safety of millions of people in order to prove himself to them."

"Prove that you are not just fighting for yourself?"

"Or is it the final redemption for the countless casualties caused by the sale of weapons?"

The supervisor sighed.

In the director's office, the historian Huang Lao and several other experts who had said they could not bear it and had to take a break did not know when they would be back online.

Together with more than a dozen other experts, they watched the live broadcast screen.

It seemed that after some adjustments, Huang Lao's spirit was surprisingly good.

The pen in his hand rustled.

He murmured,"I will use all my life's writing to record this moment!"

"I want the people of Blue Planet to remember this for hundreds, thousands, or even tens of thousands of years."

"In the unknown era of the blue planet Earth, there were people who guarded the city with millions of lives."

"Sacrifice yourself, devote yourself!"

After a pause, the historian Huang Lao solemnly wrote a few words:

"His name is Tony, the developer of Iron Man Armor!"

"A body of flesh and blood, a heart of iron!"



The captured memory of the past life.

In the end, Pepper did not find the call Tony made to her.

Countless people were silent.

【Tony looked at the helmet display and saw that Pepper's call was still not connected.】

【A trace of loneliness appeared on his face, and then he looked forward firmly.】

【Directly in front of us is the Stark Building, with a blue beam of light rising into the sky, continuously freeing up a huge passage in the sky.】

【The nuclear bomb was flying at high speed. Tony lifted it up with both hands, using all his energy to make the missile turn.】

【At the moment when the nuclear bomb was about to hit the Stark Building, Tony took the nuclear bomb, drew an arc, and rushed up along the light column of the passage.】

【Black Widow, who was destroying the energy shield of the Cosmic Cube, looked up at Tony's figure】

【Thor, Rogers, Barton and others all watched as the frail figure, carrying a nuclear bomb, rushed into the sky tunnel without hesitation.】

【Tony controlled the mecha without slowing down for even a second!】

【Almost dragging the nuclear bomb, rushing into the passage desperately. 】

Everyone looked at the red mecha figure that disappeared in the passage.

They fell into dead silence again.

The number of people online in the live broadcast room exceeded 500 million in an instant!

The entire Blue Star Federation.

At this moment, it seemed to have stopped operating.

Everyone's heart was filled with grief!

Tony, carrying a nuclear bomb, rushed into the unknown space!

In the end, he sacrificed himself!

To save the prosperous city of millions of people!

At this moment, no one spoke.

Even the tears froze.

The picture flickered and jumped.

Came to the place where it rushed into the unknown space

【The energy of the Iron Armor was gradually consumed. In the cold and dark space, Tony's armor gradually lost its response.】

【The nuclear bomb continues to sprint forward under inertia】

【A huge spaceship-like object was hit by a nuclear bomb, causing a violent explosion. A large number of Leviathans wandering around were all covered and blasted to pieces.】

【Tony gradually closed his eyes, became motionless, and fell downwards.】

【On the street, at the moment of the nuclear bomb explosion, the Chitauri monsters lost power and self-destructed.】

【On the aircraft carrier, the people in the control room burst into cheers, celebrating the demise of the Chitauri army.】

【Director Fury pursed his lips and lowered his head, his expression extremely lonely. 】

The nuclear bomb was finally detonated.

But the effect was gratifying!

The place where the Chitauri army seemed to be located was completely blasted to pieces.

Hundreds of���Humanity was saved from the danger of being killed by nuclear bombs.

Prosperous cities were saved from the fall of radiation.

Every spark that bloomed in the endless space should have made everyone cheer.

However, countless citizens of the Blue Star Federation burst into tears at this time.

In major schools, almost all students stood up while crying.

Everyone raised their most noble and respectful Young Pioneer etiquette towards Tony who disappeared in the dark space.

This is a hero!

On the streets of the Blue Star Federation, the vehicles that were originally driving stopped at the same time.

No command was needed.

Every car started double jumps.

Every driver honked the horn with a solemn look.

The hum of countless cars soared into the sky.

This is the human beings of the Blue Star Federation.



A moment of silence for Tony, the hero of the Blue Star Earth era!

"Tony is my eternal hero!"

"He didn't deserve to die!"

"Why is this so? Tony is always the one doing the most dangerous things!"

"Tears in my eyes!"

