Tony's condition was obviously not right from the beginning.

In the previous clips,

Jarvis mentioned that Tony had not rested for 72 hours.

This made many people worried.

For the audience and other citizens of the Blue Star Federation,

Tony is a well-deserved hero in everyone's hearts.

He is a superhero who would rather sacrifice himself to protect everyone.

No one wants a superhero to be hurt.

In the barrage of the live broadcast room, there are all kinds of concerned voices.

Especially after seeing this new clip, everyone's concern has increased.

"Terrorists are so damn annoying."

"Damn it! Why did we have terrorists at that time? Can't we just be good people?"

"Damn it! Tony just dealt with the Chitauri! And you guys are already making trouble!"

"Fuck him! I think these people deserve to die!"

"I hope Tony doesn’t have to endure this pain. They seem to be very strong, and Tony may not be able to do it alone!"

"Rogers Team���Where are the rest of S.H.I.E.L.D.? Where are they all?!"

"At this time, it seems that only Tony is here. Didn’t the others say that they have gone to a far place?"

Amid the angry rebukes of countless viewers, the picture gradually became clear.

【The TV was flickering with snow, and a voice rang out:"The signal seems to have been restored. Let's review the recent terrorist incidents."】

【In the news, various images flashed by】

【"All official channels have been hijacked"】

【"The whole country enters a state of emergency"】

【"All the efforts to capture the Black Robe Master have failed."】

【"Members of Congress developed the latest military resources to respond to this terrorist attack"】

【In the news, the general is making a threatening speech by the black-robed master.】

【The President said:"This is the Colonel I know as Rhodes, who will soon become known to all as the Iron Patriot."】

【In the corner, Rhodes drove the mecha that passed through Tony and came over.】

【The mecha has changed from its original silver color to blue and red.】

【A reporter said:"President Es decided to send this guy who was once called a war machine and gave him a new paint job."】

【The news jumped to a talk show, and the host said with a teasing look:"It's the same suit, but painted red, white and blue. Look, it's renamed Iron Patriot because the color is so connotative."】

"Um, the news reported in this news doesn't seem very good."

"The influence of that black-robed master terrorist seems to be very great!"

"It's over. If this is the case, Tony will definitely take action."

"Those hosts also had that kind of expression. Are they going to help the terrorists?"

"It's too worrying."

In the office of the Tiandao Administration Bureau, historian Huang Lao frowned and looked at the content on the screen.

He said with a very unhappy tone:"In the era of Blue Planet Earth, although the level of science and technology was advanced, this kind of internal friction was too infuriating."

"They are clearly still in crisis and have just resolved a terrible alien invasion, but they start behaving like this!"

"I can't understand it!"

Humanist and sociologist Feng Xiaotian sneered:"This is human nature, all the results are caused by greed."

"Some people have lost their ability to think."

"Just like these terrorists, all they want is excitement and revenge."

Everyone was really angry after reading these news.

The gap between the current environment of the Blue Star Federation is really too big.

The director was typing on the computer.

He was following the requirements of the elders of the Supreme Court. He edited the part about Mark 42 and some other information that everyone had just analyzed and sent it to Elder Wu Chengen.

These real-time messages are crucial to the Supreme Court.

After sending, the director looked up at everyone.

He sighed and said:"There is an old saying in the Blue Star Federation, which is to stay out of things that do not concern you."

"I think if there were no Chitauri creatures standing in front of some people, they would not know what pain is."

Everyone nodded.

This is one of the bad qualities of human beings.

In the live broadcast, the news jumped quickly.

Finally, the scene of Tony and Rhodes appeared.

Someone suddenly said:"This picture, is it the picture before Tony rushed out just now?"

