【Supernatural power: Delusion Breaking (0/11)】

Accompanied by the circulation of the mysterious force, the golden streamer reappeared in the eyes, and the corresponding information appeared in his mind in a blink of an eye, which made Wu Chen begin to quickly master the delusion-breaking supernatural power at an unimaginable speed.

After a while, the upgrade is complete!

Wu Chen withdrew from the special state, and the moment he opened his eyes, he saw two solid golden lights flashing past, which were the signs of the activation of the delusion-breaking supernatural power.

Immediately, he turned his head and looked at the pagoda tree beside him, which was as thick as an arm's length. Wherever he looked, he actually penetrated the bark of the tree and saw a full ten centimeters inward!


This astonishing scene really surprised Wu Chen, no one else, just because when he first awakened at the tenth level of the delusion-shattering supernatural power, the perspective function can only see at most one centimeter when encountering obstacles. Such a large increase was beyond his expectation.


For such an accident, Wu Chen wished for more, but unfortunately, there were only the last four points of merit left on his merit column, even if he wanted to continue to upgrade, it was impossible.

Dispelling his supernatural powers, he looked up at the starry sky, only to see a dark cloud covering the originally bright moonlight. Wu Chen's excitement just now was poured with cold water in the blink of an eye.

For some reason, the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.


Thinking back and forth, he still had no clue, and his mood gradually became a little irritable. Wu Chen stopped shopping, and simply returned to the shared apartment, and fell asleep.

A night without dreams!

In the early morning of the next day, Wu Chen, who hadn't slept much, got up early as usual. After washing up, he went out to practice martial arts. This practice lasted for a full three hours.

Back home, he changed into clean clothes, and put the clothes he took off into the public washing machine. Taking advantage of the washing time, he chatted with Mu Sheng for a while, and the process was quite pleasant.


What made Wu Chen feel a little disappointed was that Mu Sheng said that she had finished her work in Shanghai. Not only had the short video been filmed, but she had also made a breakthrough in martial arts and swordsmanship, so she planned to return to Binhai.

Wu Chen asked her when she was leaving, and she said that the ticket had already been bought, and it was the high-speed train the morning after tomorrow, Wu Chen was silent for a while, after all, he didn't say anything to keep her, and he didn't tell Mu Sheng, Before long, he will also leave Modu and return to his hometown.

When people get along with each other, especially between men and women, many times, many things are really about fate. Therefore, Wu Chen also wants to try to see if there is really a relationship between himself and Mu Sheng. fate.

After finishing the chat and drying the clothes, Wu Chen was about to go out for dinner, but he never thought that at this moment, a phone call came in, and the caller was none other than Qi Siyuan!

"Yo, isn't this Vice President Qi, why did you remember to call me?"

The moment he got on the phone, Wu Chen was a wave of output, because he knew very well that to deal with a bully like Qi Siyuan, he had to be a bit stronger in order to gain the upper hand.


Although he was very reluctant, Qi Siyuan on the other end of the phone had to admit that he was indeed being manipulated by Wu Chen. Facing the strong Wu Chen, he could only humbly and cautiously replied: "Well, Wu Chen, you I've already done what you told me."


Hearing this, Wu Chen immediately became interested. He said with three points of doubt, three points of surprise, and three points of excitement: "Are you sure? You didn't lie to me?"

"How dare I!"

Qi Siyuan smiled wryly and said, "To be honest, it took me a long time to find him. Look, do I have to come over? Or should I handle it for you myself?"

"Where are you, I'll go there right away!"

Without the slightest hesitation, Wu Chen made his choice in an instant, without him, because he just wanted to see, that night, who was the one who beat him with a sap while he was drunk that night!

When Qi Siyuan heard the words, he didn't dare to delay, and quickly reported an address to Wu Chen.

Wu Chen didn't delay, he didn't even care about his meal, he hailed a taxi directly, and went straight to his destination according to the location sent by Qi Siyuan.

Perhaps it was because there were fewer people going to work and fewer cars on the road on weekends, so the road was smooth, and it took only a little over an hour to arrive at a small building with a yard on the outskirts of the city.

This is a small two-story building with two floors and three floors. It has some simple western elements. It looks like an old house. There is a courtyard in front of the building, and the courtyard wall can be two meters high. A large iron gate, privacy is quite good.

"I have arrived."

A message was sent, and soon, someone opened the iron gate, and Qi Siyuan came out to welcome him. Seeing Wu Chen, he quickly smiled and said, "Wu Chen, you are here."

Wu Chen glanced at the young man who opened the big iron door, and then replied in response: "It's okay if you don't come, after all, there are some things that always need to be resolved, don't you think so?"

"Yes Yes."

Qi Siyuan quickly responded: "Please come in quickly. I will tell you the details when I get inside."


As the saying goes: People with high skills are bold!

With Wu Chen's current strength, he naturally wasn't worried that Qi Siyuan would play tricks on him, so he answered very simply and his movements were clean and neat. Without saying a word, he followed Qi Siyuan into the yard directly.

Passing through the courtyard and entering the main hall of the small building, Qi Siyuan entertained Wu Chen to sit down on the sofa, and he was very hospitable and did it himself, serving Wu Chen tea and water, showing a very cordial manner.


It's a pity that Wu Chen had already made up his mind about what kind of person Qi Siyuan was, so at this moment, facing Qi Siyuan's deliberate ingratiation, he felt even more disgusted in his heart.


Before Qi Siyuan in front of him poured out his tea, Wu Chen said impatiently, "Okay, don't mess with everything, I'm only here for one thing... ...where are people?!"

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