"I adore you, Tony!"

"It's always like this! It's always like this! Cry!"

"Every time, Tony is on the brink of life and death"

"But he has to bear the accusations from many people!"

"How ridiculous! Why are those people cheering! Tony is dead!"

"Woohoo! After two minutes and thirty seconds of waiting, this is the result. I can't accept it."

"The Chitauri are gone, but Tony is gone too!"


"Tony will be my biggest idol in my life!"

"I want to draw the pattern of Iron Man by myself, I want to take him as my role model!"

""I bid you farewell and mourn for you."

Countless people cried bitterly at this time.

The entire Blue Star Federation was filled with grief.

In the Tiandao Administration, thousands of employees had their psychological defenses completely broken. The female lesbians burst into tears.

They were used to watching videos of their previous lives.

At this time, they could feel the pain of despair even more.

The male lesbians also couldn't hold back.

Many of them wiped their tears secretly.

"I finally, finally understand!"

"Why is the activity level of Baishilunhui so high!"

"Sacrifice yourself to save the world, even if the activity level is one billion or two billion, I think it is not too much!"

"It's so sad, Tony really shouldn't have died."

The entire hall of the Administration was already filled with tears. In the director's office, the director had stood up, took off his hat and saluted to the screen.

The director raised his head and looked at the experts in the holographic projection with red eyes.

They were also saluting with the director.

The director said in a hoarse voice:"I just made a decision"

"We are going to set up a Heroes Hall of Honor!"

"Record all the heroes and deeds of the past lives captured in the history of Blue Star."

"This is the most proud person among the humans on Blue Star!"

"Without their sacrifice, there might not be the Blue Star Federation today!"

"We should let everyone remember what happened!"

The members of the expert group nodded in agreement.

Historian Huang Laodao said:"This is what we should do!"

"Tony is the first in the Hero Hall of Fame!"

"But he is definitely not the only one!"

The Tibetan fox Xiaoliang said with shock and sorrow:"Tony's iron armor has such excellent performance"

"He was extremely intelligent and a brilliant genius. He shouldn't have died!"

The scientific research leader sighed,"What a pity, it's really a pity."

"After a hundred reincarnations, this life would end like this."

In the Noland base,

Li Chungang had tears on his face.

He said sadly:"God is jealous of talents!"

As the chief engineer, no one knows better than him how difficult it is to create new elements!

Even with the help of old Stark, the real element was born in Tony's hands!

"Unexpectedly, when you create a new element, since it is not to save your life"

"Instead, it will push yourself into the abyss of death!"

Li Chungang firmly believed.

If Tony had not created the new element, the new Ark reactor would not have been born!

The new armor would not have appeared!

At that time, even if Tony wanted to send a nuclear bomb into the Chitauri army,

I am afraid the conditions would not allow it!

But if he did not create the new element,

Tony might have had his heart torn apart by shrapnel before that.

A bitter smile

"Every sip and every bite, everything is destined!" Isn't this the envy of the talented?!

But Li Chungang turned around with infinite respect

""Tony chose the most valuable death!"

He deserves everyone's respect.

Looking back, Li Chungang said solemnly to the team members:"From today on, everyone must use all their strength to create new elements together!"

"In the Blue Planet Earth era, Tony created"

"He was willing to sacrifice himself for millions of people."

"We will pay tribute to him with the success of the new element!"

All members of the Norland base nodded at the same time.

This is the unique way for technicians to pay tribute!

In the live broadcast room, the entire screen was filled with a few words

"Salute to the heroes!"

"Rest in peace hero!"

"Tony, you have reached the peak that no one knows about!"


In the forum area of Tiandao Network, a post suddenly became the most popular one at an unparalleled speed.

When everyone clicked to read it, countless people burst into tears again.

《"A mortal body is on par with a god!"

The first sentence made hundreds of millions of people cry on the spot.

I remember that Tony was a conceited, unruly, and reckless person.

He was an arms dealer, and he saw his weapons being used by terrorists in the enemy camp.

His heart was already greatly shocked.

Weapons are not a means to maintain peace!

Tony, who returned from the enemy camp, stopped his very profitable arms business without hesitation.

He turned to research his own iron armor.

And use his iron armor to redeem the arms he once sold!

