There were hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room.

There were also tens of billions of other citizens in the Blue Star Federation who were watching the live broadcast of Baishi Lunsa.

No one had ever thought that Tony would directly declare war on terrorists in front of so many reporters , and the words between the lines were so domineering and ostentatious!

Countless viewers cheered for him.

Just looking at Tony's angry expression, everyone felt very distressed.

The director sighed and accelerated the construction of the Heroes Hall of Honor.

The Heroes Hall was inspired by Tony.

But it is definitely not just Tony's.

The director hopes that anyone who has captured a previous life and has made contributions to certain historical eras can be selected into the Heroes Hall.

In the live broadcast room, the number of online viewers suddenly increased.

The word was already spreading from person to person outside, and everyone knew that Tony had directly declared war on terrorists.

Everyone wanted to know how Tony dealt with the terrorists.

In addition to their concern, many people also thought that Tony's approach was too radical.

"Terrorists are terrorists after all, and their actions have no morals at all."

"It is wrong to expose your address."

"Indeed, if terrorists really did something to us, we would have no place to cry."

"Tony is a man of great skill and courage. He is not afraid of problems."

"Indeed, with Mark 42 here, we are not afraid!"

"I see some of you say that Mark 42 is called Anti-Tony Armor, why?"

"The people upstairs are new, right? Of course, it’s because of love."

The screen in the live broadcast room jumped.

When we arrived at Tony’s studio

【The cool space holographic projector shows the appearance of the black-robed master and related information.】

【Jarvis said,"I have sorted out the information about the Black Robe Master, sir."】

【Jarvis continued:"The sources are SHIELD, the FBI, and the Special Investigations Division."】

【Tony uses his hands to control the entire holographic operation interface, forming two grabbing plates to pull information into a larger space.】

【Jarvis voice:"Now for virtual crime scene reconstruction"】

【A large amount of information appears out of thin air, showing various blue lines】

【The interweaving of lines reveals a three-dimensional model of the structure at the scene of the explosion.】

"Wow! That's cool! Much more powerful than that Killian steel ball display!"

"Is this a reconstruction of the model from that time?"

"That’s awesome!"

"Tony has so many high-tech products!"

"This display device alone is probably coveted by countless people."

"Well, who doesn't want it?"

"No wonder Tony told Rhodes that he had a lot of technological stuff. He really had the right reasons."

"What does Tony want to do? Find the culprit?"

"I don't know. There's nothing to be seen from this information, right? After all, Tony is not a detective."

"Let's see, Tony will definitely surprise us"

【Tony stood up and walked into the 3D display of the entire crime scene.】

【"OK, let me see"】

【Tony walked among the various messages and said to himself:"He is familiar with various terrorist strategies and knows various resistance strategies."】

【"The way he speaks is very missionary-like"】

【Tony turned around and looked at a 3D model. He scratched his head and said,"It looks like it's very lively here."】

【"Many good shows are going on"】

【Jarvis said:"The heat generated by the explosion exceeded 3000 degrees Celsius, and objects within 12.5 yards would be instantly vaporized."】

【As Jarvis explains, relevant demonstration information pops up in the middle.】

【Tony looked at the scene and said,"No bomb fragments were found within three miles of the theater."】

【Jarvis said:"No sir."】

【Tony looked down at his feet, and down at his feet was the image of the area around where Happy had fallen, displayed by JARVIS.】

【"Tell me Happy"】

【The images are updated and superimposed layer by layer, gradually revealing the actual scene at that time.】

【Following the direction of Happy's finger and his gaze, Jarvis marked"six, eight, seven" as the target point.】

【Tony walked over, and the 3D image was refreshed in real time as he walked.】

【Sitting on the chair, with a wave of his hand, that area was isolated, and different information flashed as Tony flipped through the pages.】

【"When is a bomb not a bomb?"】

【Suddenly two iron plates appeared, and Tony locked the image and captured it in mid-air to present individual details. 】

In the office of the Tiandao Administration.

Several military industry bosses stood up suddenly.

