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He didn't know that he was already being missed by others. At this moment, Wu Chen was driving his mother Yunfang home. Naturally, he couldn't drive too fast on the country road. After a full hour, the mother and son returned to Wujiawan. .

Just like Lingjiawan, there is also a rice field at the mouth of Wujiawan. Now it is slack, so Wu Chen parked his car there, carried his backpack and two ancient swords, and returned home with his mother.

After being away from home for a few days, the chickens and ducks were all fed and looked after by neighbors. Now that they are back, mother Yun Fang naturally has to go to thank her, while Wu Chen went up to the second floor and plunged into his room.

Open the sheet, first take out the Yajiu and the "De" sword.


Such a famous ancient sword, which can be called a magic weapon, is actually not easy to destroy, but Wu Chen checked it carefully before he was relieved, and then carefully put it into the dark passage of the wardrobe.

This kind of hidden compartment is not considered secret, at most it can only be used to hide ordinary small things, and it is definitely not safe to store valuable ancient swords, but now we can only make do with it

After putting away the two ancient swords, Wu Chen took out the fox inner alchemy and the mysterious ancient jade from the human-faced old fox lair 28 from his backpack, wanting to study it carefully

There is nothing to say about Fox Neidan, although it has its miraculous powers, but lacking relevant information, even if Wu Chen wanted to study it, he would have no way to start, so he had to find a glass jar with canned food and seal it up.

Without the inner alchemy to rely on, the mysterious ancient jade soon exuded a faint fragrance. Holding it in Wu Chen's hand, he could even clearly feel the warmth of the ancient jade.


"Couldn't this be Wenxiang Nuanyu in Legendary?!"

Wu Chen became more interested in this ancient jade when he thought about it. He rubbed the ancient jade and found many lines on it. There are also thousands of them. Judging from the fonts, they are very similar to the small seal script of the Qin Dynasty!

If it was before, Wu Chen could only recognize ancient seal characters at most, but because of the sword of "virtue", he wanted to find out its origin, so he checked some ancient documents on the Internet. Although he couldn't read the characters, he could see the shape. It can be judged that the miniature characters on the ancient jade are Xiaozhuan that was implemented after Qin unified the six kingdoms.


"I didn't expect this to be a piece of ancient jade from the pre-Qin period!"

This piece of ancient jade is so miraculous, and it was obtained from the lair of the old fox with a human face, Wu Chen naturally did not doubt its authenticity, but it was precisely because of this that he couldn't help admiring it, but there was nothing I thought that the ancients in the Qin Dynasty had such exquisite carvings.

You know, there were no auxiliary tools such as magnifying glasses at that time, and the craftsman was able to carve thousands of miniature characters on the palm-sized ancient jade.


Compared with craftsmanship, Wu Chen wants to know more about the meaning of the words carved on the ancient jade? Does it record the origin of the ancient jade? Is the variation of the old fox with the human face related to this ancient jade?

"This is a big project!"

It is definitely not an easy task to decipher thousands of pre-Qin Xiaozhuan scripts. Rao is the current Wu Chen, because the "god" has grown stronger, his wisdom has increased, and his learning ability is extraordinary. It is not easy to accomplish this task. easy.


At this time, he inadvertently discovered that when his mental power was highly concentrated, those pre-Qin small seal characters carved on the ancient jade seemed to come to life, one by one, scrambling to jump up from the ancient jade, It merged into a torrent of words, rushing towards his mind.



Unspeakable surprise, Wu Chen was astonished, and the torrent of information had already rushed into his mind. Although it was still those who didn't know the shape of seal characters, for some reason, he could understand the meaning of those characters.

After a while, the transmission of thousands of words was completed, and the transformation was completed. It was only at this time that Wu Chen knew the origin of this piece of ancient jade.


As he had foreseen before, the mysterious ancient jade did come from the pre-Qin period. To be precise, it was a jade slip made by an alchemist named "Qu Zhongjun" at the end of Qin Shihuang's reign!

The so-called jade slips are the carriers used by those alchemists in the pre-Qin period to record information!

Just like at this moment, the jade slip in Wu Chen's hand is impressively recording part of Yun Zhongjun's cultivation methods, as well as the detailed history of this jade slip.

Speaking of the origin of this jade slip, Wu Chen was very surprised, because according to Yun Zhongjun's records, the reason why he wanted to create the jade slip to carry information was because of ten meteorites that had never landed on the market.

Wu Chen was very interested in this, so he searched on the Internet, and as a result, he really found something!

"In the thirty-sixth year, Yinghuo guarded his heart. There was a star falling down to Dongjun, and the ground was a stone. The head of Guizhou may be engraved on the stone saying 'the first emperor dies and the land is divided'. When the first emperor heard about it, he sent the censor to examine it. Mo Fu, Take all the stones from the neighbors and punish them, because they burnt the stones."

This is a true record in the historical records. In the thirty-sixth year of the first emperor, that is, in 211 BC, a meteorite once fell in Dongjun County of the Qin Dynasty. Perhaps someone did it on purpose, or it was a warning from the sky. On the top, it is impressively engraved with 453 Emperor Shidi died and divided "a minister!

to this!

Qin Shihuang was naturally very angry, so he sent a censor to the local area to investigate, trying to find out the person who carved the characters. However, because the local residents refused to accept Qin Shihuang's tyranny, they were unwilling to cooperate. People were all killed, and people destroyed the meteorite.

Yun Zhongjun's records on the jade slips confirmed that such a thing happened, but there was no inscription on the meteorite. The reason why Qin Shihuang ordered to destroy this meteorite that fell from the sky was because this meteorite possessed a terrible magic power. !

it is alive!

It can confuse people's hearts and magnify people's desires!

When it fell, the people nearby were bewitched and fell into madness. Qin Shihuang had no choice but to order that all those people be killed and the meteorite be destroyed.


It is not an easy task to destroy such a meteorite with magical power. Although Qin Shihuang gave the order, the officials responsible for executing the order found that they could not even get close to the meteorite, let alone destroy it.


Qin Shihuang had expected this for a long time, so Yun Zhongjun, a great Qin alchemist with extraordinary capabilities, was sent over to assist the official in destroying the meteorite.

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