His beliefs are as firm as ever!

He didn't want the weapons created by his wisdom to eventually kill countless people.


Tony is just a mortal!

He is just a mortal wearing a steel shell!

He can be a billionaire and a playboy.

He has no responsibility to protect the Earth era.

He is not like Captain America who bears national hatred and family hatred and registers for serum to become a super soldier. He is not like Thor who was born in the divine realm and is born noble and shoulders the responsibility of the nine realms.

He is not like Black Widow who has been trained to become an immortal agent since childhood. He does not have the extraordinary ability to transform into the Hulk like Dr. Banner.

But he always wears the steel armor he made again and again.

With his mortal body, he appears on the battlefield like a miracle and turns the tide of the battle. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So that all of us have forgotten that Tony is a mortal.

An ordinary mortal who should live in the life of ordinary people!

Who does he owe?

The family property was left to him by his father!

His genius brain grew out of him!

The steel armor was invented by him personally!

Who does he owe?! He doesn't want Pepper and billions of family property, and saves the world all day long!

Without saying a word, he silently shouldered everything!

He, Tony, owes no one!

He does not have a strange life experience, noble origin, unique ability, or difficult tasks.

He does not need to bear the heavy responsibility of saving the world.

He should have been a billionaire, a playboy, and an ordinary person who enjoys life.

But he gave up the company and went to the battlefield of Chitauri.

He gave up his life alone and dragged a nuclear bomb to the strange outer space!

I don’t know how cold it was when he rushed to that space with the nuclear bomb!

But I know that it was only at an altitude of 30,000 feet!

The suit of armor he used to have was frozen!

And the Mark 7 under the nuclear bomb was not only an unfinished product.

It also killed countless Chitauri monsters.

It forcibly smashed the huge biomechanical warship!

The armor was broken and all the energy was used to turn!

He must be very cold!

His mission does not need a reason.

His loneliness does not need an audience.

His sacrifice does not need applause!

But why does he have a heart as kind as gold, but his hands are cold and powerless? Is this the fate of a hero? I think Tony is so miserable.

Really miserable.

He should have lived for himself.

In the end, he didn't answer Pepper's call.

I suddenly remembered that in these fragments of past lives, Tony laughed the happiest when he developed the Mark II and soared into the sky!

What a pity.

I won't see it anymore.

The author didn't post much text in this post.

Just a few hundred words.

But between the lines, readers can't help but shed tears.

There are countless replies below.

And his title has been quoted by countless people.

In the reports of major media, they all added"mortal bodies are comparable to gods".


Huang from the expert group also saw this post.

After thinking about it, he added another line after the line he wrote.

Flesh and blood body, steel heart.

Mortal strength is comparable to gods!


Under the superhero helmet,

Ye Xuan sighed and looked at the account backstage.

90 million!

The account balance was as high as 90 million!

Just a few seconds after Tony sent the nuclear bomb, the reward amount soared by 40 million.

It was enough for him to build multiple awakened iron suits.

But he felt inexplicably sad.

"Could it be that this is really my past life?"

"Otherwise, why would I feel the same way?"

Ye Xuan looked confused.

He didn't know how to describe his feelings at this moment. He should have been happy to see so many donations.

He knew it was the Iron Man he had seen before, but he felt extremely sad.


The entire Blue Star Federation, online and offline, became filled with grief as Tony disappeared into the endless darkness. But then, everyone suddenly discovered that the fragments of the past life of a hundred reincarnations did not end directly! Instead, it was still continuing!

"this......what's the situation?"

"Tony is not dead?"

"But can you survive there?"

"If Tony dies, the capture of past lives in the Hundred Reincarnations will be over, right?"

"Not sure......Is there any other reason?"

"So what should we do now?"

"Let's see what happened first!"

A glimmer of hope emerged in the hearts of hundreds of millions of Blue Star Federation citizens!

I hope Tony is not dead!

The memory picture is still beating

【Everyone looked up at the portal in the sky.】

【Rogers gasped and said,"Close the passage!"】

【Black Widow grabbed the scepter with both hands and stabbed the Cosmic Cube fiercely】

【Amidst the violent roar, the beam of light suddenly disappeared.】

【The entrance above shrank and disappeared in the blink of an eye!】

"Ah! It's closed! Is Tony's body gone?"

