City: Practice? No, I Rely On Adding Points To Upgrade!

Episode 35: Rebuilding The Foundation!

"Good weather!"

Pushing open the window, breathing in the fresh air in the early morning, Wu Chen suddenly felt extremely comfortable. In his mind, many martial arts tricks could not help appearing, which made him unable to bear the desire to practice martial arts.

Because of previous lessons, Wu Chen already knew that continuously adding points to upgrades would cause excessive wear and tear on his body, so even though his physical condition had fully recovered now, he did not rush to add points to upgrades.

As the saying goes: a good meal is never too late, and a good girl is never too late to marry!

Anyway, with the merits in hand, it’s not too late to add some upgrades, but he is now a jobless vagrant, there are not many other things, the most is time!

After stretching his body a little bit, Wu Chen picked out a looser casual clothes after a brief wash, then pushed open the door and walked out.


I used to be busy with work and rarely exercised, but I lived in this area for three years and came and went. Wu Chen also knows that there is a park not far from the shared apartment. Every morning, there are many residents The old men and old ladies nearby are walking and chatting here, as well as practicing Tai Chi and sword.

In the past, he lived a life of getting up early and returning home almost every day. It is not easy to go to work on time, let alone work overtime in many cases. If he has time, he would rather sleep for a while, and why would he go out to exercise?

In fact, it's not just him, most of his friends, including Big Mouth Jiang Bin, are also like this!

Not long after, Wu Chen strolled to an open space in the park, stretched his hands and feet a little, and then, his figure was fixed, and he had already assumed a posture similar to the horse stance, but different from the horse stance, Wu Chen His hands were clasped in front of him, like hugging a big ball.

This kind of stance, also called "Wuji stance", is a unique stance technique of Xingyiquan. There is a saying: the beauty of Wuji is infinite, the solitary and lonely moon is accompanied by immortals, the spirit is peaceful and the heart is pure, and you can relax and relax.

After standing still for a moment, the inner breath in Wu Chen's body had unconsciously started to circulate along with his breathing, following the deduced and completed track in his mind.

As the saying goes: The road of a thousand miles begins with a single step!

It is also said: Ten thousand zhang tall buildings rise from the ground! !

It can be seen from this that whether it is practicing martial arts or doing other things, laying a good foundation is a very important thing!

As for Wu Chen, although he has a whole body of martial arts now, all of them have been upgraded by adding points. Although it seems that there is no difference from his own practice, there is still a lack of such a process.

Previously, because I was busy with work, I used the rest of the time to gain experience. Now that I have no work, I have a lot of time. I should pick it up, but I still have to pick it up, otherwise... the future will always be One day, he will suffer a lot because of this!


Compared with his hometown, the environment in Shanghai is really much worse. Wu Chen can clearly feel the faint smell of gasoline in the air between breathing and breathing!


He has already cultivated his internal breath, coupled with his upgraded and strengthened physical fitness, he has almost reached the peak of human beings in the current world, so that he can filter the miscellaneous energy and concentrate on resting.

The mind is fixed, the inner breath is running, and it gradually becomes round, flowing in the blood and meridians of the whole body, washing every inch of flesh and bones. At this moment, Wu Chen only feels cool all over his body, as if he is bathed in the breeze, and all the pores of his body are Breathing the fresh air of the morning, the whole person is ecstatic and extremely comfortable.


In this intoxicating comfort, Wu Chen found to his great surprise that his physical fitness was rapidly growing at a speed visible to the naked eye under the tempering of his inner breath.

"Huh? What kind of young man is this? Why is he standing here motionless?"

After all, it was a public place, even though it was a remote place, after a long time, someone finally noticed Wu Chen's unusual behavior. An old man who was clearly very curious could not help but utter a voice of surprise.

"This is Zama!"

Next to him, another old man who thought he was very knowledgeable, immediately commented: "Look at his posture, he is obediently thumping, he really looks a bit decent!"

The old man who was surprised before said not to be outdone, "Well, although it's not good, but...seeing his motionless appearance, there is a bit of indescribable artistic conception!"

"Should be a trainer."

At this moment, an old man in Tang suit sighed: "These days, there are not many young people who are willing to work hard to practice martial arts, and everything left by our ancestors is almost lost..."


Not to mention a group of old people sighed and sighed, feeling grateful for Chuanwu's decline, after watching for a while, they dispersed one after another. But at this time, Wu Chen stood on the stance, gradually getting better, all his mind and heart were immersed in it, his inner breath circulated, nourished vitality, strengthened his blood and strengthened his bones.


After about half an hour, Wu Chen finally received his power slowly, and when he opened his mouth to breathe out, there was a looming column of air spraying out, which was more than a foot long.

Brighten your body!

Cultivate energy secretly!

This is Wu Chen's current state. If it was winter, he would be able to see it. His exhalation must be a white column of air visible to the naked eye, but it is already early April, so naturally he can't see it.

In today's era, if ordinary people want to practice martial arts to this level, even if they are very talented, they will have enough medical assistance in the follow-up, but if they don't have more than ten or twenty years, it may be difficult to succeed if they persist in hard training!

On the other hand, Wu Chen has been practicing martial arts for less than a month, and he can achieve such results, all thanks to the Golden Finger to upgrade. Everything is scum!"

While sighing, he has already started to move his hands and feet to soothe his body.

You must know that stance is the foundation of all martial arts. Although it looks like standing still, it is actually loose on the outside and tight on the inside. The whole person is always in a state of high concentration!

In this process, the warrior must control the muscles all over his body, shake them constantly, and move his inner breath, whether fast or slow, to move around the whole body, to reach all the limbs...

If you really want to calculate it, the amount of exercise is much more than fitness programs such as running and swimming!

If this is not the case, how can martial arts practitioners exercise their bodies and strengthen their muscles and bones just by standing on the ground?

At this time, Wu Chen moved his hands and feet to relieve this fatigue, and at the same time, to make his body adapt as much as possible and grasp the newly increased strength.


Wu Chen also knew in his heart that if he wanted to improve his martial arts in a short period of time and strengthen his own strength, it would definitely not work just by studying hard and practicing hard.

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