They looked at the screen in disbelief.

The three-dimensional structure of Happy lying on the ground was lifelike.

Jarvis intelligently marked the convergence point of the line of sight and the direction of the finger.

This shocked these military industry bosses.

"This level of artificial intelligence is so convenient!"

"Jarvis's construction method must have been authorized by the global satellite system, right? Otherwise, the scene at that time would not be so clear."

"I just want to say it's awesome!"

Every time they see Jarvis take action, these military industry bosses will sigh with emotion.

With Jarvis around, many impossible things will be easily accomplished.

Historian Huang Lao exclaimed:"I have seen many people who were detectives in their previous lives."

"I've never seen this kind of case-solving method before."

"It’s very novel, but it seems to be very efficient!"

The director looked at the huge three-dimensional reconstructed image.

He said to the military industry leaders:"Ladies and gentlemen, can this kind of holographic projection screen be developed?"

"Previously, holographic projection and intelligent interactive systems were only considered high-tech products."

"I thought it was only suitable for general studio use."

"I didn't expect that this kind of auxiliary case-solving ability is as powerful now."

The director's words immediately made the military industry bosses ponder. Then several people slowly shook their heads and said,"It's difficult. Simple three-dimensional projection can"

"But this kind of highly interactive display is impossible."

Someone else said:"Not only this"

"Jarvis is the most important part. There is no artificial intelligence comparable to Jarvis."

"Many links cannot be shown."

The director had to temporarily bury this hope in his heart.


Federal Police Headquarters.

Chief Li Chengyang was leading his staff to watch the live broadcast room's memory screen.

Chief Li Chengyang was shocked and said,"If we can bring this kind of equipment to Blue Star,"

"Then our crime solving rate will be greatly improved."

Many of his backbones watched this scene.

They were also very shocked and surprised.

"Director, this is good stuff, really good stuff!"

"With it, we will have much less trouble!"

"We don't even need our people, we can just let this intelligent system do it."

"But it's not good either. He knows so much information and obviously has a lot of authority."

"This does not guarantee safety"

"What if someone hacks into this system?"

"Invasion? That's impossible. How could such a powerful intelligent system be invaded?"

Some people agreed, while others were worried.

Director Li Chengyang regained his composure and said,"Let's wait and see how the actual inference works."

Everyone turned their eyes back to the screen.

However, what happened next shocked everyone.


【Tony asked,"Did anyone from the military die?"】

【Jarvis said:"There is no public record, sir."】

【Tony walked to the highest position and said,"Re-adjust the heat source display image."】

【"Count 3,000 degrees."】

【Above the central projector, a large amount of information was successfully constructed.】

【Jarvis said:"Oracle cloud computing analysis is completed, connecting to satellites, and mapping the heat source generation in the past year."】

【A series of red columnar models representing the temperature were marked by Jarvis at various locations, with corresponding information suspended in the air.】

【Tony looked at the many beams of light and said,"Remove the places where the black-robed master attacked."】

【Suddenly, the beam of light was reduced by half.】

【Tony looked at the few remaining heat sources and suddenly pointed at one in the corner and said,"Um, are you sure it wasn't his attack?"】

【Jarvis moved the image and enlarged it, and brought out the image of the bald man Savin.】

【"This incident happened earlier than any other attack by the Black Robe Master."】

【"This was a suicide bombing."】

【Tony said,"Bring it here."】

【Jarvis continued:"The heat source signature is very similar, 3,000 degrees Celsius"】

【"Have the two military men ever been to Tennessee, Jarvis?"】

【Jarvis said very intelligently:"We are arranging a flight to Tennessee."】

Police Chief Li Chengyang and the backbones behind him were completely excited.

Some even came to the chief's side.

"Director, this thing must be introduced. It is much more powerful than our system."

"The ability of this statistical summary alone is so powerful."

"In a flash, all the relevant information and clues were connected, and finally the results were just displayed."

Director Li Chengyang smiled bitterly and said,"I just asked"

"Jarvis as the core artificial intelligence system"

"With the current level of our Blue Star Federation, we can't achieve that level."