The director nodded and said:"It seems so, it's a good time for us to see what happened to Tony just now"

【Rhodes and Tony were eating at the small round table.】

【Tony was watching TV, and Rod said,"The market research results are very good."】

【Tony asked,"Is it good?"】

【Tony said,"I’m Iron Patriot?"】

【Rhodes said:"The name War Machine is too violent, this one feels much better."】

【Tony turned his head and said calmly,"What's going on? That black-robed master?"】

【Rod, who was drinking, suddenly paused.】

【Tony took off his glasses and said to Rod,"Seriously, can you talk about this guy?"】

【Rhode came close to Tony and whispered,"This is confidential, Tony."】

【After a pause, Rhodes said helplessly:"Well, there were nine explosions."】

【Tony was puzzled:"Nine? Only three of them are known to the public?"】

【Rhodes said:"This is the key. No one can find the detonator. There is no trace of the bomb left at the scene."】

【Tony said,"You know I can help, come and beg me"】

【Tony said proudly:"I have a lot of high-tech, I have a navigation suit, I also have a new bomb defusing device that can control the explosion in the air."】

".....This is really interesting!"

"Still so arrogant, haha, let Rod beg him"

"Rhodes is a piece of shit, he took Tony's equipment away!"

"What happened upstairs? Didn't you see the clips we captured earlier? Tony let him pass through on purpose!"

"Yeah, I wonder if there are still people who think that Rod is not good? They are so good that they can wear the same pants!"

"The Iron Man suit is connected to Jarvis. How can it be taken away without Tony's permission?"

"Nine explosions, but no detonator could be found. This is interesting."

"How will Tony find the problem?"

"Awesome! Is scientist Tony going to become a detective?"

"Tony, please beg me for help!"

"No. Am I the only one who feels that Tony is overexcited right now?"

"He actually started bragging about how great his equipment was!"

"Control the explosion in the air? I don't know how impressive it is!"

"My big Tony is still the best!"

"Tony, this is not okay. You can't always save the world. You need to rest."

【Rhode stroked his chin, looked at Tony and said,"How long have you not had a good sleep?""】

【Tony said:"Einstein slept only three hours a year, and look what he did"】

【Rod looked at Tony and said,"People are concerned about you, Tony, and I am worried about you too. Is this what you want to say to me?"】

【Tony shook his head and said,"No, no, no, I'm not going to tell you about this......."】

【Before he finished speaking, two children suddenly came over and handed Tony a piece of drawing paper.】

【"Could you please sign my painting?"】

【Tony smiled and pointed at Rhodes and said,"As long as Rhodes doesn't mind, you don't mind, right?"】

【Rhode said with a smile:"No problem"】

【The two children smiled immediately.】

【Tony took the drawing paper, on which was a colored pencil drawing of Tony wearing an iron suit and rushing towards the sky.】

【Tony picked up the pen and asked,"What’s your name?"】


【Tony turned his head and looked at the little boy next to him and joked,"By the way, I really like your performance of the Christmas story."】

【Rhode approached Tony and said,"The Pentagon has fallen into panic. After the Chitauri War, aliens are no longer worth mentioning. They need to decorate their powerful"】

【"Stopping the Black Robe Master is the top priority, but that is not irrelevant......."】

【Tony interrupted and said,"That has nothing to do with superheroes.""】

【Rhode shook his head and said,"No, to be honest, that is a big deal for all of us."】

【Tony's face suddenly turned red, and veins on his neck bulged.】

【My whole body started to tense up, which was obviously abnormal.】

【Rhodes quickly said,"Tony, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"】

【Tony covered his head, looking obviously uncomfortable, and said weakly:"I broke his crayon"】

【The little girl behind him, Arlin, said,"Are you okay, Mr. Stark?"】

【Rod soothed,"Relax Tony"】

"!fruit���Tony's mental state is not right!"

"Is he really sick? He's Iron Man!"

"Rod, you are still asking! What are you asking? Send Tony to the hospital immediately!"

"They didn't do anything just now."

"No, when I talk about superheroes, I mean the Avengers."

"To show off his own strength, by destroying the black robe master? I think I understand a little bit."

"This proves once again how rubbish the government was during the Earth Era!"

"There were clearly nine explosions, but only three were announced! Just for the sake of so-called power? ~!"

"Who is Einstein? He slept only three hours a year? Impossible!"

"Even though he was threatened by the Black Robe Master, he still didn't ask the Avengers for help?"

