City: Practice? No, I Rely On Adding Points To Upgrade!

Episode 66: The Ancient Sword Is Sharp!

Strolling on Chenghuang Old Street, Wu Chen couldn't help feeling a lot of emotions when he watched the people coming and going!

Even as a layman, he clearly knows that the unspoken rule of the collection business is that there are both real and fake products, and whether you can buy genuine products depends entirely on the discerning eyes of the buyer!

If your eyesight is good enough and your luck is good, then it is not impossible to find old things by digging through the sand for gold, but it is even more common to accidentally buy new or fake ones!


It is all in the mind of the collector whether to find the treasure by picking up the leak, or dig out the pocket, all in the mind of the collector. Collection is all about eyesight and luck, and what is playing is a heartbeat!


Wu Chen felt that he should not be in this ranks, because this time, he didn't come here for "Taobao" and "Scavenging".

"Taobao" and "Jianlei" are professional terms in the collection industry!

What is the most difficult to find? Some people say gold rush! But in fact, panning for antiques is more difficult than panning for gold, because panning for gold is dead, sand is always sand, and will not change into gold. But antiques are alive, and fakes are often confused with authentic ones. When you wash out the yellow sand, you will see gold, and when you wash out the fakes, you will see the real thing. The word "洗" means everything!

As for picking up leaks, among the thousands of low-priced counterfeit goods, one or two fish occasionally slip through the net. You said "Congratulations"!

In the world of collecting, such a thing is called "picking up leaks", and...if you are lucky enough, a big leak may be enough to make you a millionaire, multi-millionaire, or even Billionaire!


This kind of thing is very difficult to happen. The vast majority of people may never have access to real antiques in their entire lives. Uh... the ones displayed in museums are not counted.

All in all, it is very difficult to pick up leaks, but it is common to be tricked by punching holes!


Wu Chen doesn't know how to appreciate antiques, nor does he have relevant professional skills, but he knows that when he looks at the past, there are thousands of so-called antiques within his line of sight. It's fake at a glance, even a layman like him can tell it at a glance!

What's more, at the intersection in front, there were actually people peddling the pictures of going to the river during the Qingming Festival. This scene caught Wu Chen's eyes, and he couldn't help shaking his head, because this was not only an insult to his IQ, but also a Insulting.

"Excuse me, please let me go!"

Turning around the intersection, Wu Chen didn't take a few steps, when a voice suddenly came from behind him, Wu Chen turned sideways quickly, and saw a man in his forties, with very common clothes and appearance , carrying a large wooden box nearly two meters, walked past him.


When this person walked past Wu Chen, Wu Chen glanced lightly at the contents of the wooden box.


With his extraordinary eyesight, he could clearly see that the wooden box was actually full of ancient swords, some of which had exquisite scabbards, and some had no scabbards, but the blades were still quite shiny. , As for the rest, they are all stained with rust, and the specific appearance can't even be seen clearly.


These ancient swords come in a variety of styles, some made in the Qin Dynasty, some made in the Han Dynasty, long swords and short swords. In such a big box, there are at least twenty or thirty pieces of long and short pieces!

Wu Chen is no stranger to ancient swords. Not long ago, Fang Shuo recommended Longquanzhai, which specializes in customizing ancient swords, to him. He has already contacted the owner of Longquanzhai. ancient sword.

in addition!

As he walked along, there were many ancient swords in the shops on both sides, and even on the street stalls along the street. Of course, they were just called ancient swords, but they were all fakes. The only real one was placed in a large shop. In the old antique shop, the price is clearly marked as high as millions, and it is the treasure of others!

Wu Chen was actually quite envious. As a martial arts practitioner, and also a martial arts practitioner who was proficient in swordsmanship, why didn't he want a good sword, but the price of millions of dollars directly persuaded him to leave.

But he never thought that he would see so many ancient swords by accident just after he turned the corner of the street. Moreover, what surprised him the most was that these ancient swords looked like old ones to him at first glance. It's unbelievable.


Wu Chen is not good at appraising treasures, and he has no corresponding professional knowledge, but his "god" has reached the peak of human beings, and his six senses are keen, which is far from what Common people can compare. He instinctively felt that these ancient swords looked like Really ancient!


After hesitating for 0.001 seconds, he made a very decisive decision. With a thought, a golden glow flashed, and the magical power of "breaking illusion" had already been activated!


The condensed gaze fell on those ancient swords. Suddenly, several streams of sharpness came out and met his eyes, one of which was so strong that it made Wu Chen feel his eyes stinging.


Subconsciously retracting his gaze, Wu Chen yelled, and the middle-aged man who just walked past him couldn't help turning around with some surprise, but he didn't seem to pay Wu Chen's intentions, just looked at Wu Chen lightly. After glancing at Wu Chen, he continued to walk forward with the suitcase on his shoulders.

"Sir, please wait!"

Seeing this, Wu Chen hurriedly followed, and the middle-aged man finally stopped. He looked at Wu Chen with a puzzled face, and said impatiently, "What's the matter with you?"

"Where do you get these things from?"

Wu Chen pointed to the ancient sword in the box. Taking this opportunity, he took a closer look. The more he looked, the more he was surprised. He just glanced at it just now, but now he can see everything clearly. These swords are all expressions. It's not a bad ancient sword, but unfortunately, he didn't find out which sword it was, and the sharp light from it could sting his eyes.

"Why do you ask this? You don't buy it!"

The middle-aged man shook his head, and he had no intention of answering Wu Chen's question at all. While speaking, he carried the box and wanted to move forward again. Wu Chen hurriedly followed him again.

While chasing, he shouted: "Wait a minute, I didn't say I wouldn't buy it. In fact, I like to collect ancient swords. If there are good ones, it would be nice to pick a few!"


The middle-aged man replied angrily: "To tell you the truth, these have already been ordered, and I'm going to send them to someone now!" After finishing speaking, he walked straight past Wu Chen and walked towards Wu Chen. Across the road not far away, there is an antique shop called "Jubaoxuan".

Hearing this, Wu Chen couldn't help but be taken aback, but soon, he came to his senses and hurriedly chased after him. Seeing the middle-aged man enter the Jubao Pavilion, he quickly followed into it without the slightest hesitation. .........

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