Everyone was stunned.

Then their faces became a little lonely and uncomfortable.

The beautiful food was in front of them.

But they couldn't use it.

What a pity!

Then everyone was a little shocked.

"The Blue Planet Earth era is really crazy!"

"Tony is crazy! His technology level is so high that even our entire federation cannot match it."

Hundreds of millions of online viewers watching the live broadcast were also shocked by Tony's entire process of finding the truth.

"Efficient! It's only been a short while! We found the target person right away!"

"That's him! That's the bald guy, Savin."

"If I could have this machine, it would be awesome."

"Danger! Pepper is in danger!"

"Killian deliberately approached Pepper, and his subordinates could explode. This is definitely a problem."

"Tony, you have to protect Pepper."

"I still think that Tony's move to expose the address directly is too risky."

"Jarvis yyds"

"Is Tony's anxiety gone?"

"Now that we have found the target person, is it time for Mark 42 to appear next?"

"I am looking forward to seeing what the Mark 42 will look like."

"But the Mark 42 is assembled, and I think it can be easily disassembled."

"Yo? Who is this woman?"

"Um, it seems to be Maya? Yes, that's her!"

"Oh my god, Tony made his address public and his old lover showed up?"

"So exciting, haha!"

【The doorbell rang, and Tony looked at the pop-up video in surprise.】

【"Can anyone still visit us now? We should be on high alert!"】

【Tony hammered the table hard, looking angry and said,"Come on! I just threatened a terrorist, who is that?"】

【Jarvis said helplessly:"There is nothing I can do about this, sir. It was you who told the address to everyone in the world."】

"So you also knew that you threatened the terrorists"

"I thought he was so arrogant that he felt good about himself."

"Just knowing the danger is better than being arrogant."

"Huh? Why are there suddenly so many helicopters outside??"

"There really are a lot of people. No, didn’t Maya become an employee of AIM?"

"Hiss! I always feel like there is a net that is covering Tony's head."

Many strange clues were gathered together.

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly became nervous.

Maya went to Killian.

Killian seemed to have a shady deal with the terrorists.

Now Maya came to Tony.

And Tony is now threatening the world with terrorists.


The audience couldn't imagine

【Maya knocked on the door and came in. Mark 42 came over and stretched out his hand to stop him, saying,"Stand there and don't move.""】

【The mask popped open, and Tony asked,"You're not the black-robed master, right? Right??"】

【Maya smiled awkwardly and said,"You don't remember? How can I not be surprised?"】

【Tony said,"Don't worry, I don't even remember what I had for breakfast."】

【Jarvis' voice suddenly sounded:"Mr. Gluten-free waffles"】

"Holy shit! I am dying of laughter!"

"Jarvis is a great assist!"

"Nima......I don’t know what to say!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"Jarvis is forcing himself to make his presence felt."

"Tony is too fickle-minded. He doesn’t even remember what happened back then?"

"? It's been 13 years upstairs, do you remember?"

"To be honest, Tony used to be a playboy. If he could still remember, I would think it was abnormal."

【Maya looked a little nervous and said,"Okay, I want to talk to you alone. Don't be here, there are some important things."】

【Tony frowned, turned around and walked back,"I usually don't refuse this kind of thing."】

【"But I have a formal girlfriend now, she"】

【Just as he finished speaking, a bundle fell from upstairs at his feet.】

【Bang, bang!】

【Several packages were thrown down from above, and Pepper asked,"Tony, is anyone coming?"】

【Tony walked out of Mark 42 and said,"Yes, it's Miss Maya. A botanical friend, not too familiar with her."】

【Tony whispered to Maya,"Don't tell me I have a 12-year-old son I've never met waiting for me in the car."】

【Maya said:"He is 13 years old"】

【Tony almost couldn't catch his breath.】

【Maya said:"I need your help"】

At this time, in the barrage, 666.


"Tony, you are so mean!"

"I'm dying of laughter. Is Little Chili leaving?"