"Instead, they repainted Tony's armor and turned it into the official's own thing, hoping to prove the official's power?"


"Damn the official, they just do these nonsense things"

"Actually, from another perspective, it is understandable."

"Do you remember the memory clip where someone said the Avengers were a threat? I guess the official also think so."

"After all, people like Tony cannot be controlled by the authorities."

"Tony is so sad."

In the training ground of Tiandao Administration Bureau.

In front of Ren Xiaoli, the new flat panel had been smashed by his punch.

Yan Liu said helplessly:"Brother, this platform board is not ours, I borrowed it from the lady in the office."

Ren Xiaoli's face was frosty:"Who made the officials of that era so cowardly!"

"They have started to deceive the people!"

He smashed the tablet in a rage.

The battery exploded with his punch.

Jiang Liuer and the others beside him also had ugly expressions.

Aldace said angrily:"The officials of the Earth Era are a bit greedy!"

"Before, they just launched nuclear bombs at random!"

"If Tony hadn't been there, millions of humans would have died!"

"Launching a nuclear bomb when in doubt is awesome!"

The Chitauri War.

Everyone felt aggrieved.

Now they have to do these things again.

Ren Xiaoli said disdainfully:"Typical, a very arrogant person who still wants to build a memorial archway."

Yan Liu got a new tablet from somewhere.

Open it and continue watching the live broadcast

【Tony suddenly opened his eyes wide, and seemed to be very dizzy, with his pupils trembling.】

【Suddenly the little boy next to him came up to him and said,"How did you escape from that passage?"】

【Tony's body trembled violently, and he staggered to his feet. The wine bottles on the table clinked and the guests around him looked at him in surprise.】

【Rod asked,"Tony, what did he say?"】

【After Tony left, on the drawing paper on the table, what Tony left was not his signature, but"Erin, save me""】

【Tony was in a trance, staggering back and forth as he walked, and bumped into several pedestrians.】

【"Sorry, I have to check the suit to make sure, okay......"】

【Stumbling to the side of the road, Tony opened the back of the broken Mark 7 and stepped inside.】

【He was extremely weak and half-knelt on the helmet. A series of data appeared on the display screen.】

【Tony panicked and said,"Check the heart, check that, is there something wrong with the brain?"】

【"There were no cardiac or brain abnormalities," Jarvis said."】

【Tony swallowed and said,"Okay, so was I poisoned?"】

【Jarvis' voice sounded:"My diagnosis is that you just have a severe anxiety disorder."】

【Tony opened his eyes wide and said in disbelief:"Me? Anxiety disorder?!"】

【Outside, the street was already filled with people, all looking at Tony half-kneeling on the ground.】

【Rhodes came over and knocked on Tony's helmet, making a clanging sound.】

【"Come on man, this is not very elegant, open it"】

【Tony said in a distressed voice:"Sorry, I have to go first"】

【After that, the Mark 7 thrusters started and flew away directly. 】

The live broadcast room was silent.

The audience who were watching the live broadcast suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

Especially when they saw the words Tony wrote on the picture.

It felt like their noses were blocked.

Some female comrades' tears fell directly. In everyone's mind, they once again recalled the figure who was determined to rush into the unknown space with a nuclear bomb on his shoulder.

"Did Tony have an anxiety disorder because of going into space with his anti-nuclear weapon?"

"Woohoo, anxiety disorder is very painful. I had this problem for two years. I even wanted to die."

"No wonder, no wonder Tony created so many Iron Man suits!"

"He was using the cold armor to numb himself, to make himself immersed in work and not think about that thing anymore."

"When he was anxious again just now, the first thing he thought of was to put on the armor. Obviously, a bond had already been formed between the armor and him."

"It's like a towel or quilt that a child uses when he or she is young. Some people will still sleep with it no matter how worn it is when they grow up."

"But...Tony is a hero, he is being treated unfairly!"

"Tony was deeply affected by the incident, which caused him psychological distress and anxiety symptoms."