"Still dead, Tony, you're a hero!"

"The mortal body is on par with the gods!"

"No! It's still there!"

"Look up in the sky! There is a figure there!"

"Damn! It's Tony! He's.........At such a high place, the corpse would be smashed to pieces!"

"Where's Thor? Damn it, hurry up and come here. Can't you fly here?"

"Leave a whole body!"

【At the moment when the passage collapsed suddenly, there seemed to be a yellow light ring flashing, and Tony's body fell freely from tens of thousands of meters in the air without control.】

【It kept tumbling in the air. It was obvious that the mecha was out of control, and Tony made no sound.】

【At such a high altitude, the friction alone would probably be enough to set the mecha on fire.】

【Thor turned Mjolnir and stared at Tony who was falling rapidly in the sky:"He didn't slow down!"】

【Just as he was about to fly, a green figure suddenly rushed out】

【He caught Tony's mecha in mid-air and slowed it down by grabbing the wall of a tall building with one hand.】

【Because of the high speed and huge kinetic energy, the Hulk who rushed over to catch Tony almost grabbed the tall building from top to bottom.】

【When it was about to hit the ground, the Hulk suddenly jumped to the side and hit the ground heavily under the force.】

"Holy crap! Great job, Hulk!"

"You are so brave! You can catch it from such a high place! No problem!"

"��Woohoo, Tony finally doesn't have to be torn to pieces"

"Thor is slow, he should have rushed up earlier"

"I hope Tony is still alive"

"Although I hope so, it's obviously impossible"

【The Hulk flipped Tony to the side, and Thor and the others rushed over quickly.】

【Rogers supported Tony and asked,"Is he still breathing?"】

【Thor pulled off the mask, revealing Tony, who was covered in scars and had his eyes closed.】

【Rogers lay down to listen to his breathing. When he was about to press his chest and abdomen, he found that there was an Ark reactor in his chest and abdomen.】

【Rogers sat down on the ground, looking disappointed.】

"Dead! Tony is still dead!"

"No way!"

"Tony, you can't die!"

"Thor, give him electric shock treatment now!"

"Rogers is really something, what are you listening to through the armor, take off his armor"

"I, I'm so sad!"

"Why do heroes have short lives?"

"I can't forget this period of Earth's history!"

Just when the audience in the live broadcast room thought their hopes were dashed and fell into grief again, in the memory screen, the Hulk suddenly roared at Tony


Tony, who was lying down, suddenly woke up and gasped for breath.

At this moment, the entire Blue Star Federation cheered loudly.

Everyone was so excited that they couldn't control themselves.

The hero is not dead!

"Wow! I didn’t cry just now, but this roar made me cry!"

"Oh my god! Tony is not dead!"

"He is a hero, he shouldn't die!"

"Happy! I will eat an extra bowl of rice today to celebrate Tony!"

"Hahahaha! The Hulk is still awesome!"

"The Hulk came back to life with this shout!"

"It's really great!"

In the Tiandao Administration, the crying women did not stop crying when they saw that Tony was not dead.

Instead, they cried even louder.

But everyone was crying with a smile.

The atmosphere in the whole hall suddenly became more lively.

In the director's office, the experts also smiled.

The director clapped his hands suddenly.

"very good!"

"Who says heroes have short lives?"

Looking at the experts' happy smiles, the director felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

Pessimism reappeared

"Tony is not dead, the Chitauri are destroyed, and the history of the Blue Planet Earth era is still broken."

"So, is that a more dangerous existence than the Chitauri, destroying the Earth era?"

He couldn't help but think so!

The existence of the huge seat back.

It seems that it has not appeared until now!

These thoughts lingered in his mind.

In the Aisen Heavy Industry Group.

Chief Engineer Ma Hailiang looked at the live broadcast room and found that Tony was not dead. He breathed a sigh of relief and wiped his red and swollen eyes.

He felt very complicated at this time.

From the beginning, he was dissatisfied with Tony's research and development.

Then he secretly watched Tony's manufacturing process.

Then Tony lifted the nuclear bomb into space.

He had unknowingly recognized Tony's strength and power.

Just now, he saw the scene of Tony coming back to life.

If it weren't for���I was holding it back, I was afraid I would shout it out right then and there.

