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Outside Lingjiawan, at the foot of the back mountain.

At the end of the concrete road, a group of people had been waiting for a long time, and among them, the most eye-catching ones were the four coffin bearers with a white towel tied on their left arms. Long small wooden coffin!

The hearse is coming!

Team two points!

With the support of Wu Chen and Zhou Lei, the filial son Ling Bei walked towards the wooden coffin, holding Uncle Hua's remains in his hands, while Ling Lei and other female relatives turned their heads and returned home.

Because the distance was not far away, everyone arrived in front of the wooden coffin very soon. Immediately afterwards, Ling Bei put Uncle Hua's remains into the coffin with his own hands, and then the lead coffin bearer "golden coffin nailed it.

Unlike other things, the nail on the coffin must be an odd number, or three, or five, not even!


The nails cannot be put on to die, and a piece must be set aside. When it is time to bury, the remaining piece must be smashed by the filial son himself, and it is also for the last journey of the deceased.....

"Lift the coffin!"

Accompanied by a shout, the four coffin bearers worked together to lift the wooden coffin, and marched along the mountain road towards the cemetery in the mountains and forests. Wu Chen, Ling Bei and others followed, and within a short while, they arrived at the destination.

The smell of blood in the air has almost dissipated, only a little blood remains, 31B, but it is not obvious... This is the place where Guo Sui murdered the old fox last night.

Zhou Lei was a little worried. When he got to the ground, he took a special look at the southeast corner of the grave. Seeing that there was nothing unusual, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief and regained his composure.

"The time is just right, we can start."

Following the uncle's order, Wu Chen and Zhou Lei took out the coins that had been prepared and sprinkled them on the bottom of the grave, while Ling Bei took the hammer from a coffin bearer.

"Dad, go all the way!"

With a shout, he raised his hand and dropped the hammer, and with a muffled "bang", the nail sank, and everyone couldn't help being stunned, one by one, all silently watching this scene.

"Dad, have a good day..."

Ling Bei shouted, dropped the hammer, and three coffin nails were nailed tightly by him one after another. It was obviously not a big project, but when he finished all these, his whole body collapsed.


Seeing this, the uncle yelled again, and the four coffin bearers immediately moved in response, lifted the wooden coffin, and put it into the grave.


There is nothing to say about this step. It was also done by four coffin bearers. They filled the hole with the soil dug out earlier. As a filial son, Ling Bei had to straighten the flag and place it in the grave. right in the middle!


The wind in the mountain was strong, and the black flags were blowing loudly. Pieces of soil were continuously filled into the grave on the shovels of the four coffin bearers. After a short time, the coffin was buried, forming a grave.

The new tomb should not be too high, and should not exceed the old mound next to it, which is also a local custom.

After a short rest, Ling Bei inserted two mourning sticks side by side on the grave, one pure white, representing his son Ling Bei, and one with a little red at the top representing his daughter Ling Lei.

At this point, the burial has been completed, and then there is the first sacrifice, burning paper in front of the grave, setting off firecrackers, and lighting fireworks. It seems to be very lively, but there is an indescribable sense of sadness.

"Uncle Hua..."

Rubbing the bamboo flute pinned to his waist, Wu Chen felt boundless emotion in his heart for a moment: Is this the end of life? From now on, Uncle Hua will lie here quietly, separated from yin and yang, never to see each other again.

Untie the twine!

Take off the Xiaobu!

Everyone began to return, Wu Chen deliberately slowed down, and walked at the end. After everyone left, he stopped, took out the bamboo flute, and played a song "Everyone who hears it is a plaque.


After the end of the song, (cifh) chuckled, and Wu Chen couldn't help letting out a soft sigh: "Did you hear that? Uncle Hua, I played this on the flute you gave me, although it has been many years I haven't touched the flute again, but I still remember how to play it, what you taught me, I will remember it for the rest of my life, and I will never forget it......"

"Goodbye, Uncle Hua!"

Saying goodbye for the last time, Wu Chen put away the bamboo flute and strode down the mountain. At this moment, he completely let go of his footsteps and stepped out with one step. It was a distance of two or three meters. After just a few minutes, he caught up with Ling Bei, Zhou Lei and others.

When everyone returned home, the hall had changed drastically!

The nave and murals that were dismantled for the construction of the mourning hall were hung up again, and all the hanging ones were brand new, and the desks that had been removed were also moved back. Uncle Hua's portrait was enshrined on the west side of the desk.

According to the local rules, the portrait of the deceased must be kept in the hall for five weeks. This process is called "May 7". After the expiration of the "May 7", the portrait of the deceased can be transferred to the side room It is also possible to enshrine it, or simply put it away.

My aunt still prepared hot water and clean towels early, and let Wu Chen and the others wash their faces and hands, followed by the last meal of the funeral banquet.

For this meal, in addition to entertaining the relatives and friends who came to attend the funeral and help, the four coffin bearers were also invited. .

After the funeral banquet, the four coffin bearers left first, but relatives and friends stayed behind. After twelve o'clock, they went up the mountain together again. This time, they brought their aunt

Mother, Ling Lei, and Wang Xuemei's family members also followed to Uncle Hua's grave.

Led by Ling Bei, Wu Chen, Zhou Lei and others worked together to fill the grave, and then worshiped again. Unlike the burial in the morning, this time the worship was performed by the female relatives headed by the aunt

At the same time, Ling Bei waved his filial cloth and tried his best to knock down the banner cloth on the Yin Banner. Along with the broken pieces of paper, they flew in the air one after another, flying farther and farther, as if to show that Uncle Hua's soul It has also gone further and further.

Life comes to an end!

See you no more!

Amidst the whimpering mountain wind, everyone returned from the mountain, and immediately said goodbye and left. Wu Chen and his mother Yun Fang were no exception. After all, funerals are different. Aunt, Ling Bei, Ling Lei and others did not say anything to stay, but just sent them all the way to Wankou , watching Wu Chen drive away, carrying his mother Yun Fang, away in the dust...

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