"Tony was already unhappy, and now it's even harder to be happy"

"Did you notice? When Tony came out, he was wearing the Mark 7! The armor that accompanied him into space"

"I understand. I finally understand him."

"That cold steel battle suit might be the place that gives him a greater sense of security."

"Tony is actually quite pitiful."



Federal Bethune Special Hospital.

The private hospital with the highest medical level in the Blue Star Federation.

It even far exceeds the diagnosis and treatment level of public hospitals.

In the 300-square-meter large general consultation meeting room on the top floor.

All the department directors and above are sitting together.

The high-definition screen is projecting the live broadcast of the past life of Baishi Lunsai.

Dean Zheng Ren and Vice Dean Su Xiaoyun are sitting in the first row and communicating.

The young Su Xiaoyun has a wise and proud look on his face.

He glanced at the screen and said,"Sure enough, Dean, I said���That's right."

Zheng Ren squinted his eyes, half asleep, and said a faint"yes".

Su Xiaoyun rolled his eyes at Dean Zheng Ren.

"Basically, it can be determined to be post-traumatic stress disorder.

Dean Zheng Ren said casually:"Tell me the basis for the diagnosis."

Su Xiaoyun turned the pen and seemed to lose interest after diagnosing the problem.

He said boredly:"Isn't it obvious!"

"The time point is after the Chitauri War"

"No sleep for 72 hours, typical severe insomnia"

"Hearing the keywords Chitauri, space, etc., you will experience symptoms such as chest tightness and sweating"

"They worked almost day and night to produce a large number of steel suits."

Su Xiaoyun lay on the table and continued:

"For adults"

"Exposure to real or threatened death or serious injury: Tony has directly experienced a threatened death during the Chitauri War"

"Symptoms related to traumatic events: Tony feels distressed about what happened during the Chitauri War, and experiences physical discomfort when he is exposed to related words."

"Persistent avoidance of stimuli associated with the traumatic event"

"Negative cognitive changes related to traumatic events: Tony loses confidence in himself, and thinks that the world is very dangerous and that his abilities are not enough to protect important people and things. Therefore, he starts making steel suits to protect himself and Pepper."

"Sleep trouble."

Yawning, Su Xiaoyun said calmly:"Okay, Dean Zheng, is this enough?"

"What are you thinking about?"

Dean Zheng Ren's eyes stayed on Tony.

He murmured,"I'm wondering, is human wisdom really as powerful as Tony's?"

"Does Tony really hold the solution to the mystery of turbulence?"

"Desperate virus, which genetic material has been disturbed?"

Su Xiaoyun was stunned.

Gradually, his face became solemn.

"You mean, when Tony was testing the anti-Tony armor, the components were able to fly stably because they had solved the turbulence problem?"

Zheng Ren cast an admiring look and said,"You still understand me."

Su Xiaoyun pouted and said solemnly again,"In the Earth era, if Tony successfully solved the century-old problem of turbulence,"

"The possibility of the guidewire avoiding turbulence in the blood, which we considered some time ago, has increased dramatically!"

The blood turbulence problem is the ultimate problem encountered by Zhengren when he was deeply studying interventional surgery!

If Tony's solution to the turbulence problem can be used, it will be of great help to interventional surgery!

"Reduce the number of penetrations, increase the penetration speed, and avoid intraoperative risks."

Su Xiaoyun counted the benefits of solving the blood turbulence.

His eyes became brighter.

But what followed was a face full of shock.

"So, Tony is much more talented than me?" Su Xiaoyun, in the Blue Star Federation, has been a star since he entered the industry.

(To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!

) He can master any surgery after watching it a few times!

An absolutely talented player.

He has profound attainments in medical academic research.

He is also ashamed of Tony's wisdom!

Su Xiaoyun looked at Dean Zheng Ren and said,"Boss Zheng, do you think the desperate virus can really be realized?" Zheng Ren shook his head and said,"A stable desperate virus is impossible.


"Although I am not an expert in genetic biology, I have read relevant articles"

"It can't be achieved."

Su Xiaoyun was stunned. He didn't expect that Zheng Ren would directly deny something like this.