"I thought he didn't know Maya, the feelings were intentional"

"He was so cute when he choked on his own saliva just now"

"Laughing so hard!"

"He is anxious, he is anxious, haha"

"But why did Maya come to him at this time?"

"Need his help with something, do you really have a child? Are you short of money?"

"This is a bit outrageous. After all this time, the terrorists didn't show up, but a 12-year-old child showed up. Hahahaha"

【Tony asked,"Help you with what? Why now?""】

【Maya said,"I read your paper, and, frankly, I don't think you'll survive this week."】

【Tony said,"I’ll be fine."】

【Pepper came down from above and said,"I’m sorry, Happy is in the hospital, I didn’t know any guests would be coming."】

【Tony said:"Not a guest"】

【Little Pepper teased,"Is it an old lover?"】

【Maya quickly said:"No, it's just a one-night stand at most."】

【Pepper looked at Tony and said���"It's your style."】

【Tony did not hide his words:"Yes"】

【Pepper asked Tony to hide somewhere else, and the three of them started arguing.】

【Suddenly, the TV showed the exterior of Tony's villa.】

【Maya pointed at the TV and said,"Guys, should we care about this?"】

【The three of them were watching TV. In the picture displayed on the TV, a missile was dragging a white light and rushing towards the villa.】

【The next moment, a missile hit the glass outside the villa directly, and an explosion sounded, destroying half of the villa.】

【The huge shock wave knocked three people away.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked.

Many people screamed in fear.

"It’s here as expected!"

"Missiles, just bomb with missiles! These terrorists are really scary!"

"Tony, why are you so flamboyant! Pepper is still here!"

"It's over. This is definitely Barbie."

"How cruel! Tony was just threatening, but he immediately bombed with missiles?"

"The helicopter just now must be the terrorist that launched the missile attack."

"How abominable!"

"Chili is innocent"

"I think Tony was really wrong about this."

""Where's the armor? Hurry up and put on the armor and fight!"

Everyone was impatient.

No one wanted Tony and the others to have any problems.

Everyone's heart was hanging in the air.

【Three people were blown away by the shock wave】

【The rubble was everywhere, the dust was everywhere】

【Tony stretched out his hands and made a gesture of combining the armor. 】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Suddenly, the Mark 42 next to it disintegrated and turned into parts and flew over.】

【However, Mark 42 was not worn by Tony, but was controlled by Tony and worn directly on Pepper.】

【Multiple parts were quickly assembled to complete the Mark 42, and the aftermath of the explosion was all applied to the armor.】

【Perfectly protect the safety of Xiao La Jiao. 】

The comments were silent for a moment.

Then they were filled with praise from everyone.

"I thought about what Tony said before, everything he did was to protect the people he loved most."


"Woohoo, this is a good man."

"If there is someone who is willing to do this for me, I will marry him now"

"Tony, real man."

"Brave, resourceful, and loyal, very good"

"Beneath the heart of steel is a tender heart."

"I want to cry. We all thought he built the Iron Man suit for himself."

"In fact, it is for others, to protect the safety of Xiao Lajiao"

"This is when the missile exploded, he didn't even prioritize himself, but protected Pepper first"

"When danger comes, subconscious behavior is the most in line with one's heart."

"I envy Chili Pepper for finding true love"

"But Pepper looks pretty cool in his battle suit."

"The ability of Mark 42 is quite powerful. It can remotely control the wearable device of others."

"But what should Tony do?"

"The explosion was powerful.���And the other party obviously wants Tony to die immediately, there will definitely be follow-up attacks."

"Terrorists are a cancer that should not exist in the world."