The team behind me was cheering.

Tony had a huge influence on everyone.


At this time, perhaps because Tony is not dead, the video continues.

【After being awakened by the Hulk's roar, Tony was still in shock and looked horrified.】

【"What's going on? What happened?!"】

【Tony looked around and asked,"Did anyone of you just kiss me?"】

【Rogers looked at the ruins on the street and said:"We won."】

【Tony lay on the ground and said,"Well, well done guys!"】

【"Give yourself a day off tomorrow! Just one day off!"】

【"Has anyone tried shawarma kebab? There is one two blocks away, I haven't tried it but I think it's worth a try"】

【Thor frowned and said,"We haven't finished our work yet."】

【Tony said helplessly:"Okay, let's go eat barbecue after we're done."】

"Oh my god! This is Tony, he is really not dead!"

"Even in this situation, you still want to eat barbecue!"

"Tony yyds!"

"I love you Iron Man!"

"As long as you are safe, as long as you are safe, it’s good!"

"I shouldn't say this, but why, after defeating the Chitauri and closing the channel, is there still a gap in the history of the Blue Planet Earth era?"

"Come on Tony! You're the fattest!"

"The Hulk is still hilarious!"

"I wonder if that barbecue is really delicious?"

"Haha, you are going to make me laugh to death." Everyone was very happy to see Tony was safe and sound. But despite this, the post on the Tiandao network was not withdrawn. It was selected as the top post for everyone to see. Everyone's hanging hearts calmed down a little. The captured scenes of the past life continued.

【In the lobby of Stark Building, Loki was hammered by the Hulk and struggled to get up.】

【Suddenly he felt something was wrong, and when he looked back, he found that all the Avengers were staring at him.】

【Patton even aimed an arrow at his head.】

【Loki slowly turned around and said,"If you don't mind, I'd like to drink that glass of wine first."】

"Damn it, it’s all your fault. If it weren’t for you, would so many dangerous things have happened?"

"Damn, Loki, you didn’t get hit that hard!"

"You deserve a beating, Hulk is coming! Keep swinging!"

"If you don't mind, would you like to have a barbecue with me?》?"

"Oh, this damn oppressive feeling!"

"Loki was beaten!"

"Loki: I can't beat you, so I'll join you"



The Supreme Court.

At the round table meeting of ten elders.

Elder Wu Chengen said solemnly:"Longshen, you should tell me about your discovery just now."

Li Longshen's pupils were still trembling.

He said in a hoarse voice:"One minute ago, the sound and shadow collector over the southwest region."

Li Longshen swallowed his saliva before he finished speaking.

Then he slowly said:"The sound and shadow collector over there collected a sound!"

The other elders who had just arrived showed shocked expressions.

At the pattern location where he had been to the southwest region.

Li Longshen looked up to the sky and shouted that sentence.

But at that time there was only a storm, and there was no other movement.

In order to prevent missing some situations.

Special arrangements were made to protect the area over there, and a lot of monitoring equipment was arranged.

High-altitude sound and shadow collectors are one of them.

Just one minute ago.

A voice came from the collector.

Everyone was extremely shocked.

An elder wondered:"Elder Li Longshen, could it be a mistake?"

Li Longshen said miserably:"I hope it's a mistake."

As he said that, Li Longshen clicked on an audio clip.

Play it for the other elders.

Because it was a high-altitude collector, it collected a lot of sounds, which were quite noisy.

At first, it was obviously the sound of the wind whistling.

There was even occasional thunder.

The elders pricked up their ears and carefully distinguished.

Just as Elder Sith was speaking with a frown, a very clear voice sounded from the player:


All the elders were speechless.

Everyone's head was throbbing wildly.

The hair on their body stood up.

Their backs were covered with cold sweat!

Elder Sis shuddered and fell backwards.

The chair made a harsh friction sound on the ground.



"Damn it!"

The elders were terrified.

The voice just now was very clear.

In the noisy storm, a strong male voice suddenly came out!

Although it was only one word.

But everyone could hear the doubt! Surprise! Puzzle! Bewilderment!

Even a hint of curiosity in the other party's tone!

This was definitely not the sound made by other things in the environment!

The ten elders looked like ghosts.