He always spoke so rigorously that no one could find any loopholes.

The whole meeting room returned to silence.



Under the superhero helmet,

Ye Xuan was almost going crazy.

The amount of reward was too much.

Just when Tony's anxiety was exposed, a million more rewards appeared in an instant!

800,000 of them were rewarded by a local tyrant.

"It's a pity that this time the reward didn't trigger the doubling effect."

The highest doubling effect was triggered when 150,000 was given.

After that, it was only a few thousand or tens of thousands.

The probability is obviously not too high.

Glancing at the account background,

Ye Xuan's face was full of joy.

The current balance is 130 million!

More than 100 million!

Too fast!

Much more than what I can earn from working.

"Sure enough, no wonder everyone is willing to open their past life videos for viewing."

"Anyway, if I don't tell anyone, few people will know me."

"This is all money!"

Suddenly Ye Xuan's body trembled.

A look of deep surprise flashed across his face.

"It turned out to be the solution formula for the desperate virus?!"

The thing that instantly appeared in my mind.

It turned out to be this thing

"It feels useless, too dangerous"

"I'd better work on the Iron Man Suit."

Up to now, all the processes of making the Iron Man Suit are in his mind!

It's simply too perfect!



The scenes of the past life memories continued to play.

As the next clip played, the audience felt a little uneasy.

【Tony's assistant Happy walked through the hall from outside, constantly pointing at the badge on his chest and saying to the people on both sides:"Work badge, remember to bring your work badge!""】

【"Guys, I put a notice in the bathroom."】

【Happy held a file and said to Pepper,"Tony has left them all idle in the basement and put queue hats on them. We should make use of this asset."】

【Xiao La Jiao picked up the pen handed to her by the employee and said,"So I want to replace all the security guards with robots?"】

【Happy said:"My point is that our biggest weakness that could be attacked is the human part of human resources, and we should eliminate this part as soon as possible."】

【Happy is talking to other employees about their work badges】

【Little Pepper said:"Well, you just took over as the security captain, I'm happy for you, no one is more qualified than you"】

【Happy smiled and said,"Thank you for the compliment, you don't have to thank me."】

【Xiao Lajiao changed the subject and said,"However! Since you took office, our employee complaint rate has increased by more than three times."】

【Happy:"Thank you!"】

【Little Pepper shook her head and said,"This is not a compliment"】

【Happy laughed and said,"This���Is it a compliment? It's definitely worthy of praise. It's obvious that someone is up to something."】

【Little Chili Pepper was helpless:"I really......"】

【The receptionist came over and said,"Miss Boci, the guest you had an appointment with at four o'clock is here."】

【Little Chili turned around and replied,"Okay, thank you"】

【Happy said to the front desk,"Have you verified this guest with me?"】

【Little Pepper said:"Let's talk about Happy later. I have to deal with a troublesome matter now."】

【Happy helped Pepper open the door:"What’s going on?"】

【Chili said in a low voice:"I worked with him before, and he always wanted to ask me out, so it was a little awkward. I didn't like it."】

【After entering the door, Xiao Lajiao looked at the visitor】

【Killian, who was well-dressed, polite and knowledgeable, smiled and said,"Pepper"】

【Chili said:"Killian"】

【Killian smiled and said,"You look good, really very good"】

【Pepper said:"You look great too"】

【"I......What have you been doing these years?"】

【Killian spread his palms and said,"Nothing, just being manipulated by the physiotherapist for five years, and calling me Aldridge."】

【Happy said,"You should have got the access card, right?"】

【Little Pepper turned around helplessly and said,"Happy, don't be like this"】

【Happy said,"Okay, I'll just walk around here." Then he closed the door and walked out.】

"! Killian! It's him!"

"The one waiting for Tony on the rooftop!"

"The head of AIM? He and Pepper are colleagues?"

"Not only is he a colleague, but from what he said it seemed like he had also pursued Little Pepper!"

"Boy, is Killian trying to knock the wall?"

"But why has Killian changed so much?"