【The suit completely protected Pepper, and Tony slammed to the ground.】

【The bald man Savin was sitting in the helicopter that was speeding outside.】

【The machine guns on both sides of the helicopter were turned on and they fired towards the villa.】

【Tony struggled to get up, Maya beside him had fainted】

【Suddenly, the roof above my head cracked and a large amount of concrete fell down.】

【Pepper rushed over in the Mark 42 and used her body to block the falling concrete.】

【The mask opened and Pepper said,"I've got you protected."】

【"I protected you first."】

【"Like I said before, we can't stay here anymore"】

【Several missiles bombarded the villa again, and the violent explosion knocked Tony to the ground.】

【Pepper wanted to save him, but Tony struggled to jump out from behind the sofa and said,"Go, I'll follow you."】


【The floor slab broke, and a huge crack blocked the two people.】

【Tony waved his hand to Pepper and said,"Go take her away, I'll find a way out myself! Don't stop, go find her, quickly!"】

【There was a loud explosion, and Pepper hurried to help Maya up.】

【On the sea, an armed helicopter suddenly fired a missile, breaking the load-bearing column of the villa.】

【The whole villa began to tilt towards the cliff.】

"So violent!"

"How much money did it cost to build this villa, and it’s destroyed just like that!"

"Hateful! So rampant!"

"It’s mainly the bald guy Savin. Is he a terrorist?"

"Terrorist or not, they all deserve to die!"

"I can’t imagine how terrible it would be if such a person existed in the Blue Star Federation!"

"Pepper rushed out and said everything was fine. What should Tony do?"

"Holy shit! Good job!"

"This operation is also possible!"

【The villa began to collapse, and the missiles outside continued to bombard it.】

【Tony was in danger in the collapsed villa because the floor was tilted and he was falling rapidly towards the sea.】

【Tony grabbed the steel bar to steady himself.】

【Jarvis' voice sounded:"Sir, Miss Pepper has left safely."】

【Tony leaned against the steel bars, making gestures of disbanding and reorganizing with his hands.】

【Suddenly, Mark 42 solved the problem from Pepper and quickly flew back to Tony.】

【Outside, armed helicopters roared with a torrent of steel, bombarding Tony's surroundings.】

【Tony crawled on the ground with difficulty and went forward to meet Mark 42】

【The parts quickly covered his body and assembled, he rolled to avoid bullets, and the mask fit perfectly.】

【The display screen inside the helmet lit up, and Tony was about to take off when he suddenly realized something was wrong:"Jarvis, where is my flying energy?"?"】

【Jarvis said:"It's being processed sir, this is just a prototype"】

【Bullets rained down on Tony like crazy. He tried to fire his weapon but found no】

���The number of online viewers in the broadcast room has skyrocketed.

It has exceeded nearly 600 million online viewers!

The tense and explosive scene made all the viewers watch with a trembling heart.

"this......No energy to fly?!"

"It's over! How could this happen!"

"But fortunately, I wear Mark 42"

"With the Iron Man suit, there is absolutely no problem"

"What if there is no power to fly?"

"Awesome! Tony's fighting wisdom is amazing!"

"I can think of this method 0........"

【Tony loosened his hands, slid down, and sprayed energy at a piano with both hands, which directly bounced the piano into the air and hit a helicopter.】

【The helicopter exploded in the air and fell into the sea.】

【"Solve one!"】

【Jarvis said:"Sir, this armor is not yet suitable for combat."】

【Tony did not respond, running through the ruins to avoid bullets, and forcibly removed the weapon module from his arm.】

【With a strong throw, the energy shock wave from his left hand blasted out, and suddenly there was an explosion, and another helicopter was blown to pieces.】

【However, the helicopter exploded and rushed directly into the villa, knocking Tony into the basement】

【Missiles were flying, the whole villa was bombarded, the scene was extremely hot】

【All kinds of cars and mechas sank to the bottom of the sea】

【Tony couldn't fly, and without any stress points, he was also pressed to the bottom of the sea by countless collapsed concrete.】

【On the seafloor, steel ropes wrapped around Tony's neck and quickly dragged him deeper.】

【The mech was already full of water, and Tony's struggles gradually became weaker.】

【Pepper rushed to the edge of the cliff and shouted towards the sea:"Tony!"】

"This, isn't it?!"

"Did Tony just drown?"

"Definitely not!"

"I hope not!"

"Pepper is so sad"

"The steel cable was wrapped around his body, and he was on the bottom of the sea, so he must be dead."