Li Longshen said tremblingly:"Over there, the air is banned, there is nothing"

"The instrument is not broken."

"That voice is real!"

Li Longshen opened his eyes wide and slowly scanned the crowd.

"I'm afraid there are some special beings on the Blue Star!"

The ten people fell into silence again.

No one spoke.

They didn't even know where to start. The meaning of the word"eh" was too complicated!

No one wanted to hear this sound!

It was like........

You live and work in the village, marry and have children, and you are happy.

When you think I am a winner in life and the happiest person in the village, suddenly an outsider tells you that there is a city outside the village.

The city is the most exciting!

There are countless delicacies!

There are countless women, as long as you pay!

They are all yours!

The world view collapses!

Elder Orson said in a panic:"I remember that when we accidentally connected to the Tiandao network, it was the same, right?"

They were not the first batch of scientific researchers.

But they all have complete records.

Now recalling the words, they can still feel their shock at that time.

Unexpectedly, four hundred years later, the Blue Star Federation has once again shocked the elders.

And if the citizens of the Blue Star Federation know about this, the impact will definitely not be weaker than the Tiandao network incident!

Elder Sith got up from the ground and looked at everyone and said:"I think that from now on! The Blue Star Federation must be completely ready for war!"

"Our previous planning was not enough!"

"This time we are going to burn our boats!"

"It's a fight to the death!"

An elder said,"A fight to the death? Is it too much?"


When realizing that there might be unknown dangers on Blue Star, the Supreme Court has already begun relevant deployments.

Extraordinary organizations, civilian institutions, new elements research and development, etc.

But this light exclamation made all the current preparations become nothingness.

Elder Wu Chengen shook his head heavily and said,"No!"

"The sky has changed!"

"Have you forgotten what Thor said to everyone in the laboratory during the Blue Planet Earth era?"

Li Longshen uttered a few words:"Trying to use the Rubik's Cube means announcing to the universe that the Earth is in a state of war preparedness!"

Elder Wu Chengen nodded and said,"That's right!"

"Although there is no Rubik's Cube now, that sound means that we have been noticed!"

"We must immediately mobilize the entire Blue Star's forces and go directly into combat readiness!"

"Otherwise, even if we find the magic cube, it will be too late!"

Everyone was silent again.

Elder An Lan, who had just come over, suddenly spoke up.

"Did you notice that there was a strange tone in his voice?

Everyone looked at Elder An Lan.

An Lan looked strange, then became more terrified.

"just Star.......How come?......Is there anyone?"

As soon as the words fell, there was a loud bang!

The chair where Elder Orson was sitting suddenly exploded. Elder Orson's face was stiff and he said:"Sorry, the power is unbalanced." But no one cared, even Elder Wu Chengen's face was scratched and bleeding. Elder Anlan's words were like a heavy bomb.

It exploded directly in everyone's heart. The more they thought about it, the more they felt that Elder Anlan was right. Blue Star

...How come there are still people?

That's why the unknown existence made a light exclamation!

Elder Li Longshen's mouth twitched, and he forced an ugly smile on his face, comforting himself:"What if he is curious, why would someone shout that sentence." What

Elder Li Longshen said is not impossible.

It's just that what Elder An Lan said is too scary!

The ten elders' minds were all broken at this time.

In the end, it was Elder Wu Chengen who came back to his senses first.

"No matter what the other side means, we have to mobilize the world to prepare for war."

"There is another key point that can help us.

Elder Yao Yan continued,"A fragment of the past life of reincarnation!"

Everyone's eyes lit up slightly.

Many elders gradually became excited.

"That’s right!"

"What happened in the Earth era is the danger that our Blue Star Federation may encounter!"

"We can use their successful experience directly! We can optimize the failures now!"

This is the great significance of capturing the past life and making up for the historical faults!

The fire of hope ignited in everyone's hearts again.

Everyone turned their eyes back to���Elder

An Lan sighed and said,"Although the battle against the Chitauri has been won,"

"But the cause of the historical gap in the Blue Planet Earth era remains unknown"

"Every clip captured by Baishi Lunhui is invaluable for us to study our opponents and countermeasures."

Elder Wu Chengen said,"I will contact the Administration, Zhang Tian and others are responsible for sorting out this information."

The elders looked at each other.