"Before, he was not only lame, but also poor and destitute. He was like a completely different person."

"Didn't he say he was recuperating for five years? I just don't know how he was recuperating."

"Looking at Happy's expression, I think I want to beat him up."

"'But Happy is a good bodyguard, he is quite responsible"

"Why does it feel weird?"

"When Tony met Killian, he probably didn't know Pepper Potts yet, right?"

"this......Doesn't that mean Killian has evidence of what Tony did? If I tell Pepper about this, it won't be good."

"Tony was a little too much. He made people wait on the rooftop in such a cold weather, but he didn't go."

"Don't make promises that you can't do."

"The above person is right, I am speechless"

"If Tony saw Pepper's colleagues coming to see her, he would probably be jealous."

"Tony is suffering from anxiety disorder now. I don't know how he is doing."

【"Happy holidays, after years of circumventing the president's orders to ban unethical bioresearch."】

【"My think tank finally has a new breakthrough"】

【Killian said with a smile, then opened a small box】

【���He took out a button-sized object and put it behind his ear, saying,"I have an idea called the desperate virus. Let me turn off the lights for a while."】

A bunch of question marks suddenly appeared in the barrage.


"What did Killian just say? His idea?"

"Oh my god, that’s too much. Isn’t the Extremis virus from Maya?"

"he.....He had Maya killed and then took away the research results?"

"Not really! He looks quite polite."

"What the hell are these three? They can actually project holograms?"

""Hiss! So strong!"

The online audience went crazy when they saw what was on the table.

All the experts were shocked.

【After the lights were turned off, the light in the office suddenly dimmed.】

【Killian said to Pepper:"Look at the human brain"】

【As he spoke, Killian threw the three metal balls in his hand onto the table.】

【Rolling to the middle of the table, a glow appeared on the metal ball, interweaving into a starry sky-like image in midair.】

【Killian apologized,"Okay, I made a mistake. This is an image of the universe. Let me adjust it."】

【With a simple press, the image suddenly flashed, and a huge brain image filled with various patterns appeared in the air.】

【Killian laughed:"This is the brain, they are surprisingly similar, aren't they?"】

【Pepper looked at the holographic image of the brain in mid-air and exclaimed:"This is incredible!"】

【Killian said:"Thank you, this is my brain"】

【Pepper looked at Killian in surprise and said,"What?"】

【"This is, inside my brain, it's like a live broadcast." Killian touched the small device behind his ear and said】

【Killian walked over to the table, pulled up Pepper and said,"Let me show you."】

【Two people standing in the holographic projection of the brain, as if they were in the nebula】

【Killian said,"Now, pinch my arm, I can take it, pinch it."】

【Pepper was startled, then pinched his arm】

【In the illusory and magical holographic projection, an area suddenly lit up with light.】

【Killian said without even looking at it:"That's the primary somatosensory cortex, the part of the brain that senses pain."】

Hundreds of millions of viewers watched this magical scene.

They were even more shocked than seeing Thor's hammer.

With one set of equipment, the condition of a person's brain could be projected!

"It's simply incredible!"

"Holy shit! Three pieces of iron, a small thing, can project the brain's condition in real time?"

"Are you crazy? Are you kidding me?"

"My nine years of compulsory education have suffered a great humiliation!"

"It's impossible, there's no basis for it. Why can it be projected?"

"The technological level of these three pieces of iron seems to be higher than Tony's holographic projection screen."

"Is it using the principle of brain waves? Is it similar to copying the signal and finally projecting it into an image that humans can see?"

Human Potential Organization.

Xu Qian'an, Bai Yuekui and the others stared at the screen in amazement.

Everything that happened before their eyes once again broke through their cognition.

It was the kind that crushed them to pieces.

Bai Yuekui even said excitedly,"Mr. Xu, this equipment is great!"

"It's a good thing tailor-made for our team!"

The tremor in Xu Qian'an's pupils has not yet dissipated.

"This is more than just good stuff"

"This will be another device that will subvert the industry and the times!"

A colleague behind said in a trembling voice:"Is this an advanced EEG?"

