"Anti-gravity missile ejection system, Jericho missile."

During the expert connection, several military industry leaders looked at each other.

They could not hide the shock in their expressions.

"Advanced weapons! Anti-gravity? No resistance?"

"The style of this missile is also very novel. If I hadn’t been capturing my past life, I might have thought it was a future weapon!"

"Apparently, he is a senior figure in this arms group?"

"I don’t know if I can get the memory of how these weapons were made.

The military industry leaders are all looking forward to it. Although the entire Blue Star Federation has not seen a war for thousands of years, and the direction of military research and development is relatively weak, when encountering such powerful lethal weapons, if they can obtain the blueprints and manufacturing process, it will be a huge compensation for the history of Blue Star!

It will also enhance the current strength of Blue Star!

"What a pity, he was killed in the explosion."

Humanist and sociologist Feng Xiaotian sneered:"I don't think it's a pity at all!"

"How could there be casualties without the instigation of their arms dealers?"

"I can imagine how many people on Blue Star suffered from the disaster of war at that time!"

At the same time, in the Tiandao forum area, a post was directly pinned to the top.

——Resisting war is our duty

"There are actually people who feel sorry that he died in his previous life?"

"A person who creates wars and supplies dark blood to terrorists, should he not be killed and allowed to go home for the New Year?"

"He doesn't deserve pity at all!"

"The Killer"

"Tens of millions of activity points, ironic! The weapons he sold killed many people, right? And the activity points have a high influence?"

"He dared to capture his past life at the age of eight, not afraid of backlash. How cruel!"

"He was even more cruel in his previous life! I guess a lot of people hate him to death!"

"Damn! People like this didn’t die?"



In the elegant and luxurious room, a young girl's body was covered by a veil.

Aldace was holding a tablet.

The tablet showed the moment when Ye Xuan's armored vehicle was bombed.

With a chuckle, Aldace said,"I thought you could also capture new life types."

"I didn't expect it to be a disgusting arms dealer."

"It's better to die. Blue Star doesn't need war, let alone death."

She stretched out her hand and found the morning tea that the maid had prepared long ago.

A cup of thick and pure blood.

After taking a sip, Ordais smiled with satisfaction.

Since she captured the vampire princess's previous life last month, she has successfully awakened her vampire ability.

Every time she drinks blood, all the cells in her body cheer.



The previous life scene continues

【Lights flickered, and Tony was lying on the bed in a cave.】

【With bandages wrapped around his body and a look of horror on his face, he frantically pulled out the nasogastric tube inserted in his nostrils.】

【There is a bald middle-aged man next to him, shaving in front of the mirror】

【Tony was about to turn over when the bald middle-aged man said calmly,"I wouldn't do that if I were you.""

【Tony was startled, and turned around to see that there was a battery on the table, with two wires connected to the chest of the body.】

【In panic, Tony tore off the bandages on his body】

【A circular coil connected to a wire was embedded in his chest.

There were still hundreds of thousands of viewers in the live broadcast room, and almost everyone looked confused.


"This is.....I don't understand, how do you put the coil into the body?"

"Damn, wearing colonial clothes? You're courting death!"

"Mechanical colonization suit? Damn! Could this notorious thing have been passed down from Ye Xuan's time?"

"Why do I feel like this thing saved his life?"

Mechanical colonization suit, at present, some dark forces on Blue Star are often exposed.

But they are all small fights.

I didn't expect that there were already such people on Blue Star before.

【Flames Rising】

【Tony asked,"What did you do to me?"】

【The bald man said:"I just saved your life."】

【"I tried to remove as much shrapnel as possible, but a lot of it remained and flowed through your bloodstream to your heart."】

【"In our village, people like this are called living dead. Within a week, the shrapnel will penetrate into their vital organs."】

【"Electromagnets linked to car batteries can stop shrapnel from entering your heart"】

Seeing this, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly jumped.

Countless people were shocked.

"Really saved his reputation?!"