The audience watched anxiously.

The director of the Tiandao Administration Bureau and others looked at this scene with the same solemn expression.

Historian Huang Lao said solemnly:"It's unlikely that he will be defeated."

Biologist Tibetan fox Xiaoliang said:"He has no flying ability, and he is on the bottom of the sea, so it may be difficult for him to struggle."

A physicist said:"It is difficult to move under the sea."

"Even with the help of mecha, it will be greatly hindered"

"I guess Tony hasn't thought about what's happening underwater."

The director frowned:"If Tony dies underwater"

"Then the memory of the previous life is gone."

The director has received news from Elder Wu Chengen.

I am afraid that the Blue Star at this time is not as safe as everyone thinks. One of the decisive directions for whether Blue Star can cope successfully in the future is these memory fragments captured by the author of Baishi Lunsai.

"You can't end it here."

In the training ground,

Ren Xiaoli and more than a dozen people were also staring at the screen.

Everyone held their breath, expecting a miracle to happen.

Aisen Heavy Industry Group.

Ma Hailiang was so nervous that he stood up.

"iron Man!"

"Come on!"

Countless cheers���The barrage of words floated across the live broadcast room.

The light of the Ark reactor on Mark 42's chest began to dim.

Everyone's heart began to beat wildly.


Mark 42's arm part automatically disintegrated and separated from the whole body.

Hundreds of millions of viewers in the live broadcast room were suddenly ecstatic.

"Ah! This is Jarvis!"

"Jarvis is controlling the arm parts?!"


"My little heart almost died"

【Jarvis said:"Sir, please take a deep breath!"】

【As he spoke, the arm automatically detached, then turned around, held Tony's hand, and the vector propulsion device ejected energy, pulling Tony out of the ruins.】

【Reassembled on the Mark 42, the drainage system ejects the water inside the mecha】

【Jarvis said:"Flight energy has been restored."】

【After the thrusters flashed several times, they suddenly burst out with strong thrust, carrying Tony out of the seabed.】

"Wow! It's back!"

"Damn, I was so scared that I broke out in a cold sweat"

"Go beat the terrorists! Beat that bald guy!"

"The Mark 42 is awesome! From this perspective, each component can be used as a separate module."

"So awesome!"

"I really want a mecha."

Under the superhero helmet,

Ye Xuan looked at the balance in the background that suddenly soared again.

He was so happy.

Tony's escape from death brought him at least more than a million in rewards.

"The creation process of Jarvis has never been captured."

He frowned slightly.

Jarvis is one of the key points of the core support of the Iron Man suit.

Unfortunately, until now, this part of the memory has not been awakened.

"Jarvis is a software program after all. If it can be captured, it would be a good idea to create Jarvis first."


Sunshine Coast.

Beautiful environment.

There is a villa on the cliff.

If you look closely, it is somewhat similar to Tony's villa in Ye Xuan's previous life.

In the hall, several people are watching the live broadcast screen.

Sitting in the middle is a man wearing sunglasses.

Others cast admiring eyes from time to time.

The man in sunglasses leaned on the sofa and said lightly:"Have you found the reincarnation?"

On the left, a charming woman immediately responded:"Pope, it has not been found yet."

This man in sunglasses is the Pope of the Abyss Cult that the director was afraid of before.

"did not find?"

"Mobilize all our members, I can't wait any longer."

The Pope said with wisdom and indifference,"I need some of his skills."

The woman said quickly,"Okay, Pope, I will arrange for all the trainers to go out right away!"

The Pope stared at the screen in the live broadcast room.

His face under the sunglasses flashed with shock.

"Extremis, Jarvis, if I could have these two technologies"

"Then I will be able to build that team!"

While muttering, the Pope's expression gradually showed a fanaticism!

He had captured several memories of his past lives!

In the awakened memories, there was a terrible team!

Chi You! It was just limited by the resources of the Blue Star Federation.

It could not be built.

But if there was desperate virus technology, and then combined with Jarvis artificial intelligence

"I will be unstoppable!"