Everyone was speechless when they heard it.

It takes some skill to think of EEG.

EEG is a graph obtained by amplifying and recording the spontaneous biopotential of the brain from the scalp through sophisticated electronic instruments.

It is the spontaneous and rhythmic electrical activity of brain cell groups recorded by electrodes.

Conventional EEG (Liao Liao Zhao), dynamic EEG monitoring, video EEG monitoring.

Xu Qian'an said:"It is indeed a bit like the principle of EEG, which captures scalp signals and converts them into electrical signals.


"However, in the process of electrical signal conversion, we can only achieve simple wave pattern conversion."

"But Killian's three steel ball equipment can be directly transformed into a more vivid brain holographic projection."

Bai Yuekui nodded and said,"It's very useful!"

"Especially in medical use, it is very intuitive to see the reactions of various functional areas"

"We can even use it to explore more secrets of the cerebral cortex that we have never known before."

Xu Qian'an said:"This function may not seem too difficult to them, but it is of great use to us!"

"Unfortunately, I don’t know the specific research and development process.

Bai Yuekui looked at Xu Qian’an and said,"Mr. Xu, I think it may be easier than the desperate virus or something like that."

"After all, although the existing EEG is not that in-depth, at least there is a starting point."

Xu Qian'an smiled and said,"You are right."

As soon as the voice fell, Killian was talking about the desperate virus on the live screen.

【"Look here, this is what I want to show you."】

【Killian turned Pepper around, pressed the button forward, and stretched his hand】

【"The Extremis virus has developed our biological potential"】

【As Killian gestured, the entire brain shape was changing rapidly. In the blink of an eye, a part that looked like a nebula appeared.】

【"Now look here, this is essentially an empty slot, which is exactly what is going on here, and this... actually our entire DNA, that is destined to be upgraded."】

Seeing this, Xu Qian'an had already stood up.

Bai Yuekui could clearly feel it.

Xu Qian'an was very excited at this moment.

Bai Yuekui's face was full of confusion.

She had never heard of the empty slot theory of the brain.

The desperate virus had shattered her thinking mode.

However, Killian's statement of updating and upgrading genetic material was more like a flash of lightning passing through her mind.

"Update and upgrade, update and upgrade......."

Bai Yuekui murmured in a low voice.

This word is very vivid!

Update and iterate the bad parts of the genetic material.


Become stronger!

"Empty slot! There is an empty slot in the brain!"

"We currently have no means to detect this level of cerebral cortex conditions."

"But this provides us with an important idea!"

Xu Qian'an's eyes sparkled.

"Do those extraordinary people have this so-called empty slot?"

"If not, don't they just exist after updates and upgrades?"

"It may not be an update of the desperate virus, but it must be of this type!"

Xu Qian'an paced back and forth in the office.

He was thinking, how can I get a superhuman!

Study their structure carefully!

If it can be confirmed.

Then the nature of some things will change dramatically.

This is a very important point

"Desperate virus, Desperate virus is very likely to become a citizen of the Blue Star Federation"

"The simplest and most direct man-made way to evolve extraordinary abilities!"

"It is comparable to Rogers's artificial extraordinary process!"

Bai Yuekui echoed and said,"Mr. Xu is right."

"The process of creating Rogers made me wonder if the energy of the Cosmic Cube was used."

"But if we can develop the desperate virus perfectly"

"Everyone will have the opportunity to become a superhuman!"

The entire human potential organization was filled with a solemn and depressing atmosphere.

Judging from the current resource allocation of the Blue Star Federation, only their team has the most hope for the recovery of the desperate virus.

The pressure suddenly increased.

Xu Qian'an suddenly said slowly:"From what Killian said, he should have a mature and stable desperate virus plan.

" Bai Yuekui's heart trembled, and he looked up at the live broadcast room.

However, at this time, at the roundtable meeting of the Supreme Court, many elders had great differences on the issue of the recovery of the desperate virus.


Today is the second day of New Year's Day.

The goal is to update 4 characters.

This is the first chapter.

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