"Such an electromagnet can have such a good effect?"

"My knowledge of physics tells me that this is not something I can think of."

"It's incredible! If the shrapnel flows into the blood, it will definitely kill you."

Several doctors of medicine were also watching in the live broadcast room.

For them, the scene before their eyes was even more shocking!

No one had ever thought that this method could be used to solve the shrapnel problem.

"A medical miracle! It can only be described as a medical miracle!"

"Once the shrapnel enters the body and flows through the bloodstream into the heart, it is almost certain to cause death! It doesn’t even take a week!"

"Use the magnetic force of the electromagnetic coil to pull the shrapnel debris and prevent it from flowing into the heart"

"This idea!"

"My doctoral thesis this year! Got it! I want to get the highest factor!"

"It is entirely possible to develop a new technique! Although the probability of using it now is small."

The picture was shaking, and some clips flickered.

【The cave door was opened, and a group of thugs came in. Two of them held their heads in their hands.】

【The villain asked Tony to make a Jericho missile, and after he refused, Tony was tortured】

【"Here are all the materials for the Jericho missile. Start right now and I'll let you go when you're done."】

"Damn! Did he really make missiles?!"

"These terrorists obviously have bad intentions. If you manufacture missiles, you will be aiding and abetting them!"

"I don't want to be in the same space and time as him in my past life!"

The audience in the live broadcast room was obviously very resistant to this.

The number of people online dropped again.

【Various equipment and materials were transported to Tony's underground work area.】

【Tony extracted a palladium element material, and the various processes were carried out in a tense and orderly manner.】

【Soon, a special coil emitting white light was produced.】

【The bald man was surprised and said,"You don’t look like you are making a Jericho missile?"】

【Tony said:"This is a micro arc oscillation reactor."】

Obviously, many viewers in the live broadcast room were stunned.

They all thought that he was going to make a missile to escape.

They didn't expect that he would actually make such a thing.

Those who opposed and complained about Tony changed their minds a little.

"But what is this?"

"It seems to be the same function as the coil on his body, right?"

"It really is!"

【The bald man asked,"How much power does it generate?"】

【Tony said,"If I'm not mistaken, 3 billion joules per second, maybe it's enough for a big guy to live for 15 minutes."】

【Tony stacked several drawings together, and a robot shape appeared.】

【"We're going to get out with this guy."】

The experts were all speechless after seeing these processes.

"Three billion joules per second?! This tiny device can generate so much electricity!"

"Incredible! It's absolutely incredible!"

"I also said that the technological level of Blue Star was low in history. It seems that the fact that he could easily create a 3 billion joule ignition device is not low at all!"

"But this robot seems a bit crude."

"3 billion joules is equivalent to 833 degrees of electricity per second!"

"This is the amount of power consumed by a supercomputer!"

"He just said that his company has something bigger?"

"How terrible! The history of Blue Star is so terrible!"

"I seriously doubt that people like us today would not be able to survive there!"

【The arc reactor was installed in Tony's chest, and a ball of light lit up.】

【Various modules are built and assembled】

【I'm afraid the terrorists discovered that Tony and the others were not making missiles, and quickly suppressed them with fire.】

【In the flickering light, Tony, wearing armor, sprayed flamethrowers in both hands to stop the terrorists' attack.】

【The huge mecha walked out of the cave and faced the opponent's firepower attack without any fear.】

【In the explosion of fire, the heavy mecha's feet sprayed flames and suddenly soared into the sky.

The audience in the live broadcast room was extremely crazy

"Holy shit! Is this a mecha?"

"Flying! What kind of mecha can actually fly?"

"Tony, one person, built a mecha of this performance in just a few days...."

"He is a genius!"

In the expert team, the military industry leader suddenly stood up and said in shock:

"Is this Blue Star's early individual combat equipment?!"

"Our current individual combat equipment can only fly by gas jets or physical propellers"

"Tony's equipment seems to be able to rely on pure energy shock waves?"

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