Ten elders looked at the live broadcast screen anxiously.

The Blue Star Federation, part of the future hope.

Maybe we need to dig out from the clips captured by Baishi Lunhui!



The memory screen was jumping violently at this moment.

Many pictures flashed by, and they were all the evaluations of the humans in the Blue Planet Earth era on the Avengers.

Most of them were very supportive.

After all, they saved many people.

But there were still some people who expressed opposition.

They believed that these so-called heroes should take the responsibility of destroying the city.

The audience in the live broadcast room was itching to watch.

"Take responsibility for destroying the city? Why the hell don't you take responsibility!"

"If you have the guts, go talk to the aliens."

"You really don't know how to appreciate kindness! Tony almost died to save you!"

"Yes, go find the aliens."

Accompanied by the low curses from the audience in the live broadcast room, the screen jumped to the confrontation between the congressman and Fury.

【On the huge projection, a congressman said:"Where are the Avengers now?"】

【Fury crossed his arms and said,"I don't want to care about their whereabouts now."】

【"I think, based on their performance, they should at least be given a day off."】

【The congressman asked back,"What about the Cosmic Cube?"】

【Fury said:"It has been returned intact and we will not encounter it again."】

【The congressman said angrily:"This is not something you can decide."】

【Fury said:"It's not my decision. I just don't want to bargain with the god who decided this matter."】

【The congressman continued to ask,"So you let them take it away? And that Loki should be executed on the spot!"】

【Fury said:"I believe he will be dealt with."】

【One congressman said:"I don't think you know what kind of precedent you are setting. Letting the Avengers roam around the world is very dangerous."】

【Fury said:"Yes, the whole world knows. Every world knows"】

【The congressman asked,"All this effort, just for this? A statement?"】

【"For a promise"】

【Fury turned off the conference screen and walked outside. Hill came over and said,"Director, what should we do?"】

【"They all went their separate ways, some of them even walked quite far away."】

【"What would happen if we encountered this kind of thing again?"】

【Fury walked to the platform and looked at the white clouds outside through the glass】

【"They will come back"】


【Fury replied calmly:"Because we need them"】

The conversation between Director Fury and the congressmen.

The audience watching the live broadcast was furious.

"Earth Age���Leaders, are you just good at talking on paper?"

"These people are speechless, they can't even do a shitty thing"

"If they hadn't launched a nuclear bomb, Tony wouldn't have had to risk his life."

"Hill's wife is so pretty!"

"Why does it feel like the matter is not over yet after what Chief Fury said?"

"this...Aren't all the Chitauri dead? It's over!"

"No, Director Fury is definitely a resourceful type, there must be something wrong!"

""No, don't scare me."

On the Internet, while some people were sighing with emotion, many people had more questions.

The Chitauri died.

Why was the Earth era on Blue Planet still in a state of discontinuity?

The scene of Loki being awarded the scepter was posted online by some people. Suddenly, the joy of the Chitauri army being destroyed was crushed by an unclear figure before they had time to be happy. While all kinds of speculations were flying around on the Internet, a clip flashed in the live broadcast room. It completely shocked the audience.

【In the dim space, steps connected to a huge platform】

【In the dim light on the platform, a voice rang out:"Humans, they are not the pitiful creatures we expected."】

【"They are very stubborn and they don't follow the rules, so there is no way to control them"】

【The unknown being on the chair suddenly stood up, and the armored creature that was reporting immediately lowered its head.】

【"To provoke them now is to seek death."】

【As soon as the words fell, the unknown terrifying figure turned around, and his wrinkled purple face suddenly revealed a cruel sneer.

Hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room watched this weird smile.

Everyone's scalp was numb.

"Who is this! What a scary smile!"

"Is he the biggest enemy of the Earth Era? Is he the root cause of the Earth Era's fault?"

"It looks like purple sweet potato essence!"

"But......We have just experienced a battle with the Chitauri, how can we deal with him now!"

"I don’t know. The armored creature said that we humans should not mess with him, but the way he smiles, I feel like he will definitely come and visit!"

"Damn it! Thor is back! He's back in the divine realm!"

"Don’t panic, there must be an answer in the memory of hundreds of reincarnations!"


The first climax has come to an end.

But this is just the beginning.

The crisis of the multiverse.

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