The captured past life memory seemed unstable.

The picture flickered continuously.

Everyone only saw Tony's armor falling in the snow and a rather chaotic and blurry battle.

When it became clear again, it appeared in the hotel.

Pepper and Maya were chatting.

"Maya still has a wound on her head. Did she just come from the explosion in the villa?"

"I guess so."

"How could the two of them still be able to chat with each other?"

"Forehead....I think so."

【Maya leaned against the head of the bed and said,"Before Boone built rockets, he was an idealist. He dreamed of space travel."】

【"He liked to look up at the stars, and when the first V2 rocket hit the city, do you know what he said?"】

【"The rocket worked perfectly, it just landed on the wrong planet"】

【Maya recalls:"We were all very naive at the beginning, pure science. Then our arrogance started to take over and we became obsessed."】

【Maya shook her head and chuckled,"When I looked back, I had already walked a long way."】

【Pepper listened and said,"Don't be too hard on yourself, Maya. You handed your research over to a think tank."】

【Maya said,"Yes, but Killian built that think tank with military contracts."】

【Little Pepper smiled and said,"We used to do this too, don’t blame yourself"】

【Maya looked at Pepper and said,"Thank you Pepper, I really appreciate it."】

"Did Killian cooperate with the officials at the time?"

"Could it be that Maya, like Tony at the time, realized that her creation had caused someone’s death?"

"Maya is pretty good actually."

"Maybe. Do you think Maya herself might have the desperate virus?"

"Well, that's hard to say."

"What the hell is Killian going to do?"

"Shit! Maya, you are a piece of trash, you are an undercover agent!"

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door.

【Pepper went to open the door, and the waiter was about to push the dinner in when Killian suddenly appeared behind him and broke the waiter's neck.】

【Pepper suddenly panicked and quickly said to Maya:"Maya, run!"】

【As soon as he finished speaking, Killian grabbed Pepper's neck and pressed her against the wall.】

【Killian held Pepper down with one hand, turned his head and looked at Maya angrily,"Do you want to explain to me why you were at Stark’s place last night?"】

【Maya got up from the bed and said,"I was just trying to fix this, I didn't know you and the Master were going to blow up that place"】

【Killian smiled."I see. So you want to save Stark? Even though he threatens us?"】

【Maya said helplessly:"I told you about Killian, we can use him"】

【Pepper tried to grab Killian but she didn't have the strength】

【Maya continued:"If we want to launch new products next year, I need Star���, he just lacked a suitable engine, and now he has it!"】

【Killian immediately looked at Maya with a surprised smile.

The picture became blurred again, as if it was recaptured.

And the hundreds of millions of viewers online.

Everyone's heart was filled with anger.

"The most vicious woman's heart! Little Pepper forgot the past! She is so nice! You actually want to kidnap her!"

"Damn it! You are the biggest threat!"

"Killian is so abominable! He was looking for Pepper to cooperate with him before, but now he treats her like this!"

"Tony, Tony, where are you? Come back soon!"

"Angry! Damn it! It’s so infuriating!"

"Do Maya and the others want to use Pepper Potts to threaten Tony and help research the Extremis virus?"

"New product launch! Hear this! They are scum!"

"They must have given the failed product of the Desperate Virus to the Black Robe Master!"

"Wait! I thought of something terrible!"

"Little Pepper, Little Pepper is in danger!"

"You mean......Desperate virus?"

"That's right! Killian hates Tony so much, and Pepper is Tony's favorite person"

"Inject Pepper Potts with Extremis virus! Use this to counter-threaten Tony!"

Seeing these comments, the audience in the live broadcast room were shocked.

Things are serious!

However, the next moment, when a comment appeared, hundreds of millions of viewers, including the director and even the elders of the Supreme Court, were immediately shocked!

"Killian threatens Tony with Pepper"

"Let Tony develop more Extremis viruses as weapons or other modified things"

"Then Killian's power grew rapidly"

"Will it grow out of control and destroy the history of the Earth?"

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